talosctl gen secrets
mv secrets.yaml kubernetes/clusters/room101-a7d-mc/talos-secrets.yaml
sops -i -e kubernetes/clusters/room101-a7d-mc/talos-secrets.yaml
See PKI notes.
Copy the new kubeconfig to the correct location (e.g. clusters/bootstrap/cluster-prereqs/room101-a7d-mc-kubeconfig.yaml
Override repo-level SOPs configuration to encrypt the secret:
sops --encrypted-regex="bundle" -e -i talos-secrets.yaml
Decrypt a SOPS-encrypted file:
export SOPS_AGE_KEY=$(vault kv get -mount=cluster-room101-a7d-mc -field=data sops-age-secret)
sops -d -i secret.yaml
Talos and Kubernetes versions to deploy are configured per cluster via substitution vars:
grep -E 'K8S_VERSION|TALOS_VERSION' kubernetes/clusters/room101-a7d-mc/cluster-vars-configmap.yaml
K8S_VERSION: "1.28.3"