- Braced initialization is the most widely usable initialization syntax, it prevents narrowing conversions, and it's immune to C++'s most vexing parse.
- During constructor overload resolution, braced initializers are matched to std::initializer_list parameters if at all possible, even if other constructors offer seemingly better matches.
- An example of where the choice between parentheses and braces can make a significant difference is creating std::vector<numeric type> with two arguments.
- Choosing between parentheses and braces for object creation inside templates can be challenging.
C++11 introduces uniform initialization based on braces.
Braces can be used to specify default initialization values for non-static data memebers.
class Widget {
int x{ 0 }; // fine, x's default value is 0
int y = 0; // also fine
int z(0); // error!
On the other hand, uncopyable objects (e.g. std::atomic) may be initialized using braces or parentheses, but not using =
std::atomic<int> ai1{ 0 }; // fine
std::atomic<int> ai2(0); // fine
std::atomic<int> ai3 = 0; // error!
Thus it's easy to see why braced initialization is praised to be "uniform".
Another novel feature of braced initialization is that it prohibits implicit narrowing conversions among built-in types:
double x, y, z;
int sum1{ x + y + z }; // error! sum of double may not be expressible as int
int sum2(x + y + z); // okay (value of expression truncated to an int)
int sum3 = x + y + z; // same okay as above
Another noteworthy characteristic of braced initialization is its immunity to C++'s most vexing parse: when developers want to default-construct an object, but inadvertently end up declaring a function instead:
Widget w1(10); // call ctor with argument 10
Widget w2(); // most vexing parse!
// declares a function named w2 that return a Widget!
Widget w3{}; // call ctor with no argument
However, braced initialization does come with drawbacks. When there is one or more constructors declare a parameter of type std::initializer_list, calls using braced initialization syntax strongly prefer the overloads taking std::initializer_list. For example:
class Widget {
Widget(int i, bool b);
Widget(int i, double b);
Widget(std::initializer_list<long double> il); // surprising behavior
operator float() const; // convert to float
Widget w1(10, true); // calls first ctor
Widget w2{10, true}; // use braces, now call std::initializer_list ctor
// (10 and true converts to long double)
Widget w3(10, 5.0); // calls first ctor as w1
Widget w4{10, 5.0}; // calls std::initializer_list ctor as w2
Widget w5(w4); // calls copy ctor
Widget w6{w4}; // use braces, w4 converts to float
// and use std::initializer_list ctor
Widget w7(std::move(w4));// calls move ctor
Widget w9{std::move(w4)};// use braces, w4 converts to float
// and use std::initializer_list ctor
Unless you declare the type in std::initializer_list in such a way there is no way to convert the types. For example if declare std::initializer_list<std::string> in above case.
Another quick point to catch is that, empty {}
leads to default ctor, not a empty std::initializer_list.
Widget w10{}; // calls default ctor
Widget w11({}); // calls std::initializer_list with empty list
The pros and cons of using ()
or {}
in template class design are tricky questions. Only the caller can know what's the expected behavior given the argument types. In STL, for example, std::make_unique and std::make_shared use partheses internally and document this decision as part of their interfaces.