The Javascript library uses a native library (ReactLocalization) to get the current interface language, then it loads and displays the strings matching the current interface locale or the default language (the first one if a match is not found) if a specific localization can't be found.
- [i18next] (
- [react-i18next] (
import i18n from 'localisation';
To use
Go languages folder inside packages/localisation/lib
You can add new file languagename.json
in this format and can write your corresponding string there.
Edit localisation.ts
file in src folder inside packages/localisation/lib
import languagename from "../lib/languagename.json";
resources: {
en: {
translations: english,
hi: {
translations: hindi,
## write in below format for new langage
// lan_type :{
translation: language_name