Today's puzzle brought me back to my high school days, and the old clock radio I had beside my bed. We're reading jumbled up values on a numeric display, where our goal is to determine which strings refer to which numbers on the display. Let's do it.
First, let's check out the input. We get a sequence of lines, where each line has two groups of space-separated strings, each group separated by a pipe. Each letter within a string represents one of the seven segments of on the display, so we actually care about the set of letters within each string, rather than the string itself. Thus we will make three small parse functions that fit together:
will take in one half of a line (space-separated strings), and convert them into a sequence of sets of letters; in future, we will refer to each letter as a signal. Thus the stringabc ad
becomes(#{\a \b \c} #{\a \d})
splits an entire line by the pipe symbol, and returns a two-element sequence of parsed components; in future, we will refer to the first element as the signal pattern or pattern, and the second element as the output value or output. Thus the lineabc ad | a bc
would become((#{\a \b \c} #{\a \d}) (#{\a} #{\b \c))
just callsparse-line
for each line. The final data structure is a sequence of sequences of patterns and outputs. More explicitly, the data structure is a sequence of two-element sequences, of sequences of sets of characters. It's best not to sound such things out because it's much easier to work with this data than explicitly define its type.
(defn parse-component [component]
(map set (str/split component #" ")))
(defn parse-line [line]
(->> (str/split line #"\|")
(map (comp parse-component str/trim))))
(defn parse-input [input]
(map parse-line (str/split-lines input)))
For part one, we need to count the number of outputs that correspond to the digit 1, 4, 7, or 8. These digits are
special because each is the only digit with that number of segments - 1 has two digits, 4 has four, 7 has three, and
8 and seven. So what we'll do first is define unique-lengths
as the set of lengths that correspond to a single digit,
this being #{2, 3, 4, 7}
. Then we'll parse the input into each line, pull together all of the digits together,
filter out only the ones whose length is one of the unique-lengths
, and count them up. mapcat
is Clojure's
implementation of flatmap
. Thus in one step it will map
through every line to its digits by using the second
function (remember that first
are the patterns and seconds
are the digits), and then it will cat
all of those
sets together.
(def unique-lengths #{2 3 4 7})
(defn part1 [input]
(->> (parse-input input)
(mapcat second)
(filter #(-> % count unique-lengths))
I'll make a quick note here about Clojure's approach to sets and maps. Both of these data structures can act as
functions over their elements. So (#{:a :b :c} :b)
and (:b #{:a :b :c})
both mean "return :b
if it's an
element of the set #{:a :b :c}
, or else return nil
." In this case, it will return :b
, which is itself a truthy
value. So you can do cool things like (if (#{:a :b :c} :b) "present" "absent")
to use the set itself as a predicate.
Even cooler, you can say (filter #{:a :b} [:a :b :c :d :e])
, which returns (:a :b)
, because filter
will only
return the values in the collection that appear within the set. Really cool.
So in part1
, after we call mapcat
we have a sequence of sets of characters. The filter
function takes each set
of characters, calls count
to get the number of characters within the set, and calls (unique-lengths n)
where the
former is a set. The collection (#{:a :b} #{:a} #{:a :b :c :d})
would come back as (#{:a :b} #{:a :b :c :d})
because the strings have lengths of 2, 1, and 4, and only 2 and 4 are in the unique-lengths
Part 2 was neat because the code itself wasn't very complex, but this was a pure logic puzzle. For each line of patterns and outputs, we need to determine which character corresponds to which segment of the clock, then use that to map each of the outputs into their digits. Each row has four digits, so convert each row into its four-digit number, and add them all together. We don't actually care which individual letter corresponds to which segment; it's more important to know which set of letters correspond to which numeric digit, and that's actually not too bad.
Let's ignore the code for now, and just work through the problem logically.
- 1, 4, 7, and 8 are easy enough to spot, because each of their patterns have a unique number of letters.
- We then move on to 0, 6, and 9, because those three each have six letters.
- Both 0 and 9 have both of the letters on the right-hand side of the digit, which combined make up the digit 1. Thus, the 6 is the word within 0, 6, and 9 which does not have all of the letters that the 1 does.
- Similarly, 9 is the only number that has all of the segments that the 4 has, so we can pick that out.
- Of the three of these, the one that isn't the 6 or the 9 is the 0.
- Then we move on to the last three numbers, 2, 3, and 5, which each have a length of 5 letters.
- We know which letters make up the 6, and 5 is the only digit that is a distinct subset of the 6, as they only differ in the bottom-left segment.
- Similarly, 3 is the only digit that has both segments that make up the 1.
- The last string in the collection must be the 2.
Once we have that all identified, the code to implement identify-signals
is pretty easy. Purely for the sake of
clarity, I used letfn
to make four helper functions, so we think in business terms.
takes in a set of letters and a collection of patterns, and returns the one and only pattern where where the letters are a subset of the pattern.only-superset
does the same thing, except that the first argument is a superset of the pattern.only-not-subset
returns the only pattern where the first argument is not a subset.leftover
just returns the only element of the collection which is not in the set of strings in the first argument.
