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92 lines (62 loc) · 3.05 KB

File metadata and controls

92 lines (62 loc) · 3.05 KB

Deprecated APIs

getAttributesForPassioID(passioID: PassioID): Promise<PassioIDAttributes | null>

fetchAttributesForBarcode(barcode: Barcode): Promise<PassioIDAttributes | null>

fetchPassioIDAttributesForPackagedFood(packagedFoodCode: PackagedFoodCode): Promise<PassioIDAttributes | null>

fetchSearchResult(result: FoodSearchResult): Promise<PassioIDAttributes | null>

onDowloadingPassioModelCallBacks: (downloadModelCallBack: DownloadModelCallBack) => Callback

Refactored APIs

getAttributesForPassioID, fetchAttributesForBarcode, fetchPassioIDAttributesForPackagedFood now returns a PassioFoodItem result
getAttributesForPassioID(passioID: PassioID): Promise<PassioFoodItem | null>

fetchAttributesForBarcode(barcode: Barcode): Promise<PassioFoodItem | null>

fetchPassioIDAttributesForPackagedFood(packagedFoodCode: PackagedFoodCode): Promise<PassioFoodItem | null>

onDownloadingPassioModelCallBacks: (downloadModelCallBack: DownloadModelCallBack) => Callback
searchForFood now returns PassioSearchResult and a list of search options. The PassioSearchResult represent a specific food item associated with the search term, while search options provide a list of possible suggested search terms connected to the input term.
searchForFood(searchQuery: string): Promise<PassioSearchResult | null>

fetchSearchResult(result: FoodSearchResult): Promise<PassioFoodItem | null>

Now DetectedCandidate have alternatives and croppedImage

Added below nutrients in PassioNutrients

 /** The amount of added zinc E. */
  zinc?: UnitMass
  /** The amount of added selenium. */
  selenium?: UnitMass
  /** The amount of added folicAcid. */
  folicAcid?: UnitMass
  /** The amount of added vitaminKPhylloquinone. */
  vitaminKPhylloquinone?: UnitMass
  /** The amount of added vitaminKMenaquinone4. */
  vitaminKMenaquinone4?: UnitMass
  /** The amount of added vitaminKDihydrophylloquinone. */
  vitaminKDihydrophylloquinone?: UnitMass
  /** The amount of added chromium. */
  chromium?: UnitMass


fetchSearchResult returns a PassioFoodItem object for a given PassioSearchResult
fetchSearchResult(result: FoodSearchResult): Promise<PassioFoodItem | null>

searchForFood(searchQuery: string): Promise<PassioSearchResult |null >

Added API to fetch suggestions for a certain meal time.

type MealTime = 'breakfast' | 'lunch' | 'dinner' | 'snack'
fetchSuggestions(mealTime: MealTime): Promise<FoodSearchResult[] | null>

fetchFoodItemForSuggestion(result: FoodSearchResult): Promise<PassioFoodItem | null>

To retrieve all macro and micronutrient values using PassioSDK by passing a passioFoodItem, you would typically follow these steps:


   unit: calculatedWeightUnit,
   value: calculatedWeight,
