# install
brew install redis
# start redis server
redis-server &
# install
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install redis-server
# start redis server
mkdir redis-cluster & create six sub folders in it
copy all redis bin/* files & redis.conf to these sub folders
copy redis src redis-trib.rb to redis-cluster folder
modify each redis.conf of the sub folders
Notice bellow parameters:
port 6379 # change the port to the new one. e.g. 7001 ~ 7006
daemonize no # change it to yes to run it as daemon
cluster-enabled yes # unmark it to enable cluster
IMPORTANT! cluster-config-file nodes-6379.conf # modify the nodes-6379.conf to nodes-xxx.conf. e.g. nodes-7001.conf, or it cannot run more than one redis server since the node.conf already in use.
pidfile /var/run/redis_6379.pid # change the 6379 to your port. e.g. 7001, not MUST
run the command
./redis-server ./redis.conf
in all 6 sub folders -
then exec the command
./redis-trib.rb create --replicas 1 IP:PORT1 IP:PORT2 IP:PORT3 IP:PORT4 IP:PORT5 IP:PORT6
in redis-cluster folder to create the redis cluster, it will show logs.
Cluster Property
- add host:port cluster info into application-xxx.yaml
- create ClusterProperties class to get the config info above
- Autowired the ClusterProperties to get the whole host:port config info
- Create clusterConnection Bean which return RedisConnectionFactory
- At first add the SpringBootTest annotation
- Then add ContextConfiguration annotation
- Add ActiveProfiles to choose the application-env.yaml, env like test/dev/prod/beta
- Autowired RedisConnectionFactory clusterConnection
- setup the RedisClusterConnection redisClusterConnection & Gson gson
- Check the redisClusterConnection methods
Redis Repositories requires at least Redis Server version 2.8.0.
@Id add id member
extends CrudRepository<Object, String>
@Override convert
implement receiveMessage callback
init RedisTemplate<?, ?> redisTemplate
call redisTemplate.convertAndSend(channel, message) to send message
add Receiver bean
add MessageListenerAdapter bean which construct by Receiver bean and receiveMessage callback
add RedisMessageListenerContainer bean which construct RedisConnectionFactory instance & MessageListenerAdapter bean