The access control is based on the role of the subject in the system and the rules that are defined for that role.
- In organizations, the permissions of the people are defined by their role in the organization;
- The role permissions change less frequently than the permissions of the people;
There are four models in the RBAC family:
They serve as reference for the implementation of RBAC in the systems.
- A user can have multiple roles and a role can be assigned to multiple users;
- A session is a set of roles that a user has at a given time;
- The permissions are always positive.
- sets of users, roles, permissions and sessions, respectively;UA ⊆ U × R
- set of user-role assignments;PA ⊆ R × P
- set of role-permission assignments;user: S -> U
- function that returns the user of a session;roles: S -> 2^R
- function that returns the roles of a session;roles(si) ⊆ {r ∈ R | (user(si), r) ∈ UA}
- function that returns the roles of a session;
The RBAC1 model is a RBAC0 model with hierarchical roles:
- The user inherits the permissions of the role and the permissions of the parent roles of the role that the user has;
RH ⊆ R × R
- set of role hierarchy;roles: S -> 2^R
- function that returns the roles of a session;roles(si) ⊆ {r ∈ R | ( ∃ r’ ≥ r) [(user(si), r’) ∈ UA]}
- function that returns the roles of a session;
The RBAC2 model is a RBAC1 model with constraints:
- Constraints are rules that restrict the permissions of the roles;
- Represented by predicates, returning allowed or denied;
- Examples of constraints:
- Separation of duties;
- Cardinality constraints;
- Pre-conditions.
The RBAC3 model combines the RBAC1 and RBAC2 models, so it has hierarchical roles and constraints.