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Day Fifteen: Chiton


I thoroughly enjoyed today's problem because I got to create my very own little Clojure data structure! I'm excited to share the experience below.

Part 1

Today we have a pretty standard shortest-path algorithm. We're wandering through a two-dimensional cave, finding the shortest road from the top-left corner to the bottom right. I've found these sorts of problems easiest to manage with a map of coordinates instead of nested arrays, so let's parse the data into a map. This is easily done with some tools I've shown multiple times this year already -- we reduce the sequence of parse-to-char-coords into a map by parsing each numeric character into an int. To make this simpler, we'll expand utils/parse-int to support both characters and Strings.

; advent-2021-clojure.utils namespace
(defn parse-int [v] (if (char? v)
                      (Character/digit ^char v 10)
                      (Integer/parseInt v)))

; advent-2021-clojure.day15 namespace
(defn parse-cave [input]
  (reduce (fn [acc [point c]] (assoc acc point (parse-int c)))
          (point/parse-to-char-coords input)))

Now that we have a workable cave, let's create a shortest-path function to walk through it. Spoiler alert - this algorithm won't scale to part 2, and I'll make mention of the very few changes we'll need to make later on. But let's proceed without this foreknowledge.

To start with, we need to determine the target of the cave; since we start at the origin of [0 0], we just need to find the largest value in the cave and make a vector out of it. Then we'll make use of a recursive loop-recur to sift through every possible next step we can take, until we get to the target. candidates will bind every reachable point to its cost, meaning the cost it took to get to the previous points plus the risk level of that point; seen is a set of points we have already visited, so avoid infinite loops. Each time through the loop, we want to select the cheapest available point, so we'll sort the candidates by the value (second) and take the first option. Then at each point, we'll look to the four cardinal neighbors, keep only the ones that are in the cave, remove any point we've already visited, and then map those coordinates to the new cost to get there. Assuming we haven't reached the target yet, when we loop back around, we call (merge-with min m1 m2) to merge the map of remaining candidates with any new candidates revealed at the current point; since it's possible that the newest path to a candidate point isn't the cheapest option, we use merge-with instead of merge to intelligently keep the lower value.

(defn shortest-path [cave]
  (let [max-ordinate (apply max (map ffirst cave))
        target [max-ordinate max-ordinate]]
    (loop [candidates {point/origin 0}, seen #{}]                         ; Remember me
      (let [[point cost] (first (sort-by second candidates))              ; and me
            next-options (->> (point/neighbors point)
                              (filter cave)
                              (remove seen)
                              (map #(vector % (+ cost (cave %))))
                              (into {}))]
        (if (= point target)
          (recur (merge-with min (dissoc candidates point) next-options)  ; and me
                 (conj seen point)))))))

Finally, we can create a simple solution for the part1 function to get our star.

(defn part1 [input]
  (-> input parse-cave shortest-path))


Before we get to the details for part 2, we're going to find that the cave is about to get a lot bigger, and within that larger cave, inspecting every possible option at every point, re-sorting them by lowest value, just isn't going to cut it anymore. Clojure does have nice built-in functions for sorted maps and sorted sets, but they sort on the keys, not the values. In this case, we want to map each coordinate pair to its cost, but we want to pick the smallest value (cost) each time through. There are some libraries out to do this, but I don't want to use other libraries in my Advent problems, so I built one myself.

Introducing, the Priority Map!

Sorted Value Map

The idea behind the sorted map is that it's a normal associate key-value map, but the entries are sorted not by value instead of by key. Note that this isn't going to be a complete implementation of either Java's Map interface, nor Clojure's Associative interface, because, well, I don't need to! The only functions I want to support here are assoc, dissoc, first, and merge-with. I deliberately chose to use core function names because they look familiar, but that does mean that we'll have collisions between the core functions and my namespaced functions. So for once, the namespace directive is actually somewhat interesting. I'm not 100% sure this is the best way to implement this, but it's how I approached it. I used :refer-clojure to modify the references to the base language. First, I exclude assoc and merge-with since I don't need the core implementations at all. Then I rename the functions dissoc and first to c-dissoc and c-first, so I can still make use of them without having a collision.

