With this template you can install Platform Manager (SPM) on the same host as Command Central. This is normally used only for development purposes.
IMPORTANT: Using this template with Command Central 10.1 has significant limitations. Limitation details are provided below.
- Command Central 10.2 or higher
- Command Central 10.1 with limitations
- Platform Manager 9.8 or higher
All supported Windows and UNIX platforms.
Command Central bootstrap installer for the target platform stored in CC_HOME\profiles\CCE\data\installers
. Verify by running:
sagcc list provisioning bootstrap installers
- IMPORTANT: If you use Command Central 10.1 then
SPM MUST be running on non-default HTTP/S ports so that you can use default 8092/8093 ports for the new local installation. If your Command Central SPM is configured with default ports, change them to non-default ports.
Bootstrap SPM 10.1 into C:/SoftwareAG/dev1
installation directory listening on port 8192 on local Windows box:
sagcc exec templates composite apply sag-spm-boot-local node=dev1 \
cc.installer=cc-def-10.1-fix9-w64.zip \
install.dir=C:/SoftwareAG/dev1 \
spm.port=8192 \
--sync-job --wait 360
IMPORTANT: If you use Command Central 10.1 then use default port 8092 and node alias as
. Also you have to monitor the job completion with a separate command:
sagcc exec templates composite apply sag-spm-boot-local node=%HOSTNAME% \
cc.installer=cc-def-10.1-fix9-w64.zip \
install.dir=C:/SoftwareAG/dev1 \
sagcc list jobmanager jobs <jobIdFromAboveCommand> --wait 360 -e DONE
Create a new 10.1 Dev01 stack and provision Local infrastructure layer on Windows:
sagcc create stacks alias=Dev01 release=10.1
sagcc create stacks Dev01 layers alias=LocalInfra layerType=INFRA-LOCAL node=dev1 \
cc.installer=cc-def-10.1-fix8-w64.zip \
install.dir=C:/SoftwareAG/dev1 \
spm.port=8192 \
--sync-job --wait 360
IMPORTANT: If you use Command Central 10.1 then use default port 8092 and node alias as
. Also you have to monitor the job completion with a separate command:
sagcc create stacks alias=Dev01 release=10.1
sagcc create stacks Dev01 layers alias=LocalInfra layerType=INFRA-LOCAL node=%HOSTNAME% \
cc.installer=cc-def-10.1-fix8-w64.zip \
install.dir=C:/SoftwareAG/dev1 \
sagcc list jobmanager jobs <jobIdFromAboveCommand> --wait 360 -e DONE
See sag-cc-layer-defs for INFRA-LOCAL
layer type definition.
- Open Stacks UI
- Add new stack
- Add layer > New nodes
- Select INFRA-LOCAL layer definition
- Choose the operating system matching your Command Central host and available bootstrap installer for it
- Provide required parameters such as
- install.dir - installation directory on Command Central host
- spm.port - SPM HTTP port number
- node - node alias for the local installation
- Finish the wizard
- Wait until provision jobs completes. Use Jobs view to monitor