Name | Type | Description | Notes |
payrollCode | string | Payroll Code | [optional] |
type | \SynergiTech\Staffology\Model\LeaveType | [optional] | |
pay | \SynergiTech\Staffology\Model\LeavePayType | [optional] | |
openEndedAbsence | bool | Open Ended Absence | [optional] |
from | \DateTime | The first day of Leave. | [optional] |
to | \DateTime | The last day of Leave. | [optional] |
historicLeaveRequiresProcessing | bool | Only used during the creation of historical SSP. When creating historical SSP, this will determine whether to pay that leave in the next PayRun. | [optional] |
averageWeeklyEarnings | float | The employees average weekly earnings. | [optional] |
automaticAWECalculation | bool | Automatic Average Weekly Earnings. | [optional] |
offsetPay | bool | Top-up pay to usual amongst (offsetting) | [optional] |
calculationType | \SynergiTech\Staffology\Model\LeaveCalculationType | [optional] | |
percentOfPay | float | Only provided when the leave type is 'Sick' and the payment type is 'Custom'. | [optional] |
strikeHoursToDeduct | float | Only provided when the leave type is 'StrikeAction' and the calculation type is 'SpecifyHours'. | [optional] |