Extended DL: 29 of April
Collaboration. Complex application: Traffic light
- Collaboration
- All previously studied things
- Create an application which has:
- Child windows controls
- GDI animation
- Animation should be controlled by controls
Work on this project in a team of 2-3 persons
Divide tasks and describe them in readme (for each task indicate who is responsible for it)
First create a sketch, then work on code (commit sketches early)
Simulate the work of a traffic light
- for Basic Level (grade 5 || 6) you should be able to:
- for Normal Level (grade 7 || 8) you should be able to:
- Realize the tasks from Basic Level.
- In the simulation should be present 2 crosswalks with people passing.
- Random special cars crossing (at least2; ex. ambulance, president care, police car, etc)
- for Advanced Level (grade 9 || 10) you should be able to:
- Introducing of the car accident generated by the wrong crossing of the car/pedestrian or presence of drunk driver
- for Bonus Point Tasks :
- 1 point per each new added creative idea.
In provided examples it is easy to divide tasks for 2: one may work on animation and the second one or two can work on controls.
If you'll work in a team:
- I recommend to create new repository outside TUM-FAF organisation, or you may ask me for a new private repository
- It is not desired to work on this lab work using your actual (provided by me) repositories as them are intended for personal use
- Each member will work on a separate branch, and someone will take care to review the code and merge with master.
- Points that you'll gain will be assigned to each of members that participated in application development
- search for any collaboration tutorial, but main idea is to have one common repository, divide tasks and work on them alone but for common purpose