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File metadata and controls

721 lines (584 loc) · 27.8 KB

Table of Contents


This package provides client for SLAV testing framework and more abstract layer for performing building and testing repositories by user.

Festral consists of some small utilities:

  • festral build - utility for building repositories. It takes simple json file with information about what to build, how to build and what branches to build and just do it.
  • festral test - utility for performing tests described by FTCL files on remote Weles server and recieving results of the tests.
  • festral report - generate reports in various formats
  • festral weles - utility for communication with Weles tests server.
  • festral server - simple built-in web server for sharing built files and
  • festral check - syntax checker for test scenarios files (.ftc files). logs.

It additionaly has utility named farmer for accessing devices of Boruta farm.

How to build

Local build

Installation scripts presented below are made on Ubuntu 16.04.

Festral is written in Haskell and for building it from sources your need to have installed haskell-platform and curl developement package for your distribution:

 $ sudo apt install haskell-platform libghc-curl-dev

Now you can build the package. Go to the root directory of the Festral sources (it contains Setup.hs file) and run make for build or make package for make debian package which will be located in deb subdirectory.

If build finished with success, you will find festral executable in the dist/build/ directory.

Docker build

There is also Docker build available: just run

 $ make docker

This command will build festral and farmer binaries and Debian package inside the Docker container from local sources. The output will be placed at bin directory in the source root.

For make code documentation using docker, run

 $ make docker-docs

Documentation will be generated at dist/doc directory.

Source code documentation

Source code of Festral is documented using haddock. For generate documentation just run:

 $ make docs

Documentation will be generated under dist/doc/ directory.



You can get information about it by typing festral --help. Available commands are: build, test, report, weles, server, check.


Whole program is configured by file ~/.festral.conf (configuration file can be specified by --config option passed before command) formatted as below (see example at Examples/config.json):

    "buildLogDir" : "/diretory/for/builds",
    "testLogDir" : "/directory/for/tests",
    "welesIP" : "",
    "welesPort" : 5010,
    "welesFilePort" : 8888,
    "festralIP" : "your machine IP",
    "festralPort" : 8888,
    "serverRoot" : "/root/directory/for/your/fileserver",
    "borutaIP" : "boruta IP",
    "borutaPort" : 6666

Subcommands are described below:

festral build

This command clone and build all targets listed in configuration json file: each target is built for every branch listed for this target.

This command writes names of the builds to the stdout or into the file if -o option is specified.

The festral build utility has simple command format:

 $ festral build (-c <config json>) (-r <repositories location>) [-o <output directory>]

The main part of these arguments is config json which contains description of build targets. It has format described below (see example of this file in Examples/buildconfig.json):

        # Name of the repository, remote repository will be cloned to the
        #directory with this name under <repositories location>
        "buildName" : "test",
        # Command to be used for build this repository
        "buildCmd" : "gbs build -A armv7l",
        # remote address of the repository to build.
        "buildRepo" : "[email protected]/test.git",
        # Name of the parser of the build results. See description below.
        "buildResParser" : "GBS",
        # List of the branches to be built. Every one from these will be built
        #for the target.
        "branches" : ["master", "arm", "devel"]
    { ... Some other build targets ... }

Parser is some script or binary which generates meta.txt file from output of your buildCmd command.

meta.txt file has format:

 BOARD=#name of the board or arch of target
 BUILD_TYPE=#debug or somthing else, I don't know for what it is
 COMMIT=#name of the built commit
 BUILD_TIME=#build time in format YYYYMMDDHHMMSS. This field is mandatory for build meta.
 TOOLCHAIN=#name of toolchain used for build
 BUILDER=#username of builder
 BUILD_STATUS=#result of build (SUCCEED and FAILED are known, but may be
 #there are other ones). This field is mandatory for build parsers.
 BUILD_HASH=#hash of the build
 REPO_NAME=#name of the built repository
 BRANCH=#name of the built branch
 OUT_DIR=#output directory where build put built targets. This field is mandatory for build meta.

 #In the tests directories meta.txt has additional fields:
 TESTER=#login of the tester
 TESTER_NAME=#name of the tester
 TEST_TIME=#time where test was performed. This field is requered for test meta.
 TEST_NAME=#name of the test
 TEST_STATUS=#Status of the executed tests. See below for possible values. This field is mandatory for test meta.
 TEST_DEVICE=#Name of the device which test was performed on.

