Assignment 2 Technical Document
CISC 352: Artificial Intelligence
Sean Nesdoly & Mary Hoekstra February 13th, 2017
When the program is run, the input formula is read in from a text file, stripped of any whitespace, and passed to processInput. This function groups the input expression according to precedence, so it is easier to convert to CNF.
First, findOperators is called on the input formula to create a list of all operators used in the particular expression. If this list only contains one operator, and that operator is ‘^’, then there is no need for the expression to be grouped. For example, the expression ‘A^B^C’ is already in CNF and does not need to be grouped by precedence. It can simply be written in clause form as ‘{A,B,C}’. If the only operator is ‘v’, as in ‘AvBvC’, parentheses are wrapped around the whole expression, so that the resulting expression in clause form will be ‘{(A,B,C)}’. If more than one operator is present in the expression, the expression and its operators are passed to groupByOperator.
In groupByOperator, each operator in the list is iterated through. For each operator, an otherOperators list is made. If the operator is ‘^’ or ‘v’, the respective operator is removed from the otherOperators list so that during a scan, it is not recognized as another operator. For example, in scanning an expression like ‘A^B^C->D’, the second occurrence of ‘^’ would not be recognized as an operator since it would lead to premature grouping (‘((A^B)^C))->D’, instead of ‘(A^B^C)->D’). Once this list of other operators is established, the operator is matched against the whole expression. For each match, the start and end index of the occurrence of the operator are found. The start and end index are passed to scanBackwards and scanForwards, respectively.
The functions scanForwards and scanBackwards scan through the input string and find an appropriate place for a left or right parenthesis. In scanBackwards, the input string is stepped through backwards, character by character. The numbers of left and right parentheses are kept track of. If a left parenthesis is seen, and the number of right parentheses matches the number of left parentheses, this is an appropriate place for another left parentheses. If another operator is found, as characterized by the otherOperators list, and a right parenthesis has not been seen, this is an appropriate place for a left parenthesis. The loop breaks when the index becomes 0, indicating that the parenthesis should be placed at the front of the expression. Similarly, scanForwards steps through the input string and finds an appropriate position for a right parenthesis.
/* Given an input string and starting index j, scans backward in the string.
Returns an appropriate position for a left parenthesis to be placed. */
public static int scanBackwards(int j,String input,ArrayList<String> otherOperators) {
int rightCount = 0;
int leftCount = 0;
boolean foundOperator = false;
String literalChar;
char character = input.charAt(--j);
while (j > 0) {
if (character == ')')
if (character == '(') {
if (leftCount == rightCount)
// if character is part of another operator
for (String operator : otherOperators) {
literalChar = Pattern.quote(Character.toString(character));
if (operator.matches(".*" + literalChar + ".*")) {
foundOperator = true;
if (foundOperator && rightCount == 0)
character = input.charAt(--j); // decrement then get char
return j;
The indices from scanBackwards and scanForwards are returned to groupByOperator and some checks are performed. If the indices are the first and last characters of the input string, respectively, then the entire expression would be bracketed redundantly. Similarly, if there are already parentheses in those indices, a second set of parentheses would be unnecessary. In both of these cases, the operator match is skipped and no parentheses are placed. If the returned index for the left parenthesis is 0, it is simply appended to the front of the string. If the returned index for the right parenthesis is the length of the string, it is simply appended to the end of the string. If none of these special cases apply, the parentheses are inserted into the expression at appropriate positions.
Once the expression is grouped by precedence, it is passed to convertToCNF.
In this method, each of the six equivalence rules are checked. Each rule is run on the input while it still matches. This lets expressions like “A<->B” be resolved using the same function, run twice.
Each conversion method is similar in nature. It takes the expression and pulls out the major match groups. For example, in an expression like “(A->B)^(A->C)”, both “A->B” and “A->C” are pulled out as matches. Next, it extracts the subgroups from each match. For “A->B”, the subgroups would be “A” and “B”. It then takes these groups and replaces designated placeholders in an equivalence expression ({1}, {2}, etc.). The bigger group is then replaced by this equivalence and the next group can be worked on. removeDoubleNegation is displayed below for reference.
