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File metadata and controls

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Command Line Tool

The Poietic Flows includes a command-line tool to create, edit and run Stock and Flow models.


poietic <subcommand> [options]

To get help use --help either to the top-level tool or to any sub-command:

poietic --help
poietic edit --help
poietic edit add --help

Command summary:

Command Overview
new Create an empty design
info Get information about the design
list List design content objects
show Describe an object
edit Edit an object or a selection of objects (see subcommands below)
import Import a frame into the design
run Run the simulation and generate output
write-dot Write a Graphviz DOT file
metamodel Describe the metamodel (various output formats)
create-library Create a library of multiple models (experimental)

Edit sub-commands:

Command Overview
set Set an attribute value
undo Undo last change
redo Redo undone change
add Create a new node
connect Create a new connection (edge) between two nodes
remove Remove an object – a node or a connection
auto-parameters Automatically connect parameter nodes: connect required, disconnect unused
layout Lay out objects
align Align objects on canvas


Before describing the commands in detail, here are some commonalities of all the commands.

Specifying Design File

Most of the commands operate on a design file. Due to iterative usage of the tool, the design file is not specified on each invocation explicitly. The default design file name is design.poietic. To use another name either specify an environment variable POIETIC_DESIGN or use the -d option. The following three invocations are equivalent:

# Explicit
poietic new -d MyDesigns/my.poietic
poietic new --design MyDesigns/my.poietic

# Environment variable
export POIETIC_DESIGN=MyDesigns/my.poietic
poietic new

Object References

Multiple commands operating on objects expect an object reference. For example the show command or any of the edit sub-commands. Object reference can be given directly either as object ID or as object name.

When an object ID is provided, it must exist in the current frame.

When an object name is provided and multiple objects carry the same name, then one of the objects is selected arbitrarily. It is advised to reference objects by their names only when it is assured that only one object with given name exists.

Metamodel and Object Types

To get the list of object types that the tool supports and to get more information about the metamodel, run poietic metamodel. See the Metamodel Command documentation for more information.

New Command

Create a new, empty database. Usage:

poietic new [--import <import> ...] [<location>]


  • -i, --import <import>: Poietic frame to import into the first frame. See import command for more information.


  • location (optional): Location of the design file to be created. Default is design.poietic in the current directory.

During the creation of a new frame the user has an option to import one or multiple frames that will be combined into the first frame of the design.


% poietic new --import ../PoieticExamples/ThinkingInSystems/Capital.poieticframe
Importing from: ../PoieticExamples/ThinkingInSystems/Capital.poieticframe
Read 3 objects from collection 'design'
Read 19 objects from collection 'objects'
Read 6 objects from collection 'report'
Design created.

See also: auto-parameters subcommand of edit.

Info Command

Get information about the design.


poietic info [--design <design>]


% poietic info
   Available solvers: euler, rk4
  Built-in functions: abs, floor, ceiling, round, power, sum, min, max

     Design database: design.poietic

    Current frame ID: 1
  Frame object count: 40
Total snapshot count: 40

               Nodes: 15
               Edges: 22

      History frames: 1
     Undoable frames: 0
     Redoable frames: 0

List Command

List design content objects.


poietic list [--design <design>] [<list-type>]

The list type can be:

  • all: List all objects in the design in groups: unstructured objects, nodes and edges. Each entry contains object ID, object type name and object name
  • names: list only names of objects
  • formulas: List arithmetic formulas in the form: name = formula, for example growth_goal = capital * 0.1
  • charts: List charts in the form: chart: series

Show Command

Describe a design object.


poietic show [--design <design>] [--output-format <output-format>] <reference>


  • -f, --output-format <output-format>: Format in which the object is described. Can be text for mostly human-readable description and json for machine processable description.

The text output is grouped by traits of object's type.


% poietic show depreciation
                Type: Flow
           Object ID: 26
         Snapshot ID: 27
           Structure: node

                name: depreciation

             formula: capital / capital_lifetime

            priority: 0

            position: [0, 0]
             z_index: 0
% poietic show -f json depreciation
{"type":"Flow","snapshot_id":27,"id":26,"structure":"node","attributes":{"formula":"capital \/ capital_lifetime","position":[0,0],"name":"depreciation","priority":0,"z_index":0}}

Import Command

Import a frame into the design.


poietic import [--design <design>] <file-name>

Imports a poietic frame file or a bundle into the design. See documentation of the frame file or a bundle for more information.


  • If the imported frame requires explicit object IDs, then the design the frame is being imported to must not contain objects with given IDs.
  • The imported frame must contain only types the design supports.
  • Structural type of the imported objects (node, edge, unstructured) is determined by the target design object types.

Current shortcomings, which might be resolved in the future:

  • Imported frame has no way to specify edges between its objects and the target design objects.
  • User has no way to ignore imported IDs, this this should be an option.

See also: auto-parameters subcommand of edit.

Run Command

Run the simulation and generate output.


poietic run [--design <design>] \
            [--steps <steps>] \
            [--time-delta <time-delta>] \
            [--solver <solver>] \
            [--output-format <output-format>] \
            [--variable <variable> ...] \
            [--constant <constant> ...] \
            [--output <output>]


  • -s, --steps <steps>: Number of steps to run
  • -t, --time-delta: Time delta to use. Default: 1.0 (unit-less)
  • --solver <solver>: Type of the solver to be used for computation.
  • -f, --output-format <output-format>: Output format, see below.
  • -V, --variable <variable>: Values to observe in the output; can be object IDs or object names. If not specified, all simulation variables are used.
  • -c, --constant <constant>: Set (override) a value of a constant node in a form 'attribute=value'.
  • -o, --output <output>: Output path. Default or '-' is standard output.

Output formats:

  • csv: Create a CSV file where columns represent either builtin-variables (such as time) or value of one simulation object (stock, flow, auxiliary. Column names are object or variable names. Row is a simulation step.
  • gnuplot: Create an output for chart objects, one gnuplot file per chart, to be processed later by gnuplot.

Simulation Defaults

The run command is trying to get simulation defaults contained within the design. The defaults are stored in a singleton object of type Simulation. Run the metamodel command for more information about the list of options that can be set for the simulation defaults:

poietic metamodel Simulation

Gnuplot Output

To process the generated gnuplot files run: gnuplot *.gnuplot.

Editing Commands

There are multiple commands for model editing:

  • set: Set an attribute value
  • undo: Undo last change
  • redo: Redo undone change
  • add: Create a new node
  • connect: Create a new connection (edge) between two nodes
  • remove: Remove an object – a node or a connection
  • auto-parameters: Automatically connect parameter nodes: connect required, disconnect unused
  • layout: Lay out objects
  • align: Align objects on canvas

All edit commands alter the history which can be reversed. The editing commands are not destructive to the design, simply use undo and redo edit commands to revert undesired changes.

Set Attribute Command

Set an attribute value.


poietic edit set [--design <design>] <reference> <attribute-name> <value>


  • reference: ID or a name of an object to be modified. See the section about object references for more information.
  • attribute-name: Name of the attribute to be set.
  • value: Attribute value to be set.

The type of the attribute is determined by the object type. The following rules apply:

  • If the type is an array, then the value string is a JSON representation of the array, for example: "[10, 20, 30, 40]"
  • If the type is a point, then the value is a JSON array of two elements, for example: "[100, 0]" for a point at x=100 and y=0.

Undo Command

Undo last change.

The previous frame in the history will become the current frame. All frames that are undone are preserved until a next change. On a change, the frames held in the undo-buffer are removed.

Redo Command

Redo last undone change.

The next frame in the history after the current frame will become current.

The previous frame in the history will become the current frame. All frames that are undone are preserved until a next change. On a change, the frames held in the undo-buffer are removed.

Add Object Command

Create a new node or an unstructured object

Usage examples:

poietic add Stock name=account formula=100
poietic add Flow name=expenses formula=50


  • <type-name>: Type of the object to be created.
  • <attribute-assignments>: Attributes to be set in form 'attribute=value'.

To get a list of types that can be created, run:

poietic metamodel

To get more information about the type and its attributes, run:

poietic metamodel TYPE_NAME

For example:

poietic metamodel Stock
poietic metamodel DesignInfo

IMPORTANT: The format of the attribute assignments will likely change in the upcoming releases.

Connect Command

Create a new connection (edge) between two nodes.


poietic edit connect [--design <design>] <type-name> <origin> <target>


  • type-name: Type of the connection to be created
  • origin: Reference to the connection's origin node
  • target: Reference to the connection's target node

See section about Object References for more information.

Note: To set attributes on an edge use the edit set command. Currently it is not possible to set attributes during edge creation.

Remove Command

Remove an object – a node or a connection.


poietic edit remove [--design <design>] <reference>


  • reference: Object to be removed. See Object References for more information.

If the object is a node and there are any edges connected with the node, then all the edges are removed as well.

Auto-Parameters Command

Automatically connect parameter nodes: connect required, disconnect unused.

poietic edit auto-parameters [--design <design>] [--verbose]


  • -v, --verbose: Print IDs of created and removed edges.

The Stock and Flow model requires that all parameters used in formulas must be connected to their corresponding nodes. Moreover, there must be no connected parameters that are not used in the model. If this requirement is not satisfied, the compiler will refuse to compile the model and it will be not possible to simulate it. This is a design principle, not a fussiness of the compiler.