(ns advent-2021-clojure.sorted-value-map
  (:refer-clojure :exclude [assoc merge-with]
                  :rename {dissoc c-dissoc, first c-first}))

To supported a sorted value map, I need to maintain two internal maps. First is the normal map of each key to its value, recognizing that multiple keys can map to the same value. Second is a sorted map of each value to a sorted set of the keys that point to it. So for example, if we had a normal map of {:a 1, :b 3, :c 1}, the sorted value map would be represented as {:key-to-value {:a 1, :b 3, :c 1}, :value-to-keys {1 #{:a :c}, 3 #{:b}}}.

From here on out, I will refer to a sorted value map as an "svm."

To start, we'll create the value empty-map which sets up our structure, and two private helper functions that return the value for a key, and the set of keys for a value.

(def empty-map {:key-to-value {}, :value-to-keys (sorted-map)})
(defn- value-of [svm k] (get-in svm [:key-to-value k]))
(defn- keys-of [svm v] (get-in svm [:value-to-keys v]))

Before we get to assoc, let's implement dissoc, which takes in an svm and the key to remove. If the key isn't in the svm, just return the svm unchanged. Otherwise, check to see the key is the only one associated to that value in the map. If so, we want to clean up the :value-to-keys map by removing the mapping entirely. Otherwise, we just remove that one key from the sorted set for that value. Either way, we remove the mapping from that key in the :key-to-value map.

(defn dissoc [svm k]
  (if-some [old-value (value-of svm k)]
    (if (= #{k} (keys-of svm old-value))
      (-> svm
          (update :key-to-value c-dissoc k)
          (update :value-to-keys c-dissoc old-value))
      (-> svm
          (update :key-to-value c-dissoc k)
          (update-in [:value-to-keys old-value] disj k)))

Now let's implement assoc. If the svm already maps that key to its value, just return the svm unchanged. Otherwise, we first dissoc the key from the map (if it's even in there), then associate the key to its value, and then update the sorted set of keys mapped to the value. We want to make sure the :value-to-keys map stores the keys for a value in order (not really for any valid reason other than "cleanliness"), so we'll create the sorted set if the key being added to the svm is the first mapping to that value.

(defn assoc [svm k v]
  (if (= v (value-of svm k))
    (-> svm
        (dissoc k)
        (assoc-in [:key-to-value k] v)
        (update-in [:value-to-keys v] #(if % (conj % k) (sorted-set k))))))

To find the "first" or lowest value in the map, we start with the :value-to-keys map, which is sorted, and call c-first to get that lowest entry of [value set-of-keys]. If we have such an entry, meaning that the map isn't empty, we then pull out the first key from the set-of-keys (again, it's sorted), and provide that as a tuple vector of the key and its value. Theoretically, if I were to provide a seq function for an svm, it would return a sequence of these tuples.

(defn first [svm]
  (when-some [[v ks] (-> svm :value-to-keys c-first)]
    [(c-first ks) v]))

Finally, we implement merge-with, which takes in a comparison function, an svm, and another map, with the goal of merging every entry from the other map into the svm, based on whichever has the lowest value from the comparison function; in our case, we will expect to be passed in the function min, so we only store the cheaper path into svm. (Technically, this shouldn't be necessary, but it was fun to write.) We'll use reduce-kv to pull in every value from the map, and we'll assoc it in only if the svm doesn't have a mapping for that key yet, or if the new value is "better" than the previous one.

(defn merge-with [f svm other-map]
  (reduce-kv (fn [acc k v] (if-some [curr-v (value-of svm k)]
                             (if (= curr-v (f v curr-v))
                               (assoc acc k v))
                             (assoc acc k v)))

None of this was strictly necessary; we could have used a library for a heap, or perhaps even a prioritized queue, but I couldn't find something convenient to use. Besides, this was fun!

Refactoring Part 1

Refactoring part 1 is really simple, because we only need to update a few lines in the shortest-path function to leverage the svm instead of the simple map. In fact, I'll quickly show the three pairs of lines that changed.

; The candidates loop changes from a map to an svm.
(loop [candidates {point/origin 0}, seen #{}]                         
(loop [candidates (svm/assoc svm/empty-map point/origin 0), seen #{}]

; The code to get the first candidate now uses the svm implementation of first, instead of sorting every time.
(let [[point cost] (first (sort-by second candidates))
(let [[point cost] (svm/first candidates)

; The recur logic uses the svm implementation of merge-with instead of the core implementaiton.
(recur (merge-with min (dissoc candidates point) next-options)
(recur (svm/merge-with min (svm/dissoc candidates point) next-options)

So that makes this our new shortest-path function.