/* Converts terms of the form !!A into A */
public static String removeDoubleNegation(String groupedInput) {
String group;
while (groupedInput.matches(".*!!.+")) {
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("(!![^" + nonLiteral + "]+)");
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(groupedInput);
while (matcher.find()) {
group =;
System.out.println("group: " + group);
Pattern subPattern = Pattern.compile("!!([^" + nonLiteral + "]+)");
Matcher subMatcher = subPattern.matcher(group);
if (subMatcher.find()) {
String equivalence = "{1}";
String newGroup = equivalence.replace("{1}",;
groupedInput = groupedInput.replace(group,newGroup);
return groupedInput;
Once converted into CNF, the new formula may contain totally different operators than the original. Once again, the operator list is checked to see if “v” is the only operator, in which case parentheses are wrapped around the whole expression. The expression is then passed to writeInClauseForm, where all occurrences of “^” or “v” are replaced by commas, and the expression is wrapped in braces.
Firstly, the set of premises and the conclusion are parsed from the input file. Each premise, assumed to be a well formed formula, is converted to conjunctive normal form (CNF). The conclusion is first negated, and then also converted to CNF. All formula's are combined together into one large CNF formula that is in clausal form. This is passed into the CNF
class constructor as a String. The constructor for this class parses all of the clauses and literals into their associated data structures, as shown below:
List<Literal> allLiterals; // the set of all literals in the formula
List<Clause> clauses; // the set of clauses in the CNF formula
This CNF
object is then passed into the dpll method:
public static boolean dpll(CNF F)
The first step in the algorithm is to perform unit propagation. This method looks for all non-unit clauses that contains the specified literal l. As there exists an assignment of the literal that makes all clauses that contain l true, they are removed. Additionally, any instance of the negated literal !l in the formula is removed. The method for this is given below:
public void unit_propagate(Literal l) {
// set all literals to true
for (Literal other : allLiterals) {
if (l.equals(other))
Literal negated_l = l.createNegatedLiteral();
for(Iterator<Clause> i = this.clauses.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
Clause c =;
// remove all non-unit clauses containing the literal l
if (!c.isUnitClause() && c.literals.contains(l)) {
System.out.println("\tremoving clause: " + c);
for (Literal cLit : c.literals)
// in every clause that contains the negated literal !l, delete it
while (c.literals.contains(negated_l)) {
System.out.println("\tremoving literal: " + negated_l);
After unit propagation is completed for the current assignment of literals, the formula is checked for an empty clause. If it contains one, dpll returns false.
Then, the formula is checked to see if all clauses evaluate to true. If it does, then dpll returns true.
Next, a branching literal is chosen. For the unassigned literal, dpll is recursively called on both true and false assignments.
The recursive descent then finishes!
In order to solve the three-colouring problem,the input string is first parsed to generate a set of vertices and a list of edges. This is done using the CNF object.
Next, the set of vertices is used to create a set of clauses. For each vertex, 4 clauses are added to the list which indicate that a vertex can only have one colour.
/* For each vertex, creates 4 clauses imposing colouring constraints. */
public static ArrayList<String> createVertexClauses(Set<String> vertices) {
ArrayList<String> clauseList = new ArrayList<>();
for (String vertex : vertices) {
clauseList.add("(" + vertex + "R," + vertex + "G," + vertex + "B)");
clauseList.add("(!" + vertex + "R,!" + vertex + "G)");
clauseList.add("(!" + vertex + "G,!" + vertex + "B)");
clauseList.add("(!" + vertex + "B,!" + vertex + "R)");
return clauseList;
The list of edges is then used to create another set of clauses. For each edge, 3 clauses are added to the list which indicate that two vertices in an edge cannot have the same colour.
Next, the two lists of clauses are joined together in clause form and the clause form is passed to the DPPL resolver. If satisfiable, the vertices and their colours are outputted.
/* Creates a set of vertices and list of edges using CNF object, creates and
joins the appropriate clauses, then passes the expression to the DPLL solver. */
public boolean colour(String input) {
CNF edges = new CNF(input);
Set<String> vertices = new LinkedHashSet<>();
for (Literal l : edges.allLiterals) {
ArrayList<String> vertexClauseList = createVertexClauses(vertices);
ArrayList<String> edgeClauseList = createEdgeClauses(edges);
String clauses = joinClauses(vertexClauseList,edgeClauseList);
CNF f = new CNF(clauses);
boolean satisfiable = DPLL.dpll(f);
return satisfiable;