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Migration guide from v2 to v3

In 2024 we will release version 3 of the JavaScript Algorand SDK. This version includes a number of changes and improvements over the previous version. This guide is intended to help you migrate your existing code from version 2 to version 3.

API Changes


The v2 Address interface has been upgraded to a class in v3.

In v2, you would use the decodeAddress and encodeAddress functions to convert between a 32-byte public key and an address string. These functions still exist in v3, but decodeAddress now returns an instance of the Address class.

For new code, it's probably more natural to use the Address class directly, rather than the decodeAddress and encodeAddress functions. The static method Address.fromString can be used to create an Address instance from a string, and the toString method can be used to convert an Address instance to a string.

// v2
const address = algosdk.decodeAddress(
console.log('Address 32-byte public key component:', address.publicKey);
console.log('Address checksum:', address.checksum);
console.log('Address string:', algosdk.encodeAddress(address.publicKey));

// v3
const address = algosdk.Address.fromString(
console.log('Address 32-byte public key component:', address.publicKey);
console.log('Address checksum:', address.checksum());
console.log('Address string:', address.toString());

In most places where you passed addresses as strings in v2, you can now choose to pass either a string or an instance of the Address class in v3. Internally, the SDK will convert the string to an Address instance if necessary.


In v3, the Transaction class underwent a significant internal refactor. For the most part, this class will behave the same as it did in v2, but there are a few changes to be aware of.


First, we will focus on the changes to the make* functions, which remain the recommended way to construct a Transaction instance in v3.

Since v1.8.1 was released in 2020, this library has supported two general ways of creating transactions:

// Warning: This is v2 code. Code for v3 is shown later in this section.
const suggestedParams = await client.getTransactionParams().do();

// Method 1: Using the "standard" version of the maker function for a specific transaction type.
// This standard version passes parameters as individual arguments.
const txn = algosdk.makePaymentTxnWithSuggestedParams(
  Uint8Array.from([1, 2, 3]),

// Method 2: Using the "FromObject" variant of the function, which takes a single parameter object.
const txn = algosdk.makePaymentTxnWithSuggestedParamsFromObject({
  amount: 1000,
  note: Uint8Array.from([1, 2, 3]),

We believe the second method, using the FromObject variant which takes a parameter object, is significantly more readable and maintainable, so we have removed the other variants in v3.

Specifically, these functions were removed in v3:

v2 Function v3 Replacement
makePaymentTxnWithSuggestedParams makePaymentTxnWithSuggestedParamsFromObject
makeKeyRegistrationTxnWithSuggestedParams makeKeyRegistrationTxnWithSuggestedParamsFromObject
makeAssetCreateTxnWithSuggestedParams makeAssetCreateTxnWithSuggestedParamsFromObject
makeAssetConfigTxnWithSuggestedParams makeAssetConfigTxnWithSuggestedParamsFromObject
makeAssetDestroyTxnWithSuggestedParams makeAssetDestroyTxnWithSuggestedParamsFromObject
makeAssetFreezeTxnWithSuggestedParams makeAssetFreezeTxnWithSuggestedParamsFromObject
makeAssetTransferTxnWithSuggestedParams makeAssetTransferTxnWithSuggestedParamsFromObject
makeApplicationCreateTxn makeApplicationCreateTxnFromObject
makeApplicationUpdateTxn makeApplicationUpdateTxnFromObject
makeApplicationDeleteTxn makeApplicationDeleteTxnFromObject
makeApplicationOptInTxn makeApplicationOptInTxnFromObject
makeApplicationCloseOutTxn makeApplicationCloseOutTxnFromObject
makeApplicationClearStateTxn makeApplicationClearStateTxnFromObject
makeApplicationNoOpTxn makeApplicationNoOpTxnFromObject

In addition to removing these functions, we have also changed some inputs to the remaining functions. In v2, the argument types of the make*FromObject functions were a rather complicated union of many derived types. In the interest of simplicity and ease of use, we have greatly simplified these types in v3. Specifically, these types and interfaces were removed in v2:

  • PaymentTxn
  • KeyRegistrationTxn
  • AssetCreateTxn
  • AssetConfigTxn
  • AssetDestroyTxn
  • AssetFreezeTxn
  • AssetTransferTxn
  • AppCreateTxn
  • AppUpdateTxn
  • AppDeleteTxn
  • AppOptInTxn
  • AppCloseOutTxn
  • AppClearStateTxn
  • AppNoOpTxn
  • StateProofTxn
  • AnyTransaction
  • MustHaveSuggestedParams
  • MustHaveSuggestedParamsInline

To replace them, these interfaces are introduced in v3:

  • CommonTransactionParams: Contains parameters common to every transaction type
  • PaymentTransactionParams: Contains payment transaction parameters
  • KeyRegistrationTransactionParams: Contains key registration transaction parameters
  • AssetConfigurationTransactionParams: Contains asset configuration transaction parameters
  • AssetTransferTransactionParams: Contains asset transfer transaction parameters
  • AssetFreezeTransactionParams: Contains asset freeze transaction parameters
  • ApplicationCallTransactionParams: Contains application call transaction parameters
  • TransactionParams: Contains all necessary parameters to construct a transaction of any type

Every transaction type has a base make* function whose single parameter object is a union of its specific transaction parameter type outlined above, and CommonTransactionParams. For example, the makePaymentTxnWithSuggestedParamsFromObject function takes a parameter object of type PaymentTransactionParams & CommonTransactionParams.

