When browsing a math expression, subsequent auditory output appears to have no Aural CSS.
Repro Steps:
Enter a math expression,
Notice that the auditory output uses ACSS to audio-format subexpressions. Press down-arrow to move down a level, and the formatting is lost.
We should retain the original formatting so that the user gets an implicit cue as to where in the tree he is at any given point.
Need to start tuning Aural CSS parameters — I still dont know where in the code I make changes.
Use abstract dimensions for maths: subscripting/superscripting, nesting, stacking.
In a separate JS file, specify a vector of ACSS tupples for each of these dimensions:
(average-pitch, pitch-range, richness, smoothness)
So the vector of tupples might look like: :[(1 1 0 0) (1 3 0 0)…]
Then the rendering code in the SRE can just apply values from this vector of tupples during rendering.