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SammyIAm edited this page Feb 20, 2015 · 8 revisions

###There are only enough digital pins for 7 drives, how do I connect 8?
The analog pins on the Arduino Uno can be used as digital pins numbered 14-19. An Arduino Uno can support up to 9 drives.

###Will this run on (RasPi,Android,&c.)? The sort answer is: maybe. The actual interface with the floppy drives needs sub-millisecond timing to get all the pitches correct, so you'll need hardware capable of that connected to the drives. As far as the Java application goes though, that should run fairly well on most Java-capable platforms. Several people have already begun work on various ports, such as:
Insert list of ports as they are found

###How do I control the volume on these things? There's no way to directly control the volume of the floppy drives, but there are some techniques you can use to fake it:

  • Putting a floppy disk in the drive makes it a tiny bit softer.
  • Using multiple drives to double the same part in a song will make it easier to hear it over other parts.
  • Some floppy drives are just louder than others; you can rearrange the MIDI file to assign parts accordingly.

###Why does this MIDI file sound so terrible?
Surprisingly, very few music compositions had floppy drives in mind when they were created. As a result, it's difficult to get an unedited MIDI file to play in Moppy. Utilizing the Constrain Notes, Ignore Channel 10, and Drive-Pooling options is a quick-fix that might get your unedited file playing. Try starting with Round-Robin Drive-Pooling to pool channels 1-16 into however many drives you have available.
To get the most out of your musical floppy drives though, you'll want to head over the MIDI Software page to learn more about creating your own MIDI files.

###What is MoppySim?
MoppySim is intended to be a utility to aid in testing MoppyDesk without needing to have physical floppy drives connected to your computer. It's not a perfect replacement (e.g. doesn't keep track of read-head position), but should be close enough to allow testing to be done to make sure code changes don't break anything. It's less robustly built than MoppyDesk, so you're more likely to encounter errors. To use it, you'll need a virtual serial port app (I'm using com0com) to create two virtual connected ports. Connect MoppySim to one of them, and MoppyDesk to the other.

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