This project is a sample project that allows a user to enter some arbitrary sequence of characters and will return a histogram of counts for each n-gram, displayed as a bar chart or table of counts
In this project directory, the app was divided into two
- API/Server which was hosted on AWS lambda and deployed using API Gateway. API was written using Node.js and code can be found on project directory at: API/index.js
- Client-side/Frontend written in javascript using React.js framework and react-chartjs-2 for data visualization on a bar chart
To have a feel of the app, you can view demo at View Demo. App features include:
- allow user inputs, update input and delete input
- Converts text into ngram and return no of counts
- Displays ngram and count on a tabular and chart format
- Clone/Download app from github
- locate project directory on console '/Frontend/app'
- npm install
- npm start
- View app on http://localhost:3000/
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