+r"""When we only need the content of the first message.
+ It is the default parser for chat completion."""
+ returncompletion.content[0].text
+# NOTE: using customize parser might make the new_component more complex when we have to handle a callable
+ __doc__=r"""A component wrapper for the Anthropic API client.
+ Visit https://docs.anthropic.com/en/docs/intro-to-claude for more api details.
+ """
+ def__init__(
+ self,
+ api_key:Optional[str]=None,
+ chat_completion_parser:Callable[[Message],Any]=None,
+ ):
+r"""It is recommended to set the ANTHROPIC_API_KEY environment variable instead of passing it as an argument."""
+ super().__init__()
+ self._api_key=api_key
+ self.sync_client=self.init_sync_client()
+ self.async_client=None# only initialize if the async call is called
+ self.tested_llm_models=["claude-3-opus-20240229"]
+ self.chat_completion_parser=(
+ chat_completion_parserorget_first_message_content
+ )
+ definit_sync_client(self):
+ api_key=self._api_keyoros.getenv("ANTHROPIC_API_KEY")
+ ifnotapi_key:
+ raiseValueError("Environment variable ANTHROPIC_API_KEY must be set")
+ returnanthropic.Anthropic(api_key=api_key)
+ definit_async_client(self):
+ api_key=self._api_keyoros.getenv("ANTHROPIC_API_KEY")
+ ifnotapi_key:
+ raiseValueError("Environment variable ANTHROPIC_API_KEY must be set")
+ returnanthropic.AsyncAnthropic(api_key=api_key)
+ # TODO: potentially use <SYS></SYS> to separate the system and user messages. This requires user to follow it. If it is not found, then we will only use user message.
+ defconvert_inputs_to_api_kwargs(
+ self,
+ input:Optional[Any]=None,
+ model_kwargs:Dict={},
+ model_type:ModelType=ModelType.UNDEFINED,
+ )->dict:
+r"""Anthropic API messages separates the system and the user messages.
+ As we focus on one prompt, we have to use the user message as the input.
+ api: https://docs.anthropic.com/en/api/messages
+ """
+ api_kwargs=model_kwargs.copy()
+ ifmodel_type==ModelType.LLM:
+ api_kwargs["messages"]=[
+ {"role":"user","content":input},
+ ]
+ # if input and input != "":
+ # api_kwargs["system"] = input
+ else:
+ raiseValueError(f"Model type {model_type} not supported")
+ returnapi_kwargs
+ @backoff.on_exception(
+ backoff.expo,
+ (
+ APITimeoutError,
+ InternalServerError,
+ RateLimitError,
+ UnprocessableEntityError,
+ BadRequestError,
+ ),
+ max_time=5,
+ )
+ defcall(self,api_kwargs:Dict={},model_type:ModelType=ModelType.UNDEFINED):
+ kwargs is the combined input and model_kwargs
+ """
+ ifmodel_type==ModelType.EMBEDDER:
+ raiseValueError(f"Model type {model_type} not supported")
+ elifmodel_type==ModelType.LLM:
+ returnself.sync_client.messages.create(**api_kwargs)
+ else:
+ raiseValueError(f"model_type {model_type} is not supported")
+ @backoff.on_exception(
+ backoff.expo,
+ (
+ APITimeoutError,
+ InternalServerError,
+ RateLimitError,
+ UnprocessableEntityError,
+ BadRequestError,
+ ),
+ max_time=5,
+ )
+ asyncdefacall(
+ self,api_kwargs:Dict={},model_type:ModelType=ModelType.UNDEFINED
+ ):
+ kwargs is the combined input and model_kwargs
+ """
+ ifself.async_clientisNone:
+ self.async_client=self.init_async_client()
+ ifmodel_type==ModelType.EMBEDDER:
+ raiseValueError(f"Model type {model_type} not supported")
+ elifmodel_type==ModelType.LLM:
+ returnawaitself.async_client.messages.create(**api_kwargs)
+ else:
+ raiseValueError(f"model_type {model_type} is not supported")
+ __doc__=r"""A component wrapper for the Cohere API.
+ Visit https://docs.cohere.com/ for more api details.
+ References:
+ - Cohere reranker: https://docs.cohere.com/reference/rerank
+ Tested Cohere models: 6/16/2024
+ - rerank-english-v3.0, rerank-multilingual-v3.0, rerank-english-v2.0, rerank-multilingual-v2.0
+ .. note::
+ For all ModelClient integration, such as CohereAPIClient, if you want to subclass CohereAPIClient, you need to import it from the module directly.
+ ``from lightrag.components.model_client.cohere_client import CohereAPIClient``
+ instead of using the lazy import with:
+ ``from lightrag.components.model_client import CohereAPIClient``
+ """
+ def__init__(self,api_key:Optional[str]=None):
+r"""It is recommended to set the GROQ_API_KEY environment variable instead of passing it as an argument.