These interfaces differ slightly from the v2 types. Some field names have changed in order to be more consistent with their usage in other contexts, and some types have changed as well. The table below covers all name changes and cases where types become more restrictive. Fields where the only change was a type becoming less restrictive (e.g. string to string | Address) are not covered here.

Transaction Type v2 Parameter v2 Parameter Type v3 Parameter v3 Parameter Type Notes
All from string sender string | Address
Payment to string receiver string | Address
Key Registration voteKey string | Uint8Array voteKey Uint8Array Base64 encoded value is no longer accepted
" selectionKey string | Uint8Array selectionKey Uint8Array Base64 encoded value is no longer accepted
" stateProofKey string | Uint8Array stateProofKey Uint8Array Base64 encoded value is no longer accepted
Asset Config assetMetadataHash string | Uint8Array assetMetadataHash Uint8Array Base64 encoded value is no longer accepted
Asset Freeze freezeState boolean frozen boolean
Asset Transfer to string receiver string | Address
" revocationTarget string assetSender string | Address

Given these changes, the earlier v2 example would be equivalent to the following in v3:

const suggestedParams = await client.getTransactionParams().do();

const txn = algosdk.makePaymentTxnWithSuggestedParamsFromObject({
  amount: 1000,
  note: Uint8Array.from([1, 2, 3]),

Similar to the input types from the make* functions, the input type to the Transaction constructor has changed. This type is now the TransactionParams interface, which contains each of the above type-specific transaction parameter types as optional fields. For example, it has a field called paymentParams with the type PaymentTransactionParams. The same changes to field names and types that affected the make* functions also affect the Transaction constructor.


The following table shows the correspondence between v2 and v3 fields in the Transaction class. The most significant change is that fields specific to a transaction type are now nested under an object corresponding to that transaction type. For example, the amount field is now payment.amount or assetTransfer.amount, depending on the transaction type. The object for that transaction type will only exist if the transaction is that type, otherwise it will be undefined.

v2 Field v2 Field Type v3 Field v3 Field Type Notes
type TransactionType type TransactionType
fee number fee bigint
flatFee boolean No longer exists
firstRound number firstValid bigint
lastRound number lastValid bigint
genesisID string genesisID string Field is now optional
genesisHash Buffer genesisHash Uint8Array Field is now optional
note Uint8Array note Uint8Array
reKeyTo Address rekeyTo Address
lease Uint8Array lease Uint8Array
group Buffer group Uint8Array
from Address sender Address
to Address payment.receiver Address If the transaction type is payment
" " assetTransfer.receiver Address If the transaction type is asset transfer
amount number | bigint payment.amount bigint If the transaction type is payment
" " assetTransfer.amount bigint If the transaction type is asset transfer
closeRemainderTo Address payment.closeRemainderTo Address If the transaction type is payment
" " assetTransfer.closeRemainderTo Address If the transaction type is asset transfer
voteKey Buffer keyreg.voteKey Uint8Array
selectionKey Buffer keyreg.selectionKey Uint8Array
stateProofKey Buffer keyreg.stateProofKey Uint8Array
voteFirst number keyreg.voteFirst bigint
voteLast number keyreg.voteLast bigint
voteKeyDilution number keyreg.voteKeyDilution bigint
nonParticipation boolean keyreg.nonParticipation boolean
assetIndex number assetConfig.assetIndex bigint If the transaction type is asset config
" " assetTransfer.assetIndex bigint If the transaction type is asset transfer
" " assetFreeze.assetIndex bigint If the transaction type is asset freeze
assetTotal number | bigint bigint
assetDecimals number assetConfig.decimals number
assetDefaultFrozen boolean assetConfig.defaultFrozen boolean
assetManager Address assetConfig.manager Address
assetReserve Address assetConfig.reserve Address
assetFreeze Address assetConfig.freeze Address
assetClawback Address assetConfig.clawback Address
assetUnitName string assetConfig.unitName string
assetName string assetConfig.assetName string
assetURL string assetConfig.assetURL string
assetMetadataHash Uint8Array assetConfig.assetMetadataHash Uint8Array
freezeAccount Address assetFreeze.freezeAccount Address
freezeState boolean assetFreeze.frozen boolean
assetRevocationTarget Address assetTransfer.assetSender Address
appIndex number applicationCall.appIndex bigint
appOnComplete OnApplicationComplete applicationCall.onComplete OnApplicationComplete
appLocalInts number applicationCall.numLocalInts number
appLocalByteSlices number applicationCall.numLocalByteSlices number
appGlobalInts number applicationCall.numGlobalInts number
appGlobalByteSlices number applicationCall.numGlobalByteSlices number
extraPages number applicationCall.extraPages number
appApprovalProgram Uint8Array applicationCall.approvalProgram Uint8Array
appClearProgram Uint8Array applicationCall.clearProgram Uint8Array
appArgs Uint8Array[] applicationCall.appArgs Uint8Array[]
appAccounts Address[] applicationCall.accounts Address[]
appForeignApps number[] applicationCall.foreignApps bigint[]
appForeignAssets number[] applicationCall.foreignAssets bigint[]
boxes BoxReference[] applicationCall.boxes TransactionBoxReference[]
stateProofType number | bigint stateProof.stateProofType number
stateProof Uint8Array stateProof.stateProof StateProof
stateProofMessage Uint8Array stateProof.message StateProofMessage
name string No longer exists
tag Buffer No longer exists