Parser script MUST gets output of the buildCmd from its stdin after start and writes meta file to the stdout.

repository location is path where directories cloned from buildRepo's of targets projects will be put.

output directory is directory where builds results will be put in format commithash_buildtime

After running this command program will do:

  1. clone all repository listed in config json to the subdirectory of repositories location
  2. checkout for each branch listed in config json for current repository and run specified in config build command
  3. pass standard output of build command to the parser specified in the config for this repository
  4. create meta.txt file from parsed build output
  5. create directory named as commitSha1Hash_Bbuildtime in the output directory and put here meta.txt, raw build log as build.log file
  6. create subdirectory build_res and move here all files from parsed OUT_DIR meta field
  7. add name of build directory to the ~/.festral/fresh_builds file and update ~/.festral/build.cache file by new out files.

Currently possible statuses for TEST_STATUS:

  • BUILD FAILED - test was not started because repository under test has not built successfully.
  • YAML NOT FOUND - YAML file from test config for this repository does not exist
  • NO JOB STARTED - Weles job has not been started because some error occured
  • DEVICE FAILED - Device Under Test (DUT) was failed what means that communication between Mux-Pi and DUT was lost or command executed on DUT exit with fatal error or some other problems appeared on tested board.
  • DOWNLOAD FILES ERROR - failed to download all artifacts by Weles server: it usually means that one of the URI appeared in YAML file is invalid or that there is no free space on the Weles server.
  • WELES ERROR - test job failed with some other error: error message is in log file
  • SEGFAULT - segmentation fault error was appeared during testing process, so pass/all test rating can be not complete
  • CONNECTION LOST - the network connection was lost during testing process
  • COMPLETE - test executed on Dryad with no errors. It doesn't mean that tests passed successfully, for see test results see test output generated by test parser (see festral test).

festral test

festral test is used for runnig tests on Weles from existing builds and put it to the directory defined in ~/.festral.conf configuration file.

It has syntax:

festral test (-r|--run-test TEST_CONFIG_FILE) [-o|--out FILENAME] [BUILD_DIRS...]

where TEST_CONFIG_FILE is JSON configuration file described below, BUILD_DIRS are names of builds returned by festral build passed as arguments. If there is no BUILD_DIRS passed test will be performed for latest builds listed in the ~/.festral/fresh_builds file.

This command returns names of the performed tests to the stdout or into the file specified by -o option.

It is configured by file passed with -r parameter which is in JSON format with fields as follow:

            "repo" : "name of the repository",
            "yaml" : "path to the .ftc or yaml file to use with this repository",
            "name" : "Test name (this is optional field, defoult value is 'undefined')",
            "parser" : "name or path to the binary of the parser of tests output",
            "runTTL" : 3600 - time to live of the test job after start of execution,
            "timeout": 18000 - time to live of test job from it was created even it was waiting only,
            "targets" : ["rpi3", "PC"] - list of targetw to run this test on,
            "testOutFile" : "name of the file on Weles where Festral will search for test logs."
            "repo" : "tests",
            "yaml" : "/home/tests.ftc",
            "parser" : "~/",
            "targets" : ["rpi3"]

Supported built-in test parsers currently are only "Default" - for simple OK by line for every passed test, and other line is treated as failed test; and "XTest" - for xtest made by OPTEE.

You can create own parser scripts for festral-weles. Such script MUST get log with test result as its stdin and put parsed statistics to the stdout.

Parsed data has format:


Test name,test id, testcase name,result of preparing for test,result of test,result of cleaning after test,spent time



Result of test can be TEST_PASS or TEST_FAIL.

Example of such output:


Example of the bash script for parsing XTest is at Examples/

When you run festral test command, it will do actions:

  • read every record in TEST_CONFIG_FILE and go to the properly build directory
  • read FTCL file or YAML template specified in config for this test and make really YAML file from it: find existing packages listed in ~/.festral/build.cache and replace templated names with it, get field webPageIP form ~/.festral.conf file and create uri for downloading packages from this IP using format:


  • send this yaml for the Weles server and wait for test finishes in specified time, if not, cancel this job and run next test

  • if test finished, pass output of test to the specified in config parser.