Thus armed, we call (group-by count signal-patterns)
to create a map of {pattern-length (patterns)}
, and bind
each digit as we work through the problem. At the end, we return a nice map of each set of strings to its numeric
(defn identify-signals [signal-patterns]
(letfn [(only-subset [s coll] (first (filter (partial set/subset? s) coll)))
(only-superset [s coll] (first (filter (partial set/superset? s) coll)))
(only-not-subset [s coll] (first (remove (partial set/subset? s) coll)))
(leftover [vals coll] (first (remove vals coll)))]
(let [patterns (group-by count signal-patterns)
; Unique lengths
one (first (patterns 2))
four (first (patterns 4))
seven (first (patterns 3))
eight (first (patterns 7))
; 0, 6, and 9 all have length of 6
zero-six-nine (patterns 6)
six (only-not-subset one zero-six-nine)
nine (only-subset four zero-six-nine)
zero (leftover #{six nine} zero-six-nine)
; 2, 3, and 5 all have length of 5
two-three-five (patterns 5)
five (only-superset six two-three-five)
three (only-subset one two-three-five)
two (leftover #{three five} two-three-five)]
{zero 0, one 1, two 2, three 3, four 4, five 5, six 6, seven 7, eight 8, nine 9})))
It's smooth sailing from here. We'll make a find-digits
function that takes in the signal map from above and the
list of output strings, and returns the numeric digit value. For this, we start with (map signals outputs)
, which
this time uses a map as a function instead of a set. So (map {:a 1, :b 2, :c 3} [:a :c])
yields (1 3)
. After we
use the map
function to apply the signals
map to the output sequence, we get a sequence of ints, so we put them
into a string and parse them into a new integer to get the actual numeric value.
(defn find-digits [signals outputs]
(->> (map signals outputs)
(apply str)
Finally, we write the part2
function. Here we'll parse the input, identify the signals from the patterns, feed them
in to find-digits
with the outputs
, and add together the results. See? That wasn't so bad!
(defn part2 [input]
(->> (parse-input input)
(map (fn [[patterns outputs]] (-> (identify-signals patterns)
(find-digits outputs))))
(apply +)))
My Twitter friend @JoePittsy posted an absolutely brilliant solution to part 2 in Python which, after I read it multiple times and understood the approach (I don't know Python), I just had to reproduce in Clojure and share with the world.
He starts with the accepted observation that we can immediately determine the letters in the 1 and 4 signal patterns, because the 1 is the only pattern with two segments, and the 4 is the only pattern with four segments. Once you have those two patterns identified, you don't need to identify the other patterns.
Instead, we can go directly to the four output values, and extract three pieces of data - the length of the output, the number of overlapping segments with the 1, and the number of overlapping segments with the 4. These three data elements will uniquely identify each number. For example:
- We know from my solution that there are three numbers that have six segments: 0, 6 and 9.
- Zero has two overlaps with 1 (c and f), and three overlaps with 4 (b, c, and f).
- Six has one overlap with 1 (f) and three overlaps with 4 (b, d, and f).
- Nine has two overlaps with 1 (c and f), and four overlaps with 4 (b, c, d, and f).
- Thus in a partial map of
{[count overlaps-with-one overlaps-with-four] digit}
, we would have at least{[6 2 3] 0, [6 1 3] 6, [6 2 4] 9}
Taking all ten digits, we create digit-finder
(def digit-finder {[6 2 3] 0
[2 2 2] 1
[5 1 2] 2
[5 2 3] 3
[4 2 4] 4
[5 1 3] 5
[6 1 3] 6
[3 2 2] 7
[7 2 4] 8
[6 2 4] 9})
So given that we have out lookup table/map, we can create the function digits
, which takes in the patterns and
outputs, and returns the digits. First, we identify one
and four
by finding the distinct 2- and 4-character
in the pattern segments. Then we create a function digit-keys
using juxt
, which applies the three functions we
need to form the key of digit-finder
- the length of the input, the number of segments intersecting one
, and the
number of segments intersecting four
. The (map (comp digit-finder digit-keys) outputs)
line converts each of the
outputs (not patterns) into the key we need, then looks it up in digit-finder
to get the actual digit. Then
finally we concatenate each digit into a string and parse it as an int to get the actual digit.
(defn digits [patterns outputs]
(let [one (first (filter #(= 2 (count %)) patterns))
four (first (filter #(= 4 (count %)) patterns))
digit-keys (juxt count
(comp count (partial set/intersection one))
(comp count (partial set/intersection four)))]
(->> outputs
(map (comp digit-finder digit-keys))
(apply str)
Finally, the revised part2
function is really simple - parse the input, call digits
on each line, and add up the
digits. Well done, @JoePittsy!
(defn part2 [input]
(->> (parse-input input)
(map (partial apply digits))
(apply +)))