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Trajectory generators for UAVs

This is a ROS2 package that provides multiple trajectory generators such as minimum snap (or other derivatives) trajectory using waypoints provided. Multiple implementations use linear algebra (matrix inverse) and quadratic programming.


  • This was tested using ROS2 foxy in Ubuntu 20.04
  • Python version: Python 3.8.10
  • Casadi (python) for QP implementation

How to run:

There are two groups of trajectory generators, each has a different way to configure and run as follows.

(1) Pre-defined analytical trajectory generator:

This includes pre-defined trajectories such as Helix, sinusoidal, and trapezoidal trajectories. To use this type:

  • Modify to select the desired trajectory by specifying the traj_type in the class __init__ and trajectory parameters.
  • If the yaw_type has been chosen as follow then current position and yaw are required which are updated from topics /position and /att_rpy. Ensure this data is being published to these topics.
  • Run the node
        ros2 run traj_gen ana_traj_generator
  • Subscribe to the trajectory topics and execute it in your robot
  • Load the provided rviz/plotjuggler configurations for visualization

(2) Trajectory optimizer and generator:

This group transforms a list of waypoints and their respective time array to a continuous trajectory that satisfies certain constraints. For instance, a position trajectory minimizes fourth order (Snap) and ensures all derivatives up to snap are continuous between the waypoints. This is typically achieved using piece-wise polynomial functions where each segment of the path (between two waypoints) is represented by a different polynomial function. Multiple implementation are available that either uses linear algebra and matrix inverse or quadratic/nonlinear programming to find the coefficients of the polynomial functions.

  • Specify the waypoints in
  • Modify the to import and use your waypoints and specify the traj_type and yaw_type in the class __init__.
  • Run the node
        ros2 run traj_gen min_snap_traj_generator
  • Subscribe to the trajectory topics and execute it in your robot
  • Load the provided rviz/plotjuggler configurations for visualization


helix raster

Consuming the generated trajectory

The generator publishes multiple topics that can be subscribed to to visualize and execute in your robot. The trajectory generator publishes the following topics:

  • /target_pose(PoseStamped): desired pose. This will also include the desired yaw if it was specified.
  • /target_twist(TwistStamped): desired linear velocity. The desired yaw rate is also provided in some implementations.
  • /target_accel(AccelStamped): desired linear acceleration. Desired yaw angular acceleration is also provided in some implementations.
  • /target_jerk(Vector3Stamped): desired linear jerk.
  • /target_snap(Vector3Stamped): desired linear snap.
  • /traj_gen/waypoints(Path): waypoints path for rviz visualization (published once in the beginning)
  • /traj_gen/path(Path): trajectory path for rviz visualization

Implementation details

The objective of trajectory generation is to find a suitable trajectory that travels through all of the desired waypoints and satisfy certain constraints such as higher order derivatives continuity. The inputs are typically defined as a series of position vector and heading pair at specified times. Since UAVs are differential flatness (i.e. UAV's state can be determined from a desired position along with all the derivatives up to the fourth derivative of position and a desired heading and its first and second derivatives), trajectory generation can be formulated as a quadratic program that minimizes the highest order derivative (snap for position and acceleration for heading): raster

Single segment minimum snap formulation

Let's try to formulate the the problem for a single segment consisting of two waypoints (start and end) for the x-axis position only. In this case, we would like to minimize snap. This can be formulated using the Lagrange L: raster This can be solver to find the optimal trajectory using Euler-Poisson equation. The result is a 7th order polynomial equation with 8 coefficients: $$ x(t) = c_{7}t^7 + c_{6}t^6 + c_{5}t^5 + c_{4}t^4 + c_{3}t^3 + c_{2}t^2 + c_{1}t + c_{0} $$