+ Args:
+ api_key (Optional[str], optional): Groq API key. Defaults to None.
+ """
+ super().__init__()
+ self._api_key=api_key
+ self.init_sync_client()
+ self.async_client=None# only initialize if the async call is called
+ definit_sync_client(self):
+ api_key=self._api_keyoros.getenv("COHERE_API_KEY")
+ ifnotapi_key:
+ raiseValueError("Environment variable COHERE_API_KEY must be set")
+ self.sync_client=cohere.Client(api_key=api_key)
+ definit_async_client(self):
+ api_key=self._api_keyoros.getenv("COHERE_API_KEY")
+ ifnotapi_key:
+ raiseValueError("Environment variable COHERE_API_KEY must be set")
+ self.async_client=cohere.AsyncClient(api_key=api_key)
+ defconvert_inputs_to_api_kwargs(
+ self,
+ input:Optional[Any]=None,# for retriever, it is a list of string.
+ model_kwargs:Dict={},
+ model_type:ModelType=ModelType.UNDEFINED,
+ )->Dict:
+ For rerank model, expect model_kwargs to have the following keys:
+ model: str,
+ query: str,
+ documents: List[str],
+ top_n: int,
+ """
+ final_model_kwargs=model_kwargs.copy()
+ ifmodel_type==ModelType.RERANKER:
+ final_model_kwargs["query"]=input
+ if"model"notinfinal_model_kwargs:
+ raiseValueError("model must be specified")
+ if"documents"notinfinal_model_kwargs:
+ raiseValueError("documents must be specified")
+ if"top_k"notinfinal_model_kwargs:
+ raiseValueError("top_k must be specified")
+ # convert top_k to the api specific, which is top_n
+ final_model_kwargs["top_n"]=final_model_kwargs.pop("top_k")
+ returnfinal_model_kwargs
+ else:
+ raiseValueError(f"model_type {model_type} is not supported")
+ @backoff.on_exception(
+ backoff.expo,
+ (
+ BadRequestError,
+ InternalServerError,
+ ),
+ max_time=5,
+ )
+ defcall(self,api_kwargs:Dict={},model_type:ModelType=ModelType.UNDEFINED):
+ assert(
+ "model"inapi_kwargs
+ ),f"model must be specified in api_kwargs: {api_kwargs}"
+ if(
+ model_type==ModelType.RERANKER
+ ):# query -> # scores for top_k documents, index for the top_k documents, return as tuple
+ response=self.sync_client.rerank(**api_kwargs)
+ top_k_scores=[result.relevance_scoreforresultinresponse.results]
+ top_k_indices=[result.indexforresultinresponse.results]
+ returntop_k_indices,top_k_scores
+ else:
+ raiseValueError(f"model_type {model_type} is not supported")
+ __doc__=r"""A component wrapper for the Groq API client.
+ Visit https://console.groq.com/docs/ for more api details.
+ Check https://console.groq.com/docs/models for the available models.
+ Tested Groq models: 4/22/2024
+ - llama3-8b-8192
+ - llama3-70b-8192
+ - mixtral-8x7b-32768
+ - gemma-7b-it
+ """
+ def__init__(self,api_key:Optional[str]=None):
+r"""It is recommended to set the GROQ_API_KEY environment variable instead of passing it as an argument.
+ Args:
+ api_key (Optional[str], optional): Groq API key. Defaults to None.
+ """
+ super().__init__()
+ self._api_key=api_key
+ self.init_sync_client()
+ self.async_client=None# only initialize if the async call is called
+ definit_sync_client(self):
+ api_key=self._api_keyoros.getenv("GROQ_API_KEY")
+ ifnotapi_key:
+ raiseValueError("Environment variable GROQ_API_KEY must be set")
+ self.sync_client=Groq(api_key=api_key)
+ definit_async_client(self):
+ api_key=self._api_keyoros.getenv("GROQ_API_KEY")
+ ifnotapi_key:
+ raiseValueError("Environment variable GROQ_API_KEY must be set")
+ self.async_client=AsyncGroq(api_key=api_key)
+ defparse_chat_completion(self,completion:Any)->str:
+ Parse the completion to a string output.
+ """
+ returncompletion.choices[0].message.content
Source code for components.model_client.openai_client
+"""OpenAI ModelClient integration."""
+# optional import
+ APITimeoutError,
+ InternalServerError,
+ RateLimitError,
+ UnprocessableEntityError,
+ BadRequestError,
+# completion parsing functions and you can combine them into one singple chat completion parser
+r"""When we only need the content of the first message.
+ It is the default parser for chat completion."""
+ returncompletion.choices[0].message.content
+r"""When the n > 1, get all the messages content."""
