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GrevillotL edited this page Nov 14, 2018 · 97 revisions

Scope and objectives of the Project:

The OpenGATE collaboration is willing to help clinical users setting-up GATE into the clinics. We are currently about 6 different ion therapy centers using, or about to use, GATE for clinical purposes. For more information, have a look at the new home page of the GateRTion project at the OpenGATE collaboration web site.

The GATE-RTion project has 3 objectives:

  1. Providing a stable and long term GATE release, called GATE-RTion, having all necessary features for dosimetric applications in Light Ion Beam Therapy facilities equipped with the Pencil Beam Scanning delivery technique.
  2. Providing a collection of tools necessary for the clinical users to interface GATE with the clinical environment
  3. Developing guidelines for clinical users on how to implement GATE into the clinical routine using the provided tools

Release plan and future developments:

GATE-RTion release1.0 available! GATE-RTion1.0!

Configuration: GEANT4-10.3, ROOTv6.08.06, Physics-builder: QBBC_EMZ or QGSP_BIC_EMZ

Release plan

  • GATE-RTion V 1.0: all necessary features for dosimetric applications in Light Ion Beam Therapy facilities equipped with the Pencil Beam Scanning delivery technique for Protons + a set of Tools for the user
  • GATE-RTion V2.0: Extension of V1.0 to carbon ion delivery

List of involved clinical facilities and partners

LIBT facility City Country Representatives
MedAustron Wiener Neustadt Austria Loïc Grevillot
Medical University of Vienna Vienna Austria Hermann Fuchs
ACMIT Wienner Neustadt Austria David Boersma
The Christie Fundation Trust Manchster UK Adam Aitkenhead
UCL / UCLH London UK Andrew Gosling
CPO Orsay France Ludovic De Marzi
CAL Nice France Marie Vidal
Skandion Uppsala Sweden Erik Almhagen
CREATIS lab Lyon France David Sarrut

List of validation tests available

Test Name Type of test Description Status priority Who? Deadline
TPSPencilBeam source Functional testing (acceptance) Verifying that the spot positions at isocenter and number of particles delivered are as planned; and that the beam optics and energy properties are as set in the source file. Available 1 Loïc Grevillot Oct. 2017
DoseActor Functional testing (acceptance) Verifying that the energy/dose/dose-to-water are scored correctly for non-voxelized and voxelized geometries. Available 1 Marta Bolsa Oct. 2017

List of available Tools

The Open Resources for GATE Monte Carlo simulations (Open-ReGate) platform will be used to share and document all necessary Tools, including guidelines.

Future developments

New functionalities provided by the members of the OpenGATE collaboration will be available in the standard GATE release, however they will only be part of a new GATE-RTion release if clinical user interest is raised and common effort agreed with the uses to validate the features. The developments listed below have been identified of potentially interest for the clinical users in future:

  • RBE modeling and implementation of the MKM model (Lydia Maigne)
  • 4D simulations including 4D CT and 4D treatment delivery (David Boersma)
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