- Google Women Techmaker - An academic scholarship, awarded based on academic performance, leadership, and impact on the community of women in tech. Applications period starts from March.
- Microsoft Codess: Codess is a community for female coders initiated by Microsoft. This organises a simple online coding test in early March. Registrations begin around February.
- Google Women Techmaker - An academic scholarship, awarded based on academic performance, leadership, and impact on the community of women in tech. Applications period starts from March
- Twitter DevelopHer- A two day program for second-year and third-year women pursuing computer science where you get to participate in workshops, activities, and meet amazing women with similar passions. Applications start from July
- Adobe Women In Tech - The scholarship will fund toward tuition fees for the remainder of the award recipient’s university education and provide opportunity for Summer Internship at Adobe India in 2021*.Application period begins in August.
- Twitter DevelopHer- A two day program for second-year and third-year women pursuing computer science where you get to participate in workshops, activities, and meet amazing women with similar passions. Applications start from July
- GirlScript Summer of Code : GirlScript Summer of Code is the 3 month long Open Source program during summers conducted by GirlScript Foundation, started in 2018, with an aim to help beginners get started with Open Source Development while encouraging diversity. Registration for students and mentors begin in January.
- Rails Girls Summer of Code: Rails Girls Summer of Code is a global fellowship program for women and non-binary coders. Students receive a three-month scholarship to work on existing Open Source projects and expand their skill set. Registration for students and mentors are expected to begin in January.
- Google CodeJam IO : Code Jam to I/O for Women is one way we bring women (students and professionals) from around the globe together, working to solve tough algorithmic challenges in a 2.5 hour, single-round coding competition. The top 150 on the scoreboard will receive a ticket and reimbursement to offset travel expenses to Google I/O. Competition is expected to be organised in February.
- She Codes by Indeed: She Codes is a national level coding program hosted by job search website Indeed and it focuses to bring spotlight on talented Indian Coders. It is a free contest open to all women students and professionals in India, the contest aims to bring out the best in programming talent in India. Registration begin in August.
- Outreachy : Outreachy internships are 3 months long. Interns are paid an internship stipend of $5,500 USD. Interns have a $500 USD travel stipend to attend conferences or events. It is organized twice a year. Sign up for mailing list here or an announcement when the next internship round opens.
- Grace Hopper Scholarship: Grace Hopper Celebration (GHC) is the world’s largest gathering of women technologists. Learn, network, and be inspired as we work together to achieve intersectional gender and pay parity in tech. You can add your resume here in the GHC and GHCI database, even if not attending conference.
- GSoC Systers
- SheIntuit by Intuit - Aug
- Goldman Sachs Women Mentorship Program
- Women Who Code Mentorship - Dec