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Official PyTorch implementation for the NeurIPS 2023 paper: "Dynamo-Depth: Fixing Unsupervised Depth Estimation for Dynamical Scenes".
In this section, we describe how to process the datasets for training and inference. To start, build a softlink to the desired data storage as follows.
ln -s </PATH/TO/DATA/STORAGE> data_dir
mkdir data_dir/waymo
mkdir data_dir/nuscenes
mkdir data_dir/kitti
In the end, there should be a softlink under Dynamo-Depth/
as follows.
|-- data_dir -> </PATH/TO/DATA/STORAGE>
|-- waymo/
|-- nuscenes/
|-- kitti/
🔹 Please refer to the official website for downloading the Waymo Open Dataset. Once downloaded and unzipped, you should be able to obtain following directoy sturcture.
|-- train
|-- segment-10017090168044687777_6380_000_6400_000_with_camera_labels.tfrecord
|-- segment-10023947602400723454_1120_000_1140_000_with_camera_labels.tfrecord
|-- ...
|-- segment-990914685337955114_980_000_1000_000_with_camera_labels.tfrecord
|-- segment-9985243312780923024_3049_720_3069_720_with_camera_labels.tfrecord
|-- val
|-- segment-10203656353524179475_7625_000_7645_000_with_camera_labels.tfrecord
|-- segment-1024360143612057520_3580_000_3600_000_with_camera_labels.tfrecord
|-- ...
|-- segment-9579041874842301407_1300_000_1320_000_with_camera_labels.tfrecord
|-- segment-967082162553397800_5102_900_5122_900_with_camera_labels.tfrecord
should have 798 files with suffix *_with_camera_labels.tfrecord
totalling roughly 760G and waymo_records/val/
should have 202 files with suffix *_with_camera_labels.tfrecord
totalling roughly 192G.
🔹 To process the dataset, first install the necessary packages:
pip install tensorflow==2.6.0 waymo-open-dataset-tf-2-6-0
pip install immutabledict
and then run the following line:
python3 prepare_data/ </PATH/TO/waymo_records> data_dir/waymo
🔹 To confirm proper data processing, after the second segment is processed via prepare_data/
, please run
python3 prepare_data/ assets/tiny_waymo/val/segment-1024360143612057520_3580_000_3600_000/ data_dir/waymo/val/segment-1024360143612057520_3580_000_3600_000/
🔹 Please refer to the official website for downloading the nuScenes Dataset, including Full dataset (v1.0)
and nuScenes-panoptic
. Once downloaded and unzipped to data_dir/nuscenes
, you should be able to obtain following directoy sturcture.
|-- v1.0-trainval/
|-- panoptic
|-- maps/
|-- samples/
|-- ...
|-- sweeps/
There should be 34149 files under samples/CAM_FRONT
and samples/LIDAR_TOP
, totalling 4.9G and 23G, respectively.
🔹 To process the dataset, first install the necessary packages:
pip install nuscenes-devkit pyquaternion
and then run the following line:
python3 prepare_data/ data_dir/nuscenes
The processed dataset would be located in data_dir/nuscenes/scenes/
🔹 To confirm proper data processing, after the first segment is processed via prepare_data/
, please run
python3 prepare_data/ assets/tiny_nuscenes/scenes/scene-0001/ data_dir/nuscenes/scenes/scene-0001/
🔹 You can download the entire raw KITTI dataset by running:
wget -i kitti_archives_to_download.txt -P data_dir/kitti_raw
cd data_dir/kitti_raw/
unzip "*.zip"
rm *.zip
cd ../..
Please refer to Monodepth2 for kitti_archives_to_download
(link). Once downloaded and unzipped to data_dir/kitti/raw
, you should be able to obtain following directoy sturcture.
|-- 2011_09_26
|-- calib_cam_to_cam.txt
|-- calib_imu_to_velo.txt
|-- calib_velo_to_cam.txt
|-- 2011_09_26_drive_0001_sync
|-- image_00
|-- image_01
|-- image_02
|-- image_03
|-- oxts
|-- velodyne_points
|-- 2011_09_26_drive_0002_sync
|-- ...
|-- 2011_09_28
|-- 2011_09_29
|-- 2011_09_30
|-- 2011_10_03
There are roughly 57G, 22G, 5.5G, 47G, and 40G in 2011_09_26/
, 2011_09_28/
, 2011_09_29/
, 2011_09_30/
, and 2011_10_03/
, respectively.
🔹 To process the dataset, run the following line:
python3 prepare_data/ data_dir/kitti_raw data_dir/kitti
🔹 To confirm proper data processing, after the first segment is processed via prepare_data/
, please run
python3 prepare_data/ assets/tiny_kitti/2011_09_26/2011_09_26_drive_0001_sync/ data_dir/kitti/2011_09_26/2011_09_26_drive_0001_sync/