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+# Odoo Bedrock container image
+This image is meant as a greatest common denominator foundation to run
+It is a BYOO (bring-your-own-odoo) image, which means you need to create
+a derived image that adds your Odoo and addons. This image does not
+mandate any particular installation method for Odoo and addons, nor does
+it impose any constraint on your project structure.
+## Available image tags
+The CI of this project builds regularly for some combinations of Odoo
+version, python version and Ubuntu version.
+The supported combinations are visible in the \[build
+## Features exposed by these images
+> [!NOTE]
+> Anything not documented here considered implementation detail and may
+> change.
+- Ubuntu minimal because it's small and has recent pythons
+- `python`, obviously, in an activated virtual environment.
+- An entrypoint that generates the Odoo config file (`$ODOO_RC`) from
+ environment variables (see the list of supported variables below).
+- `/usr/local/bin/wkhtmltopdf` is the
+ [kwkhtmltopdf](https://github.com/acsone/kwkhtmltopdf) client. The
+ default KWKHTMLTOPDF_SERVER_URL environment variable is set to
+ .
+- Odoo mandatory external dependencies (i.e. `lessc` for Odoo \< 12)
+- `nano`, `less`, for some rudimentary comfort when the time comes to
+ investigate the container on the terminal
+- postgres [apt repo](https://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Apt) for easy
+ installation of the latest postgres client tools if needed
+Note **Odoo's python dependencies are not included**: you need to pip
+install Odoo's `requirements.txt`, or apt install them. This is not done
+in the base image as different projects may require different versions
+of these libraries.
+Other dependencies are also notably absent (graphviz, antiword,
+poppler-utils), these being unused in the latest Odoo version and
+infrequently used in older versions.
+The entrypoint does the following:
+- Generate the `$ODOO_RC` file from environment variables
+- If the command looks like odoo, run scripts in
+ `/odoo/start-entrypoint.d/`.
+- Unless `$NOGOSU` is set, run the entry point scripts, as well as the
+ command, under user `$LOCAL_USER_ID` (defaults to 999).
+For more details, read [./bin/entrypoint.sh](./bin/entrypoint.sh).
+### Configuration
+The following environment variables are used to generate the Odoo
+configuration file in `$ODOO_RC`:
+- `DB_HOST`
+- `DB_REPLICA_HOST` (\>=18)
+- `DB_MAXCONN_GEVENT` (\>=17)
+- `DB_NAME`
+- `DB_PORT`
+- `DB_REPLICA_PORT` (\>=18)
+- `DB_USER`
+- `LIST_DB`
+- `LOG_DB`
+The following environment variables are processed by the entrypoint, if
+the psql client is installed (which is not the case by default):
+- `ODOO_BASE_URL` sets the `web.base.url` system parameter, and forces
+ `web.base.urL.freeze` to `True`.
+- `ODOO_REPORT_URL` sets the `report.url` system parameter.
+## Example
+This is a typical Dockerfile derived from this image, provided here for
+Assume you have your custom addons in `myaddons`. You can create the
+following Dockerfile:
+``` dockerfile
+ARG odoo_version=17.0
+# build stage, install Odoo
+FROM ghcr.io/acsone/odoo-bedrock:${odoo_version}-py312-jammy-latest AS build
+ARG odoo_version
+# Install build dependencies
+RUN apt -yq update \
+&& apt -yq install --no-install-recommends \
+ curl \
+ python3.12-dev \
+ build-essential \
+ libpq-dev \
+ libldap2-dev \
+ libsasl2-dev \
+&& rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
+ADD https://raw.githubusercontent.com/odoo/odoo/${odoo_version}/requirements.txt /odoo/src/odoo/requirements.txt
+RUN --mount=type=cache,target=/root/.cache/pip \
+ pip install -r /odoo/src/odoo/requirements.txt
+ADD https://api.github.com/repos/odoo/odoo/git/refs/heads/${odoo_version} /tmp/odoo_version.json
+RUN curl -sSL https://github.com/odoo/odoo/tarball/${odoo_version} | tar -C /odoo/src/odoo --strip-components=1 -xz
+RUN --mount=type=cache,target=/root/.cache/pip \
+ pip install -e /odoo/src/odoo --config-setting editable_mode=compat
+# runtime stage
+FROM ghcr.io/acsone/odoo-bedrock:${odoo_version}-py312-jammy-latest
+# Install runtime system dependencies
+RUN apt -yq update \
+&& apt -yq install --no-install-recommends \
+ postgresql-client \
+&& rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
+# Copy venv from build stage to runtime stage
+COPY --from=build /odoo /odoo
+COPY ./myaddons /odoo/src/myaddons
+ENV ADDONS_PATH=/odoo/src/odoo/addons,/odoo/src/odoo/odoo/addons,/odoo/src/myaddons
+## Credits
+Inspiration has been drawn from
+for most environment variables, the odoo config file templates, and
+entrypoint.sh. This is by design, in order to facilitate possible future
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index 083a0f3..0000000
--- a/README.rst
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-Odoo Bedrock container image
-This image is meant as a greatest common denominator foundation to run Odoo.
