Name | Type | Description | Notes |
brandCode | string | [readonly] | [optional] |
appName | string | [optional] | |
homeUrl | string | [optional] | |
headContent | string | [optional] | |
logOutUrl | string | [optional] | |
loginImgUrl | string | [readonly] | [optional] |
homeImgUrl | string | [readonly] | [optional] |
favIcon | string | [readonly] | [optional] |
cssColorsFile | string | [readonly] | [optional] |
cssFile | string | [readonly] | [optional] |
mailingList | bool | [optional] | |
htmlInsertions | \SynergiTech\Staffology\Model\TenantHtmlInsertion[] | [optional] | |
mailSettings | \SynergiTech\Staffology\Model\MailSettings | [optional] | |
signupUrl | string | [optional] | |
termsUrl | string | [optional] | |
helpUrl | string | [optional] | |
supportEmail | string | [optional] | |
newUserSignupEmail | string | [optional] | |
approveNewUsers | bool | [optional] | |
enableBureauFeatures | bool | [optional] | |
requireDdMandateBeforeAllowingBillableActivity | bool | [optional] | |
whiteLabelMode | bool | [optional] | |
enableReportWriterFeature | bool | Indicates if the Report Writer feature is enabled for the tenant. | [optional] |
disableEvc | bool | Indicates whether FPS should be submitted to EVC for employees/employers under this tenant. | [optional] |
tenantOwnsBilling | bool | [readonly] | [optional] |
billingSettings | \SynergiTech\Staffology\Model\TenantBillingSettings | [optional] | |
usersCanManageAccountSecuritySettings | bool | If the users are allowed manage their own account security settings through a page or portal defined by their current authentication provider | [optional] |
id | string | [readonly] The unique id of the object | [optional] [readonly] |