+ return[c.message.contentforcincompletion.choices]
+r"""Get the probabilities of each token in the completion."""
+ log_probs=[]
+ forcincompletion.choices:
+ content=c.logprobs.content
+ print(content)
+ log_probs_for_choice=[]
+ foropenai_token_logprobincontent:
+ token=openai_token_logprob.token
+ logprob=openai_token_logprob.logprob
+ log_probs_for_choice.append(TokenLogProb(token=token,logprob=logprob))
+ log_probs.append(log_probs_for_choice)
+ returnlog_probs
+ __doc__=r"""A component wrapper for the OpenAI API client.
+ Support both embedding and chat completion API.
+ Users (1) simplify use ``Embedder`` and ``Generator`` components by passing OpenAIClient() as the model_client.
+ (2) can use this as an example to create their own API client or extend this class(copying and modifing the code) in their own project.
+ Note:
+ We suggest users not to use `response_format` to enforce output data type or `tools` and `tool_choice` in your model_kwargs when calling the API.
+ We do not know how OpenAI is doing the formating or what prompt they have added.
+ Instead
+ - use :ref:`OutputParser<components-output_parsers>` for response parsing and formating.
+ Args:
+ api_key (Optional[str], optional): OpenAI API key. Defaults to None.
+ chat_completion_parser (Callable[[Completion], Any], optional): A function to parse the chat completion to a str. Defaults to None.
+ Default is `get_first_message_content`.
+ References:
+ - Embeddings models: https://platform.openai.com/docs/guides/embeddings
+ - Chat models: https://platform.openai.com/docs/guides/text-generation
+ - OpenAI docs: https://platform.openai.com/docs/introduction
+ """
+ def__init__(
+ self,
+ api_key:Optional[str]=None,
+ chat_completion_parser:Callable[[Completion],Any]=None,
+ ):
+r"""It is recommended to set the OPENAI_API_KEY environment variable instead of passing it as an argument.
+ Args:
+ api_key (Optional[str], optional): OpenAI API key. Defaults to None.
+ """
+ super().__init__()
+ self._api_key=api_key
+ self.sync_client=self.init_sync_client()
+ self.async_client=None# only initialize if the async call is called
+ self.chat_completion_parser=(
+ chat_completion_parserorget_first_message_content
+ )
+ definit_sync_client(self):
+ api_key=self._api_keyoros.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY")
+ ifnotapi_key:
+ raiseValueError("Environment variable OPENAI_API_KEY must be set")
+ returnOpenAI(api_key=api_key)
+ definit_async_client(self):
+ api_key=self._api_keyoros.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY")
+ ifnotapi_key:
+ raiseValueError("Environment variable OPENAI_API_KEY must be set")
+ returnAsyncOpenAI(api_key=api_key)
+ defparse_chat_completion(self,completion:Completion)->Any:
+"""Parse the completion to a str."""
+ log.debug(f"completion: {completion}")
+ returnself.chat_completion_parser(completion)
+ defparse_embedding_response(
+ self,response:CreateEmbeddingResponse
+ )->EmbedderOutput:
+r"""Parse the embedding response to a structure LightRAG components can understand.
+ Should be called in ``Embedder``.
+ """
+ try:
+ returnparse_embedding_response(response)
+ exceptExceptionase:
+ log.error(f"Error parsing the embedding response: {e}")
+ returnEmbedderOutput(data=[],error=str(e),raw_response=response)
+ defconvert_inputs_to_api_kwargs(
+ self,
+ input:Optional[Any]=None,
+ model_kwargs:Dict={},
+ model_type:ModelType=ModelType.UNDEFINED,
+ )->Dict:
+ Specify the API input type and output api_kwargs that will be used in _call and _acall methods.
+ Convert the Component's standard input, and system_input(chat model) and model_kwargs into API-specific format
+ """
+ final_model_kwargs=model_kwargs.copy()
+ ifmodel_type==ModelType.EMBEDDER:
+ ifisinstance(input,str):
+ input=[input]
+ # convert input to input
+ ifnotisinstance(input,Sequence):
+ raiseTypeError("input must be a sequence of text")
+ final_model_kwargs["input"]=input
+ elifmodel_type==ModelType.LLM:
+ # convert input to messages
+ messages:List[Dict[str,str]]=[]
+ ifinputisnotNoneandinput!="":
+ messages.append({"role":"system","content":input})
+ final_model_kwargs["messages"]=messages
+ else:
+ raiseValueError(f"model_type {model_type} is not supported")
+ returnfinal_model_kwargs
+ defto_dict(self)->Dict[str,Any]:
+r"""Convert the component to a dictionary."""
