For anyone interested in what I've been up to this list is ordered alphabetically by name with a short description of each project, a link to the repo page and a link to the live page.
🎨 Art or Graphic
💻 Downloadable File or Program
🎮 Game
🖱️ Website or Webpage
An admin dashboard on a webpage I created while doing The Odin Project coursework using css grid.
A collection of basic scripts for small tasks.
A copy of my BaSH configuration file I use to style my prompt (bash.rc).
🖱️ Calculator
A calculator on a webpage that I completed while doing the Odin Project coursework using ES6 classes.
A clone game project I completed while doing the Odin Project coursework using a CSS Grid.
A game I created to try out Kaboom JS, TypeScript, Nix and esbuild.
🖱️ Library
Library app created on a web page made using a constructor during the Odin Project coursework with books stored locally in a array.
A CSS only clone game challenge I completed from a coding magazine.
A test clone game to see the differences between CSS only and Vanilla JavaScript.
A paint clone I created to test out Tkinter and Pillow.
A pong game clone I created to test the pygame library.
A website I completed while doing the Odin Project Coursework.
A restaurant page I created while doing the Odin Project coursework using webpack.
A clone game project I completed while doing the Odin Project coursework.
A game I created during the Odin Project coursework using css grid for the board and minimax for the AI to make it unbeatable (Easy, Medium and Hard AIs are also included).
Collection of vegan recipes from different locations curated for my personal use.
A webpage I completed while doing the Odin Project coursework
A sign up form design I created on a webpage while doing the Odin Project coursework.
A graphic created by make a word cloud using python in a jupyter notebook for my final project in Crash Course on Python by Google.