Not complete
- 1 new challenge
- 🎲 Bingo
- 3 new data types (viewable in ⚙️ Settings)
- 💧 Water
- 🔥 Calories
- 🏃 Distance
- More account controls in-app (⚙️ Settings -> ✏️ [edit profile])
- 📨 Change password
- 🗑️ Delete Account
- More challenge controls (Select a challenge -> More [three dots])
- 🕑 End challenge
- Obtain app logs (More [three dots] -> 🪲 Debug Logs)
⚠️ May contain sensitive information!
- 🎨 New look for components in:
- Challenges
- Action Sheets
- Settings
- Improve accessibility by adding tooltips to more buttons
We've really cleaned up a lot of code, and added the SharedLogger
which allows logs to be exported. As always, we've also fixed a bunch of bugs, and you'll notice several improvements throughout the app.