-It is a BYOO (bring-your-own-odoo) image, which means you need
-to create a derived image that adds your Odoo and addons.
-This image does not mandate any particular installation method
-for Odoo and addons, nor does it impose any constraint on your project
-.. contents::
-Available image tags
-The CI of this project builds regularly for some combinations of Odoo version, python
-version and Ubuntu version.
-The supported combinations are visible in the [build matrix](./.github/workflows/ci.yml).
-Features exposed by these images
-.. note::
- Anything not documented here considered implementation detail and may change.
-* Ubuntu minimal because it's small and has recent pythons
-* ``python``, obviously, in an activated virtual environment.
-* An entrypoint that generates the Odoo config file (``$ODOO_RC``) from environment
- variables (see the list of supported variables below).
-* ``/usr/local/bin/wkhtmltopdf`` is the `kwkhtmltopdf
- `_ client. The default
- KWKHTMLTOPDF_SERVER_URL environment variable is set to http://kwkhtmltopdf.
-* Odoo mandatory external dependencies (i.e. ``lessc`` for Odoo < 12)
-* ``nano``, ``less``, for some rudimentary comfort when the time comes to investigate
- the container on the terminal
-* postgres `apt repo `_ for easy installation
- of the latest postgres client tools if needed
-Note **Odoo's python dependencies are not included**: you need to pip install
-Odoo's ``requirements.txt``, or apt install them.
-This is not done in the base image as different projects
-may require different versions of these libraries.
-Other dependencies are also notably absent (graphviz, antiword, poppler-utils),
-these being unused in the latest Odoo version and infrequently used in older
-The entrypoint does the following:
-* Generate the ``$ODOO_RC`` file from environment variables
-* If the command looks like odoo, run scripts in ``/odoo/start-entrypoint.d/``.
-* Unless ``$NOGOSU`` is set, run the entry point scripts, as well as the command, under
- user ``$LOCAL_USER_ID`` (defaults to 999).
-For more details, read `./bin/entrypoint.sh <./bin/entrypoint.sh>`_.
-The following environment variables are used to generate the Odoo configuration file in
-* ``DB_FILTER``
-* ``DB_HOST``
-* ``DB_REPLICA_HOST`` (>=18)
-* ``DB_MAXCONN_GEVENT`` (>=17)
-* ``DB_NAME``
-* ``DB_PORT``
-* ``DB_REPLICA_PORT`` (>=18)
-* ``DB_USER``
-* ``LIMIT_TIME_REAL_CRON`` (>=11)
-* ``LIST_DB``
-* ``LOG_DB``
-* ``LOG_LEVEL``
-* ``LOGFILE``
-* ``SYSLOG``
-* ``WORKERS``
-The following environment variables are processed by the entrypoint, if the psql client
-is installed (which is not the case by default):
-* ``ODOO_BASE_URL`` sets the ``web.base.url`` system parameter, and forces
- ``web.base.urL.freeze`` to ``True``.
-* ``ODOO_REPORT_URL`` sets the ``report.url`` system parameter.
-This is a typical Dockerfile derived from this image, provided here
-for inspiration.
-Assume you have your custom addons in ``myaddons``. You can create the following
-.. code:: dockerfile
- ARG odoo_version=17.0
- ###########################################################################
- # build stage, install Odoo
- FROM ghcr.io/acsone/odoo-bedrock:${odoo_version}-py312-jammy-latest AS build
- ARG odoo_version
- # Install build dependencies
- RUN apt -yq update \
- && apt -yq install --no-install-recommends \
- curl \
- python3.12-dev \
- build-essential \
- libpq-dev \
- libldap2-dev \
- libsasl2-dev \
- && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
- ADD https://raw.githubusercontent.com/odoo/odoo/${odoo_version}/requirements.txt /odoo/src/odoo/requirements.txt
- RUN --mount=type=cache,target=/root/.cache/pip \
- pip install -r /odoo/src/odoo/requirements.txt
- ADD https://api.github.com/repos/odoo/odoo/git/refs/heads/${odoo_version} /tmp/odoo_version.json
- RUN curl -sSL https://github.com/odoo/odoo/tarball/${odoo_version} | tar -C /odoo/src/odoo --strip-components=1 -xz
- RUN --mount=type=cache,target=/root/.cache/pip \
- pip install -e /odoo/src/odoo --config-setting editable_mode=compat
- ###########################################################################
- # runtime stage
- FROM ghcr.io/acsone/odoo-bedrock:${odoo_version}-py312-jammy-latest
- # Install runtime system dependencies
- RUN apt -yq update \
- && apt -yq install --no-install-recommends \
- postgresql-client \
- && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
- # Copy venv from build stage to runtime stage
- COPY --from=build /odoo /odoo
- COPY ./myaddons /odoo/src/myaddons
- ENV ADDONS_PATH=/odoo/src/odoo/addons,/odoo/src/odoo/odoo/addons,/odoo/src/myaddons
-Inspiration has been drawn from
-`camptocamp/docker-odoo-project `_
-for most environment variables, the odoo config file templates,
-and entrypoint.sh.
-This is by design, in order to facilitate possible future convergence.
-`Contributors `_.