In order to use Passio's MindsEye app first go to MindsEye, type in what you want to recognize, and click "Download Model".
Clone this repo. In a terminal run
git clone https://github.com/Passiolife/Passio-MindsEye-iOS-Distribution.git
thencd Passio-MindsEye-iOS-Distribution/
into the directory using finder. Make sure to replace the existing file. The dialog should like the one below. Click "Replace". -
open MindsEye.xcodeproj/
The project will open in Xcode. First of all navigate to the "Signing & Capabilities" page and verify that your provisioning profile is setup correctly. Sometimes you might have to log in. You should see something like this:
Attach your iPhone and select is as the build target
Run the app on your phone and recognize the items you listed in MindsEye