  • create directory named as buildCommitSha1Hash_testTime in the directory specified in testLogDir field of the ~/.festral.conf file and put here files: build.log - meta file from tested build; meta.txt - extended meta file with additional informations about testing report.txt - parsed test results; tf.log - whole output of the test process

  • put names of new test logs to the ~/.festral/fresh_tests

festral report

There are HTML and formatted by user text reports are available.

Report command expects names of the builds and tests as arguments, but if no arguments are given, it create report for latest performed builds and tests. You can specify output file for the report by -o option.

Text report

For generate simple text report use command:

 $ festral report --text-report f457004fdc7326c8125936b5e600c0d330c89404_20180918161950 f457004fdc7326c8125936b5e600c0d330c89404_20180918161949 f457004fdc7326c8125936b5e600c0d330c89404_20180918161948

where hashes are names of the tests returned by festral test command or builds returned by festral build command.

There is option -f for text report which can set format string for the report. It supports specifiers like below:

Make text report when every line has a format like passed in first argument. Format string has special characters:

Specifier Output Example
%b board armv7l
%t build type debug
%c commit name 60fbeee6f89e2a61417033a854b3d2fdfc9f1a58
%T build time 20181009112502
%C toolchain GBS
%u builder username test.user
%s build status SUCCEED
%h build hash 60fbeee6f89e2a61417033a854b3d2fdfc9f1a58
%o build output directory /GBS-ROOT/local/tizen_arm/armv7l/RPMS
%r name of the repository some-test
%B branch name master
%l tester login tester.login
%L tester name Kowalski
%e test time 20181009112502
%n test name SOME TEST
%S test status COMPLETE
%d test device rpi3
%R pass rating passed/all 55/210
%A aging test results in format deviations/total iterations 4/5148
%% insert % character %

Default format is "%r[%B] Build: %s Test: %R".

Some examples:

$ festral report --text-report
-------------------- Result outputs -----------------------
my_prog[optee] Build: FAILED Test: BUILD FAILED
my_prog[arm] Build: SUCCEED Test: DOWNLOAD FILES ERROR
my_prog[master] Build: SUCCEED Test: DOWNLOAD FILES ERROR
my_prog[optee] Build: FAILED Test: BUILD FAILED
$ festral report --text-report -f "Repo %r built with %s status"
-------------------- Result outputs -----------------------
Repo my_prog built with FAILED status
Repo my_prog built with SUCCEED status
Repo my_prog built with SUCCEED status
Repo my_prog built with FAILED status
$ festral report --text-report -f "commit %c on branch %B"
-------------------- Result outputs -----------------------
commit db8f9abd26c0be5cc171c319d0072c880cb95abe on branch optee
commit 75c2a4d605c16e5d4375e4d672df8e22cb6ded41 on branch arm
commit 3fa921584376c5ca64f282c833597bff5b72c8cc on branch master
commit db8f9abd26c0be5cc171c319d0072c880cb95abe on branch optee

HTML report

You can also generate HTML reports using own template page with your JS and other feathures. For put in your file HTML table with build results insert ##TEMPLATE_BUILD_TABLE id## into your HTML code, and for put test results put ##TEMPLATE_TEST_TABLE id##, where id is HTML element’s id of this table.

Then run command:

 $ festral report --html-report -f template.html f457004fdc7326c8125936b5e600c0d330c89404_20180918161950  f457004fdc7326c8125936b5e600c0d330c89404_20180918161949 f457004fdc7326c8125936b5e600c0d330c89404_20180918161948

It will fill your html template by tables with data. If there is no template passed it will use default simple HTML template.

festral weles

The festral weles is low-level utility for communication with remote Weles server.

You can get help about this program by calling:

 $ festral weles --help

For starting single test use

 $ festral weles -s yaml_file.yml

This command writes id of the new job to the console, which you can pass to the -i option and get information about job. For example:

 $ festral weles -i 112233

will show status of job with id 112233,

 $ festral weles -i 112233 --job-stdout

will print standard output of the test job

 $ festral weles -i 112233 --list-files -f test12348.txt

will print content of the file owned by Weles with name test12348.txt if it is in the artefactorium of this job.