(defn shortest-path [cave]
  (let [cave-length (apply max (map ffirst cave))
        target [cave-length cave-length]]
    (loop [candidates (svm/assoc svm/empty-map point/origin 0), seen #{}]
      (let [[point cost] (svm/first candidates)
            next-options (->> (point/neighbors point)
                              (filter cave)
                              (remove seen)
                              (map #(vector % (+ cost (cave %))))
                              (into {}))]
        (if (= point target)
          (recur (svm/merge-with min (svm/dissoc candidates point) next-options)
                 (conj seen point)))))))

Part 2

Alright, we're armed with everything we need to efficiently find our way through a cave, but now we need a bigger cave! We'll need to take our incoming cave and line up 25 instances of them, in a 5x5 meta-square. The only tricky thing is that we'll need to increment every value by the distance of the current mini-cave from the initial cave, wrapping values from 10 down to 1.

So first, let's figure out how to calculate a cave's risk level. I'll assume that the calling code will pass in the risk level we would think we want, based on (+ listed-risk-level distance-to-initial-cave), which we then convert down to a number between 1 and 9. Rather than play with mods, I used (cycle (range 1 10)) to give an infinite sequence of values from 1 to 10, with a (cons 0) in the front since the 0th value, I suppose, should be a 0. Then we grab the nth value out of it. For a tiny hint of efficiency, I chose to memoize the result, since there's no reason to recalculate the value every time.

(def cave-risk
  (memoize (fn [n] (nth (cons 0 (cycle (range 1 10))) n))))

The multiply-cave function takes in a cave and returned that cave extended out into a meta-cave of length n; for part 1, n will be 1, and in part 2 it will be 5. We'll use the for macro to look at x- and y- distances from 0 to n, representing the distance of the mini cave from the initial cave. For each value [x y] in the original cave, we'll need to add x-offset and y-offset to it, representing the location of the "origin" of the new mini-cave. This value is just the length of the cave times the x or y value of the mini-cave, and p-offset is the [x y] coordinate of this new origin. Finally, n-offset represents the grid-distance of the mini-grid, since the risk level of every point in the mini-cave increases by this amount.

With all of those little calculations out of the way, multiply-cave takes each value in the original mini-cave and reduces it into a new map, where the key is the mini-origin p-offset added to the coordinates of the point, and the new value is the calculated cave-risk by adding the original value n to the n-offset of this new mini-cave. Once we have built all of those mini-caves (1 for part 1 and 25 for part 2), we simply (apply merge mini-caves) to assemble one giant cave.

(defn multiply-cave [cave n]
  (let [length (inc (apply max (map ffirst cave)))]
    (apply merge (for [grid-x (range 0 n) :let [x-offset (* grid-x length)]
                       grid-y (range 0 n) :let [y-offset (* grid-y length)
                                                p-offset [x-offset y-offset]
                                                n-offset (+ grid-x grid-y)]]
                   (reduce (fn [acc [p n]] (assoc acc (mapv + p p-offset)
                                                      (cave-risk (+ n n-offset))))
                           {} cave)))))

Now we're ready to finish the problem. Solving a puzzle involves parsing the input into a cave, multiplying it out by the correct number of multiples, and then returning the shortest path. For part 2, this algorithm reduced the running time of my original algorithm from about 100 seconds to about 4, which is fast enough for me!

(defn solve [num-multiples input]
  (-> input parse-cave (multiply-cave num-multiples) shortest-path))

(defn part1 [input] (solve 1 input))
(defn part2 [input] (solve 5 input))


I suspected I could make my algorithm even more efficient by making use of an A* algorithm. This involved rewriting the SVM into a Priority Map, in which I stored a key mapped to both its value and its priority; the priority was used in the sorting, by getting the first value out of the Priority Map would return the value instead. The goal was to help pick the most efficient path by always pushing closer to the target point, rather than just picking the cheapest point overall. Oddly enough, this wasn't any more efficient than the simple SVM, so I didn't bother sharing that code. I must have written it poorly, though, because that should have shaved more time off. Oh well; maybe in AoC 2022!