Warning: This package still is in very early development. Breaking changes without notice will happen at this point!
A Veramo authentication plugin using the Self Issued OpenID Provider v2 (SIOP) authentication library for having clients / people conforming to the Self Issued OpenID Provider v2 (SIOPv2) and OpenID Connect for Verifiable Presentations (OIDC4VP) as specified in the OpenID Connect working group.
For more information about Self Issued OpenID Provider v2 (SIOP), see the documentation in the readme.
For this plugin a DID resolver is also required. A DID resolver can be added to the agent as plugin as seen in the example below.
- getSessionForSiop
- registerSessionForSiop
- removeSessionForSiop
- registerCustomApprovalForSiop
- removeCustomApprovalForSiop
- authenticateWithSiop
- getSiopAuthorizationRequestFromRP
- getSiopAuthorizationRequestDetails
- verifySiopAuthorizationRequestURI
- sendSiopAuthorizationResponse
The following functions can also be used on the session object without the need of a session id first.
- authenticateWithSiop
- getSiopAuthorizationRequestFromRP
- getSiopAuthorizationRequestDetails
- verifySiopAuthorizationRequestURI
- sendSiopAuthorizationResponse
import { IDidAuthSiopOpAuthenticator } from '@sphereon/ssi-sdk-did-auth-siop-authenticator'
import { Resolver } from 'did-resolver'
import { getDidKeyResolver } from '@veramo/did-provider-key'
import { DIDResolverPlugin } from '@veramo/did-resolver'
import { getUniResolver } from '@sphereon/did-uni-client'
const agent = createAgent<IDidAuthSiopOpAuthenticator & IResolver>({
plugins: [
new DidAuthSiopOpAuthenticator(),
new DIDResolverPlugin({
resolver: new Resolver({
...getUniResolver('lto', { resolveUrl: 'https://uniresolver.test.sphereon.io/1.0/identifiers' }),
...getUniResolver('factom', { resolveUrl: 'https://uniresolver.test.sphereon.io/1.0/identifiers' }),
const sessionId = 'example_session_id'
const opSession = await agent.getSessionForSiop({
const sessionId = 'example_session_id'
const identifier = {
did: 'did:ethr:0xb9c5714089478a327f09197987f16f9e5d936e8a',
provider: 'example_provider',
controllerKeyId: `did:ethr:0xb9c5714089478a327f09197987f16f9e5d936e8a#controller`,
keys: [
kid: `did:ethr:0xb9c5714089478a327f09197987f16f9e5d936e8a#controller`,
kms: 'example_kms',
type: 'Ed25519' as const,
publicKeyHex: '1e21e21e...',
privateKeyHex: 'elfcvtswdbn...',
services: [],
const opSession = await agent.registerSessionForSiop({
const sessionId = 'example_session_id'
const opSession = await agent.removeSessionForSiop({
It is possible to register custom approval functions as an extra confirmation before sending the authentication response. These functions can then be used as an optional parameter. It is also possible to directly provide a custom approval function.
These custom approval functions can also be provided at agent creation.
await agent.registerCustomApprovalForSiop({
key: 'example_key',
customApproval: (verifiedAuthorizationRequest: VerifiedAuthorizationRequest) => Promise.resolve(),
const sessionId = 'example_session_id'
const stateId = 'example_state_id'
const redirectUrl = 'https://example.com'
const customApprovalKey = 'example_key'
const authenticationResponse = await agent.authenticateWithSiop({
customApproval: customApprovalKey,
const authenticationResponse = await agent.authenticateWithSiop({
customApproval: (verifiedAuthorizationRequest: VerifiedAuthorizationRequest) => {
return Promise.resolve()
For more detailed information see: Self Issued OpenID Provider v2 (SIOP)
const sessionId = 'example_session_id'
const stateId = 'example_state_id'
const redirectUrl = 'https://example.com'
const authorizationRequest = await agent.getSiopAuthorizationRequestFromRP({
For more detailed information see: Self Issued OpenID Provider v2 (SIOP)
const sessionId = 'example_session_id'
const authorizationRequestDetailsResponse = await agent.getSiopAuthorizationRequestDetails({
verifiedAuthorizationRequest: createAuthorizationResponse,
For more detailed information see: Self Issued OpenID Provider v2 (SIOP)
const sessionId = 'example_session_id'
const verifiedAuthorizationResponse = await agent.verifySiopAuthorizationRequestURI({
requestURI: createAuthorizationResponse,
For more detailed information see: Self Issued OpenID Provider v2 (SIOP)
const sessionId = 'example_session_id'
const authorizationResponse = await agent.sendSiopAuthorizationResponse({
verifiedAuthorizationRequest: verifiedAuthorizationResponse,
yarn add @sphereon/ssi-sdk-did-auth-siop-authenticator
yarn build