To see list of files use

 $ festral weles -i 112233 --list-files


The farmer is a tool for connecting to devices registered in the Boruta's farm of SLAV stack. This tool is more low-lewel then even festral weles, but it could be helpful when you need to have console for device under test and its MuxPi.

You can get list of all workers (devices) by calling

 $ farmer -w

Now devices are identified by its device_type field of the output JSON, so if you are want to have console e.g. for some rpi3 board, you can get it by command

 $ farmer --console-device rpi3

This command will open ssh session which will be valid not more than 1 hour for one of the free boards of that type. If all devices of this type are busy, this command will not allow to connect existing session without --force option (force connection to the opened session may broke other's work, use it only if you are know you are doing).

This method is bad because you couldn't use this device by UUID during this session.

list all requests and statuses of Boruta:

 $ farmer -a

Open ssh console for MuxPi specified by its UUID (you can find it in list of workers, see farmer -w):

 $ farmer --console-uuid 355e0604-7832-4c21-948c-86c55989118f

Push file ~/file_from from host to the MuxPi as /tmp/test.json with UUID:

 $ farmer push -u 355e0604-7832-4c21-948c-86c55989118f ~/file_from -o /tmp/test.json

Push file ~/file_from from host to the device under test directly (e.g. for Raspberry Pi3 connected to this MuxPi) as /tmp/test.json with UUID:

 $ farmer push -u 355e0604-7832-4c21-948c-86c55989118f ~/file_from -o /tmp/test.json --dut

Boot device up:

 $ farmer boot -u 355e0604-7832-4c21-948c-86c55989118f

Execute command uname -a on device under test:

 $ farmer exec -u 355e0604-7832-4c21-948c-86c55989118f "uname -a" --dut

festral server

This command is used for setting up simple web server which can be used for sharing files with remote Weles server or just show logs and reports in the web browser.

The syntax of this command is simple:

festral server [-p PORT_NUMBER] [--fileserver-only] [SHARED_DIR]

where PORT_NUMBER is just number of port where server will listen to.

If --fileserver-only option is enabled, server will share directoriy at this base address (without main menu of server, like only is enabled under

SHARED_DIR is name of directory to be shared by server. It it is not specified, this directory will be got from configuration file.

Web pages of this server have API as follow:

  • /files - page with listed files in root of the server
  • /files/path/to/filename - show specified by filename file (download it if it's not html or css)
  • /getlog[.php]?type=type&hash=hash&time=time - show log specified by type: it can be build for build log and test for test log.Log also must be specified by hash and time of the build/test.
  • /download[.php]?file=filename&build=build_dir - link for downloading of the file with filename from the build directory specified by build_dir parameter

Test cases description

Tests are described by YAML files used by Weles but extended with templates syntax and Festral Test Case Language (FTCL) which syntax is described below (see examles at Examples/*.ftc).

YAML templates

YAML templates are pre-formatted rows inserted in your raw YAML file which will be replaced by festral with actual for current test values.

You can use templated rows in your yamls according below syntax:

  • temlate fragment starts and finishes with ## symbols.

  • ##TEMPLATE_URL filename## - replace given filename with uri for the file with specified name (or if specified filename is part of the real filename) from the current build only. If no such file made by the current build this link can be invalid.

    Example: ##TEMPLATE_URL tef-libteec## can be replaced by row uri: '' and Weles will can download this package by generated link.

  • ##TEMPLATE_LATEST packagename## - replace given filename with uri to the latest built version of the specified package if it has ever been built by the Festral.

    Example: ##TEMPLATE_LATEST tf## can be replaced with uri: ''. You can push packages from other repositories built by festral build to the Weles using this template.

  • ##TEMPLATE_RPM_INSTALL_CURRENT packagename## - install package specified by name on target using rpm. It is more generic replacement for

- push:
    ##TEMPLATE_URL packagename##
    dest: '/tmp/packagename.rpm'
    alias: 'packagename.rpm'
- run:
    name: "'rpm -i /tmp/packagename.rpm --force 2>&1 >> /tmp/install.log'"
  • ##TEMPLATE_RPM_INSTALL_LATEST packagename## - same as ##TEMPLATE_RPM_INSTALL_CURRENT packagename## but use ##TEMPLATE_LATEST name## instead of ##TEMPLATE_URL name##.
  • ##TEMPLATE_FILE filename## - insert into this place content of the file specified by filename. It allows separate similar parts of the yamls by files for ommiting repeating of code.
  • TEMPLATE_RUN_TEST cmd - run test command and put its output into the test.log file.
  • TEMPLATE_RUN cmd - run command on target device.