+ # TODO: not exclude but save yes or no for recreating the clients
+ exclude=[
+ "sync_client",
+ "async_client",
+ ]# unserializable object
+ output=super().to_dict(exclude=exclude)
+ returnoutput
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/_modules/components/model_client/utils.html b/_modules/components/model_client/utils.html
index b688cbc0..39272ee1 100644
--- a/_modules/components/model_client/utils.html
+++ b/_modules/components/model_client/utils.html
@@ -404,7 +404,6 @@
+ Retriever[FAISSRetrieverDocumentEmbeddingType,FAISSRetrieverQueryType]
+ __doc__=r"""Semantic search/embedding-based retriever using FAISS.
+ To use the retriever, you can either pass the index embeddings from the :meth:`__init__` or use the :meth:`build_index_from_documents` method.
+ Args:
+ embedder (Embedder, optimal): The embedder component to use for converting the queries in string format to embeddings.
+ Ensure the vectorizer is exactly the same as the one used to the embeddings in the index.
+ top_k (int, optional): Number of chunks to retrieve. Defaults to 5.
+ dimensions (Optional[int], optional): Dimension of the embeddings. Defaults to None. It can automatically infer the dimensions from the first chunk.
+ documents (Optional[FAISSRetrieverDocumentType], optional): List of embeddings. Format can be List[List[float]] or List[np.ndarray]. Defaults to None.
+ metric (Literal["cosine", "euclidean", "prob"], optional): The metric to use for the retrieval. Defaults to "prob" which converts cosine similarity to probability.
+ How FAISS works:
+ The retriever uses in-memory Faiss index to retrieve the top k chunks
+ d: dimension of the vectors
+ xb: number of vectors to put in the index
+ xq: number of queries
+ The data type dtype must be float32.
+ Note: When the num of chunks are less than top_k, the last columns will be -1
+ Other index options:
+ - faiss.IndexFlatL2: L2 or Euclidean distance, [-inf, inf]
+ - faiss.IndexFlatIP: Inner product of embeddings (inner product of normalized vectors will be cosine similarity, [-1, 1])
+ We choose cosine similarity and convert it to range [0, 1] by adding 1 and dividing by 2 to simulate probability in [0, 1]
+ References:
+ - FAISS: https://github.com/facebookresearch/faiss
+ """
+ def__init__(
+ self,
+ embedder:Optional[Embedder]=None,
+ top_k:int=5,
+ dimensions:Optional[int]=None,
+ documents:Optional[Any]=None,
+ document_map_func:Optional[
+ Callable[[Any],FAISSRetrieverDocumentEmbeddingType]
+ ]=None,
+ metric:Literal["cosine","euclidean","prob"]="prob",
+ ):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.reset_index()
+ self.dimensions=dimensions
+ self.embedder=embedder# used to vectorize the queries
+ self.top_k=top_k
+ self.metric=metric
+ ifself.metric=="cosine"orself.metric=="prob":
+ self._faiss_index_type=faiss.IndexFlatIP
+ self._needs_normalized_embeddings=True
+ elifself.metric=="euclidean":
+ self._faiss_index_type=faiss.IndexFlatL2
+ self._needs_normalized_embeddings=False
+ else:
+ raiseValueError(f"Invalid metric: {self.metric}")
+ ifdocuments:
+ self.documents=documents
+ self.build_index_from_documents(documents,document_map_func)
+ def_preprare_faiss_index_from_np_array(self,xb:np.ndarray):
+r"""Prepare the faiss index from the numpy array."""
+ ifnotself.dimensions:
+ self.dimensions=self.xb.shape[1]
+ else:
+ assert(
+ self.dimensions==self.xb.shape[1]
+ ),f"Dimension mismatch: {self.dimensions} != {self.xb.shape[1]}"
+ self.total_documents=xb.shape[0]
+ self.index=self._faiss_index_type(self.dimensions)
+ self.index.add(xb)
+ self.indexed=True
+ defbuild_index_from_documents(
+ self,
+ documents:Sequence[Any],
+ document_map_func:Optional[
+ Callable[[Any],FAISSRetrieverDocumentEmbeddingType]
+ ]=None,
+ ):
+r"""Build index from embeddings.