We can differentiate this equation to get velocity/acceleration/jerk/snap equations: $$ \dot{x}(t) = 7c_{7}t^6 +6 c_{6}t^5 + 5c_{5}t^4 + 4c_{4}t^3 + 3c_{3}t^2 + 2c_{2}t + c_{1} $$ $$\ddot{x}(t) = 42c_{7}t^5 + 30c_{6}t^4 + 20c_{5}t^3 + 12c_{4}t^2 + 6c_{3}t + 2c_{2}$$ $$jerk(t) = 210c_{7}t^4 + 120c_{6}t^3 + 60c_{5}t^2 + 24c_{4}t + 6c_{3}$$ $$snap(t) = 840c_{7}t^3 + 360c_{6}t^2 + 120c_{5}t + 24c_{4}$$

We need 8 equations to determine these coefficients, we can specify boundary conditions. These conditions are typically:

  • Position at t=0, and t=T which are given as input
  • Velocity at t=0, and t=T which are typically zero
  • Acceleration at t=0, and t=T which are typically zero
  • Jerk at t=0, and t=T which are typically zero

All 8 constraints can be written as an 8x8 matrix $A$ to find the coefficients of the polynomial. $$ A = \begin{bmatrix} 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 \ T^7 & T^6 & T^5 & T^4 & T^3 & T^2 & T & 1 \ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 \ 7T^6 & 6T^5 & 5T^4 & 4T^3 & 3T^2 & 2T & 1 & 0 \ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 2 & 0 & 0 \ 42T^5 & 30T^4 & 20T^3 & 12T^2 & 6T & 2 & 0 & 0 \ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 6 & 0 & 0 & 0 \ 210T^4 & 120T^3 & 60T^2 & 24T & 6 & 0 & 0 & 0 \ \end{bmatrix} $$ we need to find the coefficients vector $c$ of the polynomial: $$\boxed{c = A^{-1}b}$$

where $c$ is $$ c= \begin{bmatrix} c_{7} \ c_{6} \ c_{5} \ c_{4} \ c_{3} \ c_{2} \ c_{1} \ c_{0} \end{bmatrix} $$

and $b$ is a column vector of 8 elements, each element represents a constraint.
For instance, if we want a trajectory that starts from $x=1$, and ends at $x=2$. $b$ is: $$ b= \begin{bmatrix} 1 \ 2 \ 0 \ 0 \ 0 \ 0 \ 0 \ 0 \end{bmatrix}$$

Multi-segment minimum snap formulation

If we want to generate a trajectory that passes through N+1 waypoints, then we need to find a piece-wise function where there is an N polynomial equations for the N segments. Each polynomial requires 8 equations (boundary conditions) to solve for the coefficients. There is 8N coefficients to find for minimum snap trajectory, so the size of matrix $A$ is $[8N. 8N]$ and the size of column vectors $b$ and $c$ are 8N. We also need to impose additional conditions to ensure continuity between the polynomial equations:

  • Position at end of each segment (i) is the same as the position at next segment (i+1): $𝑥_𝑖 (𝑇_𝑖 )=𝑥_{𝑖+1} (𝑇_𝑖)$
  • higher order derivatives (Velocity, acceleration, ..etc) are continuous in intermediate waypoints: $𝑥^{(j)}𝑖 (𝑇_𝑖 )=𝑥^{(j)}{𝑖+1}$ for jth derivative.

Minimum Snap formulation using quadratic programming

UAV trajectory generation can be formulated as a quadratic program and solved to minimize snap cost: raster

where $x$ is snap and $P$ is the snap matrix that can be calculated as below. raster

Assuming there is N segments (N+1 waypoints), P is [8N,8N] matrix, A is [4N+2,8N] matrix and $b$ is 4N+2 column vector. P_matrix_2

The matrix A and vector b specify the following constraints:

  • initial conditions at t=0 (position up to snap)
  • final conditions at t=T (position up to snap)
  • N-2 continuity conditions (position up to snap) for interior segments


  • Mellinger, Daniel and Kumar, Vijay, “Minimum snap trajectory generation and control for quadrotors”, Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2011
  • C. Richter, A. Bry, and N. Roy, “Polynomial trajectory planning for aggressive quadrotor flight in dense indoor environments,” in International Journal of Robotics Research, Springer, 2016