Festral Test Case Language

Since Festral 2.0 new language of test case is introduced which is described below (FTCL).

File which is written in Festral test case preprocessor language must have .ftc extension. Otherwise it is interpreted as raw YAML file template.


The abstract syntax tree of the preprocessor language is presented below:

 b    ::= true | false | not(b) | b opb b | w cmp w
 opb  ::= && | ||

 w    ::= %text | "text" | @text | [w.]

 cmp  ::= == | !=

 stmt ::= raw (text) | if (b) stmt else stmt fi | include (w)
          | insert (w) | exec(w) | push(w, w)
          | push_latest(w, w) | pull(w) | test_header() | images(w, w, w,...)
          | partition(w, w) | boot(w, w) | test() | [stmt;]

b is the boolean expressionwhixh can has values true or false or negated boolean expression or binary operation with two boolean expressions or result of comparsion of two words expression.

opb - the binary boolean operation, just AND and OR.

cmp - comparsion of two words expression (equals or not equals) that returns boolean value.

w - word is one of three possible lexemes:

  • %name - insert in this place value of test configuration field with given name (see below)
  • "text" - just string literal
  • @name - insert in this place value of operating system environment variable specified by name

Words can be concatenated by . symbol, e.g.


stmt - statement which can be one of below:

  • raw(text) - insert in this place text given in parenses.
  • if (b) stmt else stmt fi - if boolean expression is evaluated as true insert the first statement, else insert the second statement. End of else case is specified by fi.
  • include(name) - insert in this place preprocessed content of given file if this file is .ftc, otherwise insert just raw content of that file.
  • insert(w) - insert into this place value of evaluated word (test config value, environment variable or string literal)
  • exec(cmd) - execute command given as argument on device under test. (from v.2.5)
  • push(src,dst) - push file from current build with name src to the device under test as dst. (from v.2.5)
  • push_latest(src,dst) - push latest built file from all performed ever builds with name src to the device under test as dst. (from v.2.5)
  • pull(src) - pull file with name src from device under test to the test result files. (from v.2.5)
  • test_header() - insert automatic generated header of the YAML test case file. You can use it if you do not want to configure some details by yourself. (from v.2.6)
  • images(i1, i2, ...) - download images for target device, it can be OS images or some boot-time files targeted to fota. (from v.2.6)
  • partition(id, filename) - flash partition with given id by file with given name. This operation is executed by fota. (from v.2.6)
  • boot(login, password) - boot device using given login and password. (from v.2.6)
  • test() - start testing section. (from v.2.6)

Some of commands above must have special order if it used. The order of commands in test case scenario is shown below:

[images("i1", "i2", "i3", ...);
 partition("1", "f1");
 partition("2", "f2");
[boot("login", "password");]
[push/pull/exec/push_latest/insert/raw/if else fi/include;]

In brackets are shown optional commands. Commands which must be together are shown in same brackets.

Statements are ended and separated by ; (semicolon) symbol. Example of scenario file you can find under Examples/scenario.ftc and Examples/header.ftc files.

There are available test configuration fields, which will be expanded to the real value by preprocessor:

repo, parser, name, target, yaml, testOutFile.

For check syntax of test case file use command

festral check <FILENAME>

In case of errors this commant will print it, otherwise file parsed with dummy test data will be printed.

festral check command allows to specify own values of test configuration by options (see festral check --help or man festral check for details).

How it works

The usage example for automated running tests with cron:

0 21 * * * ./bin/festral build -b /home/bin/festral-build.config.json -r /home/repos/
0 0 * * * ./bin/festral test -r /home/bin/festral-test.config.json
0 2 * * * ./bin/festral --html-report -o /home/www/reports/$(date +\%Y\%m\%d\%H\%M).html -f /home/www/template.html

Steps which are executed:

  1. building repositories listed in buildconfig.json by festral build
  2. running tests for new builds on Weles by festral weles
  3. generate summary HTML report