+ Args:
+ documents: List of embeddings. Format can be List[List[float]] or List[np.ndarray]
+ If you are using Document format, pass them as [doc.vector for doc in documents]
+ """
+ ifdocument_map_func:
+ assertcallable(document_map_func),"document_map_func should be callable"
+ documents=[document_map_func(doc)fordocindocuments]
+ try:
+ self.documents=documents
+ # convert to numpy array
+ ifnotisinstance(documents,np.ndarray)andisinstance(
+ documents[0],Sequence
+ ):
+ # ensure all the embeddings are of the same size
+ assertall(
+ len(doc)==len(documents[0])fordocindocuments
+ ),"All embeddings should be of the same size"
+ self.xb=np.array(documents,dtype=np.float32)
+ else:
+ self.xb=documents
+ ifself._needs_normalized_embeddings:
+ first_vector=self.xb[0]
+ ifnotis_normalized(first_vector):
+ log.warning(
+ "Embeddings are not normalized, normalizing the embeddings"
+ )
+ self.xb=normalize_np_array(self.xb)
+ self._preprare_faiss_index_from_np_array(self.xb)
+ log.info(f"Index built with {self.total_documents} chunks")
+ exceptExceptionase:
+ log.error(f"Error building index: {e}, resetting the index")
+ # reset the index
+ self.reset_index()
+ raisee
+ def_convert_cosine_similarity_to_probability(self,D:np.ndarray)->np.ndarray:
+ D=(D+1)/2
+ D=np.round(D,3)
+ returnD
+ def_to_retriever_output(
+ self,Ind:np.ndarray,D:np.ndarray
+ )->RetrieverOutputType:
+r"""Convert the indices and distances to RetrieverOutputType format."""
+ output:RetrieverOutputType=[]
+ # Step 1: Filter out the -1, -1 columns along with its scores when top_k > len(chunks)
+ if-1inInd:
+ valid_columns=~np.any(Ind==-1,axis=0)
+ D=D[:,valid_columns]
+ Ind=Ind[:,valid_columns]
+ # Step 2: processing rows (one query at a time)
+ forrowinzip(Ind,D):
+ indices,distances=row
+ # convert from numpy to list
+ retrieved_documents_indices=indices.tolist()
+ retrieved_documents_scores=distances.tolist()
+ output.append(
+ RetrieverOutput(
+ doc_indices=retrieved_documents_indices,
+ doc_scores=retrieved_documents_scores,
+ )
+ )
+ returnoutput
+ defretrieve_embedding_queries(
+ self,
+ input:FAISSRetrieverQueriesEmbeddingType,
+ top_k:Optional[int]=None,
+ )->RetrieverOutputType:
+ ifnotself.indexedorself.index.ntotal==0:
+ raiseValueError(
+ "Index is empty. Please set the chunks to build the index from"
+ )
+ # check if the input is List, convert to numpy array
+ try:
+ ifnotisinstance(input,np.ndarray):
+ xq=np.array(input,dtype=np.float32)
+ else:
+ xq=input
+ exceptExceptionase:
+ log.error(f"Error converting input to numpy array: {e}")
+ raisee
+ D,Ind=self.index.search(xq,top_kiftop_kelseself.top_k)
+ ifself.metric=="prob":
+ D=self._convert_cosine_similarity_to_probability(D)
+ output:RetrieverOutputType=self._to_retriever_output(Ind,D)
+ returnoutput
+ defretrieve_string_queries(
+ self,
+ input:Union[str,List[str]],
+ top_k:Optional[int]=None,
+ )->RetrieverOutputType:
+r"""Retrieve the top k chunks given the query or queries in string format.
+ Args:
+ input: The query or list of queries in string format. Note: ensure the maximum number of queries fits into the embedder.
+ top_k: The number of chunks to retrieve. When top_k is not provided, it will use the default top_k set during initialization.
+ When top_k is not provided, it will use the default top_k set during initialization.
+ """
+ ifnotself.indexedorself.index.ntotal==0:
+ raiseValueError(
+ "Index is empty. Please set the chunks to build the index from"
+ )
+ queries=[input]ifisinstance(input,str)elseinput
+ # filter out empty queries
+ valid_queries:List[str]=[]
+ record_map:Dict[int,int]=(
+ {}
+ )# final index : the position in the initial queries
+ fori,qinenumerate(queries):
+ ifnotq:
+ log.warning("Empty query found, skipping")
+ continue
+ valid_queries.append(q)
+ record_map[len(valid_queries)-1]=i
+ # embed the queries, assume the length fits into a batch.
+ try:
+ embeddings:EmbedderOutputType=self.embedder(valid_queries)
+ queries_embeddings:List[List[float]]=[
+ data.embeddingfordatainembeddings.data
+ ]
+ exceptExceptionase:
+ log.error(f"Error embedding queries: {e}")
+ raisee
+ xq=np.array(queries_embeddings,dtype=np.float32)
+ D,Ind=self.index.search(xq,top_kiftop_kelseself.top_k)
+ D=self._convert_cosine_similarity_to_probability(D)
+ output:RetrieverOutputType=[
+ RetrieverOutput(doc_indices=[],query=query)forqueryinqueries
+ ]
+ retrieved_output:RetrieverOutputType=self._to_retriever_output(Ind,D)
+ # fill in the doc_indices and score for valid queries
+ fori,per_query_outputinenumerate(retrieved_output):
+ initial_index=record_map[i]
+ output[initial_index].doc_indices=per_query_output.doc_indices
+ output[initial_index].doc_scores=per_query_output.doc_scores
+ returnoutput
+ @overload
+ defcall(
+ self,
+ input:FAISSRetrieverQueriesEmbeddingType,
+ top_k:Optional[int]=None,
+ )->RetrieverOutputType:
+r"""Retrieve the top k chunks given the query or queries in embedding format."""
