Adding Enrol,Deduplication buttons to beneficiaries header view
- xml: Used for creating the views and record rules
- Odoo: Used for provides a range of features and functionalities
- python: Used for creating models which creates business logic
- Download g2p_program_approval module and add to addon path and run the odoo server
- Go to Apps Menu and install the module
- Clicking on beneficiaries list link, it takes to elligible beneficiaries list for that particular program
- After selection of beneficiary, beneficiary view will be open,in beneficiary header, Enrol,Deduplication buttons added with functionality
- Enrol button will enable to bring beneficiary of draft status to enrolled status
- Deduplicate button will enable to check duplicate beneficaries and change the status to duplicated state
Enrol,Deduplication buttons added to beneficiaries header view