- Install selenium
#Linux cd /var/www/cocorico.local/Symfony/bin/ wget -c https://goo.gl/4g538W -O selenium-server.jar
#Windows - Go to https://www.seleniumhq.org/download/ - Click on https://goo.gl/4g538W and save as selenium-server.jar in your Cocorico project bin folder
Browser driver
#Linux wget -c https://sites.google.com/a/chromium.org/chromedriver/downloads -O chromedriver.exe
#Windows - Go to https://www.seleniumhq.org/download/ - Click on https://sites.google.com/a/chromium.org/chromedriver/downloads and save as chromedriver.exe in your Cocorico project bin folder
Start selenium server
#Linux ./bin/selenium start
#Windows .\bin\selenium.bat start
Create sqlite DB test
./bin/init.bat --env=test
.\bin\init-db.bat --env=test
Execute tests
- To speed up and to reinitialize mangopay users for KYC limit reached use SQLite DB Backup : cp features/_datas/backup/test_xxx app/cache/cache/test cp features/_datas/backup/test_xxx.ser app/cache/cache/test
- Set parameters for test environment: cp app/config/parameters_test.yml.dist app/config/parameters_test.yml And set values
- One test: bin/behat --name="User registration"
- All tests: bin\behat
- Rerun only failed tests: bin\behat.bat --rerun
- One scenario: bin\behat.bat bin\behat features\frontend\UserLogin.feature:6