+ ...
+ @overload
+ defcall(
+ self,
+ input:FAISSRetrieverQueriesStrType,
+ top_k:Optional[int]=None,
+ )->RetrieverOutputType:
+r"""Retrieve the top k chunks given the query or queries in string format."""
+ ...
+ defcall(
+ self,
+ input:FAISSRetrieverQueriesType,
+ top_k:Optional[int]=None,
+ )->RetrieverOutputType:
+r"""Retrieve the top k chunks given the query or queries in embedding or string format."""
+ assert(
+ self.indexed
+ ),"Index is not built. Please build the index using build_index_from_documents"
+ ifisinstance(input,str)or(
+ isinstance(input,Sequence)andisinstance(input[0],str)
+ ):
+ assertself.embedder,"Embedder is not provided"
+ returnself.retrieve_string_queries(input,top_k)
+ else:
+ returnself.retrieve_embedding_queries(input,top_k)
Source code for components.retriever.postgres_retriever
+"""Leverage a postgres database to store and retrieve documents."""
+ Retriever,
+ RetrieverOutput,
+ RetrieverStrQueryType,
+ RetrieverStrQueriesType,
+ Document,
+ __doc__=r"""Enum for the distance to operator.
+ About pgvector:
+ 1. L2 distance: <->, inner product (<#>), cosine distance (<=>), and L1 distance (<+>, added in 0.7.0)
+ """
+ L2="<->"
+ "<#>"# cosine similarity when the vector is normalized, in range [-1, 1]
+ )
+ COSINE="<=>"# cosine distance, in range [0, 1] = 1 - cosine_similarity
+ L1="<+>"
+ __doc__=r"""Use a postgres database to store and retrieve documents.
+ Users can follow this example and to customize the prompt or additionally ask it to output score along with the indices.
+ Args:
+ top_k (Optional[int], optional): top k documents to fetch. Defaults to 1.
+ database_url (str): the database url to connect to. Defaults to postgresql://postgres:password@localhost:5432/vector_db.
+ References:
+ [1] pgvector extension: https://github.com/pgvector/pgvector
+ """
+ def__init__(
+ self,
+ embedder:Embedder,
+ top_k:Optional[int]=1,
+ database_url:str=None,
+ table_name:str="document",
+ distance_operator:DistanceToOperator=DistanceToOperator.INNER_PRODUCT,
+ ):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.top_k=top_k
+ self.table_name=table_name
+ db_name="vector_db"
+ self.database_url=(
+ database_urlorf"postgresql://postgres:password@localhost:5432/{db_name}"
+ )
+ self.db_manager=DatabaseManager(self.database_url)
+ self.embedder=embedder
+ self.distance_operator=distance_operator
+ self.db_score_prob_fun_map={
+ DistanceToOperator.COSINE:self._convert_cosine_distance_to_probability,
+ DistanceToOperator.L2:self._convert_l2_distance_to_probability,
+ DistanceToOperator.INNER_PRODUCT:self._convert_cosine_similarity_to_probability,
+ }
+ self.score_prob_fun=(
+ self.db_score_prob_fun_map[self.distance_operator]
+ ifself.distance_operatorinself.db_score_prob_fun_map
+ elseNone
+ )
+ @classmethod
+ defformat_vector_search_query(
+ cls,
+ table_name:str,
+ vector_column:str,
+ query_embedding:List[float],
+ top_k:int,
+ distance_operator:DistanceToOperator,
+ sort_desc:bool=True,
+ )->str:
+ Formats a SQL query string to select all columns from a table, order the results
+ by the distance or similarity score to a provided embedding, and also return
+ that score.
+ Args:
+ table_name (str): The name of the table to query.
+ column (str): The name of the column containing the vector data.
+ query_embedding (list or str): The embedding vector to compare against.
+ top_k (int): The number of top results to return.
+ Returns:
+ str: A formatted SQL query string that includes the score.
+ """
+ # Convert the list embedding to a string format suitable for SQL
+ ifisinstance(query_embedding,list):
+ embedding_str=str(query_embedding).replace(
+ " ",""
+ )# Remove spaces for cleaner SQL
+ else:
+ embedding_str=query_embedding
+ # Determine sorting order
+ order_by="DESC"ifsort_descelse"ASC"
+ # SQL query that includes the score in the selected columns
+ sql_query=f"""
+ SELECT *, ({vector_column}{distance_operator.value} '{embedding_str}') AS score
+ FROM {table_name}
+ ORDER BY score {order_by}
+ LIMIT {top_k};
+ """
+ returnsql_query
+ defretrieve_by_sql(self,query:str)->List[str]:
+"""Retrieve documents from the postgres database."""
