LIAM2 is the result of ongoing collaboration between individual researchers from the Federal Planning Bureau (FPB) in Belgium, CEPS/INSTEAD and the General Inspectorate of Social Security (Inspection Générale de la Sécurité Sociale, IGSS) in Luxembourg.
The software package is primarily being developed at the Federal Planning Bureau by Gaëtan de Menten and Geert Bryon. Testing and model development is done by Raphaël Desmet and Gijs Dekkers (FPB), Philippe Liégeois and Fréderic Berger (CEPS/INSTEAD) and Raymond Wagener (IGSS). Finally, Cathal O'Donoghue shared the source code of the first version of LIAM, which the FPB used in the AIM project (Dekkers et al., 2010).
LIAM2 was initially the result of the MiDaL project (December 2009 - November 2011), "Towards the development of a dynamic Microsimulation toolbox « LIAM-II » and the complementary implementation of administrative Data needed for dynamic microsimulation of pensions in Luxembourg". The general objective of the project was to "develop an advanced analysis tool that allows Luxembourg and other countries at answering policy-related questions about pensions and social transfers in the longer term trough microsimulation models. The project received funding from both the European Community Programme for Employment and Social Solidarity - PROGRESS (2007-2013), under the Grant VS/2009/0569, and the General Inspectorate for Social Security (IGSS) of Luxembourg.
The PROGRESS programme was created by the European Commission to financially support the implementation of the objectives of the European Union in the employment, social affairs and equal opportunities areas. For more information, see: