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Creating a Command

Francisco Solis edited this page Jul 20, 2021 · 1 revision

Commands? Lots of them!

Almost all plugins has commands, maybe we should add them 😆. To Create a command just extend a class to xyz.theprogramsrc.supercoreapi.spigot.commands.SpigotCommand or xyz.theprogramsrc.supercoreapi.bungee.commands.BungeeCommand, then override the methods getCommand, onPlayerExecute(Player|ProxiedPlayer, String[]) and onConsoleExecute(SpigotConsole|BungeeConsole, String[]). The method getCommand is the one that contains the command, you may also override getAliases to add aliases.

The onPlayerExecute and onConsoleExecute method needs to return xyz.theprogramsrc.supercoreapi.spigot.commands.CommandResult or xyz.theprogramsrc.supercoreapi.bungee.commands.CommandResult depending if you're using a SpigotCommand or BungeeCommand respectively.

Example of SpigotCommand:

package xyz.theprogramsrc.myplugin.commands.MyCommand;

import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import xyz.theprogramsrc.supercoreapi.spigot.commands.CommandResult;
import xyz.theprogramsrc.supercoreapi.spigot.commands.SpigotCommand;
import xyz.theprogramsrc.supercoreapi.spigot.utils.SpigotConsole;

public class MyCommand extends SpigotCommand {

    public String getCommand(){
        return "my-command";

    public CommandResult onPlayerExecute(Player player, String[] args){
        // Add some stuff
        if(!player.isOp()) return CommandResult.NO_PERMISSION; // No permission pmessage
        if(args.length == 0) return CommandResult.INVALID_ARGS; // Invalid Arguments Message
        if(args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("no-access")) return CommandResult.NO_ACCESS; // No access message
        if(args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("not-supported")) return CommandResult.NOT_SUPPORTED; // Command only for console message
        return CommandResult.COMPLETED; // Nothing to say 

    public CommandResult onConsoleExecute(SpigotConsole console, String[] args){
        // Add some stuff
        if(args.length == 0) return CommandResult.INVALID_ARGS; // Invalid Arguments Message
        if(args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("not-supported")) return CommandResult.NOT_SUPPORTED; // Command only for players message
        return CommandResult.COMPLETED; // Nothing to say 

Command Results

  • COMPLETED: No message, just a normal response.
  • NOT_SUPPORTED: Output a message that the command is only for players or console if is being executed by a console or player respectively.
  • NO_PERMISSION: Output a message that the command sender doesn't have permissions.
  • NO_ACCESS: Output a message that the sender has no access.
  • INVALID_ARGS: Output a message that the arguments are invalid.

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