+ results=self.db_manager.execute_query(query)
+ print(results)
+ returnresults
+ def_convert_cosine_similarity_to_probability(
+ self,cosine_similarity:List[float]
+ )->List[float]:
+"""Convert cosine similarity to probability."""
+ return[(1+cosine_similarity)/2forcosine_similarityincosine_similarity]
+ def_convert_l2_distance_to_probability(
+ self,l2_distance:List[float]
+ )->List[float]:
+"""Convert L2 distance to probability.
+ note:
+ Ensure the vector is normalized so that the l2_distance will be in range [0, 2]
+ """
+ distance=np.array(l2_distance)
+ # clip to ensure the distance is in range [0, 2]
+ distance=np.clip(distance,0,2)
+ # convert to probability
+ prob_score=1-distance/2
+ returnprob_score.tolist()
+ def_convert_cosine_distance_to_probability(
+ self,cosine_distance:List[float]
+ )->List[float]:
+"""Convert cosine distance to probability."""
+ return[(1-cosine_distance)forcosine_distanceincosine_distance]
optional_package (OptionalPackages): The optional package to import, it helps define the package name and error message. """
- def__init__(self,import_path:str,optional_package:OptionalPackages):
+ def__init__(
+ self,import_path:str,optional_package:OptionalPackages,*args,**kwargs
+ ):
+ ifargsorkwargs:
+ raiseTypeError(
+ "LazyImport does not support subclassing or additional arguments. "
+ "Import the class directly from its specific module instead. For example, "
+ "from lightrag.components.model_client.cohere_client import CohereAPIClient"
+ "instead of using the lazy import with: from lightrag.components.model_client import CohereAPIClient"
+ )self.import_path=import_pathself.optional_package=optional_packageself.module=None
@@ -516,10 +526,34 @@
Source code for utils.lazy_import
+defsafe_import(module_name:str,install_message:str)->ModuleType:"""Safely import a module and raise an ImportError with the install message if the module is not found. Mainly used internally to import optional packages only when needed.
+ Example:
+ 1. Tests
+ .. code-block:: python
+ try:
+ numpy = safe_import("numpy", "Please install numpy with: pip install numpy")
+ print(numpy.__version__)
+ except ImportError as e:
+ print(e)
+ When numpy is not installed, it will raise an ImportError with the install message.
+ When numpy is installed, it will print the numpy version.
+ 2. Use it to delay the import of optional packages in the library.
+ .. code-block:: python
+ from lightrag.utils.lazy_import import safe_import, OptionalPackages
+ numpy = safe_import(OptionalPackages.NUMPY.value[0], OptionalPackages.NUMPY.value[1])
diff --git a/_modules/utils/setup_env.html b/_modules/utils/setup_env.html
index 65b46ec9..38244eea 100644
--- a/_modules/utils/setup_env.html
+++ b/_modules/utils/setup_env.html
@@ -404,6 +404,10 @@
diff --git a/_sources/apis/components/components.model_client.anthropic_client.rst.txt b/_sources/apis/components/components.model_client.anthropic_client.rst.txt
index f3af8985..bd2f49f8 100644
--- a/_sources/apis/components/components.model_client.anthropic_client.rst.txt
+++ b/_sources/apis/components/components.model_client.anthropic_client.rst.txt
@@ -7,3 +7,17 @@ anthropic_client
+ .. rubric:: Functions
+ .. autosummary::
+ get_first_message_content
+ .. rubric:: Classes
+ .. autosummary::
+ AnthropicAPIClient
diff --git a/_sources/apis/components/components.model_client.cohere_client.rst.txt b/_sources/apis/components/components.model_client.cohere_client.rst.txt
index 762def3a..be9569be 100644
--- a/_sources/apis/components/components.model_client.cohere_client.rst.txt
+++ b/_sources/apis/components/components.model_client.cohere_client.rst.txt
@@ -7,3 +7,11 @@ cohere_client
+ .. rubric:: Classes
+ .. autosummary::
+ CohereAPIClient
diff --git a/_sources/apis/components/components.model_client.groq_client.rst.txt b/_sources/apis/components/components.model_client.groq_client.rst.txt
index f7e0925a..6dd213a2 100644
--- a/_sources/apis/components/components.model_client.groq_client.rst.txt
+++ b/_sources/apis/components/components.model_client.groq_client.rst.txt
@@ -7,3 +7,11 @@ groq_client
+ .. rubric:: Classes
+ .. autosummary::
+ GroqAPIClient
diff --git a/_sources/apis/components/components.model_client.openai_client.rst.txt b/_sources/apis/components/components.model_client.openai_client.rst.txt
index 1c00b378..4af3f5ae 100644
--- a/_sources/apis/components/components.model_client.openai_client.rst.txt
+++ b/_sources/apis/components/components.model_client.openai_client.rst.txt
@@ -7,3 +7,19 @@ openai_client
+ .. rubric:: Functions
+ .. autosummary::
+ get_all_messages_content
+ get_first_message_content
+ get_probabilities
+ .. rubric:: Classes
+ .. autosummary::
+ OpenAIClient
diff --git a/_sources/apis/components/components.retriever.faiss_retriever.rst.txt b/_sources/apis/components/components.retriever.faiss_retriever.rst.txt
index a9ed294b..cd22e668 100644
--- a/_sources/apis/components/components.retriever.faiss_retriever.rst.txt
+++ b/_sources/apis/components/components.retriever.faiss_retriever.rst.txt
@@ -7,3 +7,11 @@ faiss_retriever
+ .. rubric:: Classes
+ .. autosummary::
+ FAISSRetriever
diff --git a/_sources/apis/components/components.retriever.postgres_retriever.rst.txt b/_sources/apis/components/components.retriever.postgres_retriever.rst.txt
index cdbb70d0..8aa1d9eb 100644
--- a/_sources/apis/components/components.retriever.postgres_retriever.rst.txt
+++ b/_sources/apis/components/components.retriever.postgres_retriever.rst.txt
@@ -7,3 +7,12 @@ postgres_retriever
+ .. rubric:: Classes
+ .. autosummary::
+ DistanceToOperator
+ PostgresRetriever
diff --git a/_sources/developer_notes/lightrag_design_philosophy.rst.txt b/_sources/developer_notes/lightrag_design_philosophy.rst.txt
index f2fb932c..e7242a0d 100644
--- a/_sources/developer_notes/lightrag_design_philosophy.rst.txt
+++ b/_sources/developer_notes/lightrag_design_philosophy.rst.txt
@@ -6,11 +6,11 @@ Right from the begining, `LightRAG` follows three fundamental principles.
Principle 1: Simplicity over Complexity
-We put these three hard rules while designing LightRAG:
+ We put these three hard rules while designing LightRAG:
- Every layer of abstraction needs to be adjusted and overall we do not allow more than 3 layers of abstraction.
- We minimize the lines of code instead of maximizing the lines of code.
-- Go *deep* and *wide* in order to *simplify*. The clarity we achieve is not the result of being easy, but the result of being deep.
+- Go *deep* and *wide* in order to *simplify*. The clarity we achieve is not the result of being easy.
diff --git a/_sources/get_started/lightrag_in_10_mins.rst.txt b/_sources/get_started/lightrag_in_10_mins.rst.txt
index 1bdec107..d046c77f 100644
--- a/_sources/get_started/lightrag_in_10_mins.rst.txt
+++ b/_sources/get_started/lightrag_in_10_mins.rst.txt
@@ -1,13 +1,15 @@
LightRAG in 10 minutes
+Coming soon...
-Will use end to end trec classifier as an example to demonstrate:
+We will showcase a use case end-to-end, including task pipeline, configuration, logging and tracing, evaluation, and optimization.
-1. Look at the data and task, create `data class`, `prompt`, and `task`, and set up `log` and tracing.
-2. Create datasets with `train`, `eval`, and `test` splits.
-3. Eval zero-shot with manual prompts.
+.. Will use end to end trec classifier as an example to demonstrate:
+.. 1. Look at the data and task, create `data class`, `prompt`, and `task`, and set up `log` and tracing.
+.. 2. Create datasets with `train`, `eval`, and `test` splits.
+.. 3. Eval zero-shot with manual prompts.
-The content will be from `/use_cases/classification/readme.md`.
\ No newline at end of file
+.. The content will be from `/use_cases/classification/readme.md`.
diff --git a/_sources/index.rst.txt b/_sources/index.rst.txt
index 64cb9026..58f21f96 100644
--- a/_sources/index.rst.txt
+++ b/_sources/index.rst.txt
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
- LightRAG helps developers with both building and optimizing Retriever-Agent-Generator (RAG) pipelines.
+ LightRAG helps developers with both building and optimizing Retriever-Agent-Generator pipelines.
It is light, modular, and robust, with a 100% readable codebase.
Subclass use this to call the API with the sync client.
+model_type: this decides which API, such as chat.completions or embeddings for OpenAI.
+api_kwargs: all the arguments that the API call needs, subclass should implement this method.
Additionally in subclass you can implement the error handling and retry logic here. See OpenAIClient for example.
Subclass use this to call the API with the sync client.
+model_type: this decides which API, such as chat.completions or embeddings for OpenAI.
+api_kwargs: all the arguments that the API call needs, subclass should implement this method.
Additionally in subclass you can implement the error handling and retry logic here. See OpenAIClient for example.