In your game, you can have multiple different areas, each with their own resources, grinds and crafts. To add a new area, you have to use the addArea
addArea("c", // Function for adding a new area. The "c" is the area ID. This should be unique for all the areas in your game!
name: "City State", // The name of the area.
image: "images/areas/cityState.png", // The background image of the area.
unlocked: true, // If true, the area will be unlocked when you start the game. The first area should always be unlocked!
updateWhileUnactive: true, // If true, grinds in this area will still give you resources when you travel to another area.
grinds: [ // List of all the different grinds in this area.
crafts: [ // List of all the different crafts/recipes in this area.
update(diff) { // Function that will be run every frame. Useful for more advanced games.
Individual areas can have these properties:
- name: The name of the area.
- image: A link/path to the background image of the area. Usually "images/areas/imageName.png".
- Images should generally be either be 250x45 pixels or 500x90 pixels in size (Though you can also use other sizes with the same ratio if you want).
- unlocked: Either true or false. Should not be placed inside "". If true, the area will be unlocked when you start the game. The first area should always be unlocked!
- updateWhileUnactive: true or false. Should not be placed inside "". If true, grinds in this area will still give you resources when you travel to another area.
- grinds: A list of all the different grinds in this area. For more information, go to the grinds docs.
- crafts: A list of all the different crafts in this area. For more information, go to the crafts docs.
- update(diff): optional. A function that will be run every frame. Useful for advanced games with changing variables.