This command connects the required parameter nodes and removes connections from the nodes that are not used in the formulas.

Layout Command

Lay out objects in 2D space.

Note: This is a preview feature. Use with caution.


poietic edit layout [--design <design>] [--layout <layout>] [<references> ...]


  • references: Objects to be laid out. If not specified, then all objects where the object type contains position trait are considered.


  • --layout: Type of the layout to use.

Currently there is only one layout style: circle, which lays out the nodes in a circle in order as specified.

Align Command

Align objects on canvas.

Note: Preliminary functionality, a preview of a possibility. Might not function to full satisfaction.


poietic edit align [--design <design>] <mode> [--spacing <spacing>] <references> ...


  • mode: Alignment mode – see below.
  • references: Objects to be aligned.


  • --spacing <spacing>: Spacing between objects (default: 10.0).

Alignment modes:

  • Alignment: left, center-horizontal, right, top, center-vertical, bottom
  • Offset: offset-horizontal, offset-vertical
  • Spread: spread-horizontal, spread-vertical

Metamodel Command

Show information about the metamodel and object types.


  • -f/--output-format: Output format. Available: text (default), markdown and html.


 poietic metamodel [--design <design>] [--output-format <output-format>] [<object-type>]

If object-type is provided, then the command lists all attributes of the object type and their description. If object-type is not provided, then the command lists all object types and constraints.

Example output of poietic metamodel (trimmed):


DesignInfo (unstructured)
    title (string)
    author (string)
    license (string)
    abstract (string)

Stock (node)
    name (string)
    formula (string)
    allows_negative (bool)

Flow (node)
    name (string)
    formula (string)
    priority (int)
    position (point)
    z_index (int)


Simulation (unstructured)
    steps (int)
    initial_time (double)
    time_delta (double)



flow_fill_is_stock: Flow must drain (from) a stock, no other kind of node.
flow_drain_is_stock: Flow must fill (into) a stock, no other kind of node.
one_parameter_for_graphical_function: Graphical function must not have more than one incoming parameters.

Output of poietic metamodel Stock:

Stock (node)
    name (string)
        - Object name
    formula (string)
        - Arithmetic formula or a constant value represented by the node.
    allows_negative (bool)
        - Flag whether the stock can contain a negative value.
    delayed_inflow (bool)
        - Flag whether the inflow of the stock is delayed by one step, when the stock is part of a cycle.
    position (point)
    z_index (int)


poietic metamodel Flow
poietic metamodel Stock
poietic metamodel DesignInfo
poietic metamodel Simulation

Create a metamodel.html file with full description of currently available metamodel:

poietic metamodel -f html > metamodel.html

Create Library Command

Create a library info referencing multiple models. The command creates a library description from a given list of design files. The library info is used by the Poietic Server (preview).

Note: This is a preview feature. Use with caution.


poietic create-library [--output-file <output-file>] <designs> ...

The command takes a list of design files (important: not a list of frames). The command extracts DesignInfo from the designs. If multiple instances of DesignInfo are present, then one is chosen arbitrarily.

See also: Poietic Server (preview package, unstable).

Write Graphviz Dot File Command

Write a Graphviz DOT file.

Note: This command is not using Graphviz directly, it just generates a file that is processable by the Graphviz toolkit.


poietic write-dot [--design <design>] \
                    [--name <name>] \
                    [--output <output>] \
                    [--label-attribute <label-attribute>] \
                    [--missing-label <missing-label>]


  • -n, --name <name>: Name of the graph in the output file (default: output)
  • -o, --output <output>: Path to a DOT file where the output will be written. (default:
  • -l, --label-attribute <label-attribute>: Node attribute that will be used as node label (default: id).
  • -m, --missing-label <missing-label>: Label used if the node has no label attribute (default: (none))

Practical options:

  • Use -l name to display node name
  • Use -l formula to display arithmetic formula of the node.

If you have Graphviz installed, then to process the generated file (assuming default output), run:

dot -Tpng -odiagram.png

This will create diagram.png file with the design diagram.


The tool is currently part of PoieticFlows, however it serves two distinct purposes. One is model editing and the other is simulation or domain-specific functionality. It should be split into two tools, one part of the PoieticCore and the other part of PoieticFlows, or in the future, other packages with simulation capabilities.

The nice to have commands and functionalities:

  • repair – attempt to repair a broken design or a design of older versions
  • export – export a collection of objects as a frame bundle
  • compare or diff – compare two designs
  • merge merge two or more designs, with rules and conflict resolution
  • edit change-type – change object type
  • edit unset - remove an attribute
  • more input/output in JSON or CSV format