Note that for v2, the Address type indicates the v2 Address interface, while for v3, the Address type indicates the v3 Address class. See the Addresses section for more information.


The following methods have been removed from the public Transaction class API in v3:

  • _getDictForDisplay
  • toString
  • prettyPrint
  • addLease
  • addRekey
  • estimateSize

We believe these methods were not useful to most users, and we have removed them to simplify the API. Specifically, the addLease and addRekey options are no longer necessary, since it's possible to include these fields in the transaction parameter object when creating the transaction.

Passing Transactions to Functions

In v2, it was possible to pass a raw object with the same properties that the Transaction constructor would accept to many functions that expected a Transaction instance. This was made possible with the TransactionLike type.

That type has been removed and this behavior is no longer possible in v3. Instead, you must explicitly construct Transaction instances, preferably using the make* functions.

Multisig Transaction Class

The MultisigTransaction class has been removed, as it was unnecessary.

Transaction Group Class

The TxGroup class has been removed, as it was unnecessary.

Suggested Transaction Parameters

The SuggestedParams interface plays an important role in creating new transactions. In v2, there were SuggestedParams and SuggestedParamsWithMinFee interfaces, but the minFee field was never used by the transaction construction functions; instead, they used the hardcoded constant ALGORAND_MIN_TX_FEE, which was 1000 microAlgos.

In v3, we've removed the need for SuggestedParamsWithMinFee and added the minFee field to the SuggestedParams interface. This field is now required, and the ALGORAND_MIN_TX_FEE constant has been removed.

This allows the SDK to use the min fee information provided by the node, which has the potential to change over time or for different networks.

In total, these changes were made to the SuggestedParams fields:

Field v2 Field Type v3 Field Type Notes
minFee Did not exist number | bigint Introduced new required field
genesisID string string Field is now optional
genesisHash string Uint8Array Field is now optional, and must be a Uint8Array

If you manually constructed SuggestedParams objects in v2, you will need to add a minFee field to those objects in v3, and you will need to convert your genesisHash string to a Uint8Array. Consider using the new base64ToBytes function to do this.

We expect most users to not be affected by this, since if you use Algod to get suggested parameters, it will include all parameters in the correct format.

Auction Bids

Auction bids have been removed from the library in v3, as they were only relevant to the launch of MainNet.

Algod and Indexer Clients

In v2, the Algodv2 and Indexer clients, as well as each individual request class, had a setIntDecoding method which could be used to configure how integers in the response were parsed into either a JavaScript number or bigint. These methods have been removed in v3.

Instead, Algod and Indexer responses are now fully typed, and individual fields are typed as either number or bigint. The types defined in the modelsv2 and indexerModels namespaces have been updated to reflect this. In v2, these classes used number | bigint for all numeric fields, but in v3, they will use either number or bigint depending on the field.

Generally speaking, the fields will be bigint based on the following criteria:

  • If the field represents an amount of microAlgos or ASA units, it will be bigint
  • If the field represents a round/block number, it will be bigint
  • If the field represents an asset or application ID, it will be bigint
  • If the field represents a timestamp measured in nanoseconds, it will be bigint
  • If the field can be any value in the uint64 range, it will be bigint
  • Other fields which are guaranteed to be small will be number

Additionally, Algod and Indexer request and response models used to be subclasses of a BaseModel type. This type has been removed in v3, and instead all models adhere to the Encodable interface. More information about encoding changes can be found in the Object Encoding and Decoding section.

JSON Operations

In order to facilitate bigint as a first-class type in this SDK, additional JSON conversion utilities have been added in v3. These are the parseJSON and stringifyJSON functions.

parseJSON can be used to parse a JSON string into a JavaScript object, with support for parsing numeric fields as bigints, depending on the provided configuration.

stringifyJSON can be used to convert a JavaScript object containing bigints into a JSON string, something JSON.stringify cannot do.

If your v2 code uses JSON.parse or JSON.stringify on types which can now contain bigints in v3, you may receive an error such as TypeError: Do not know how to serialize a BigInt. Consider using these new functions instead. Or, if the types are Encodable, use the new encodeJSON and decodeJSON functions described in the Object Encoding and Decoding section.

Msgpack Operations

The functions encodeObj and decodeObj, used to encode and decode msgpack objects, have been deprecated in v3 in favor of new functions, msgpackRawEncode and msgpackRawDecode. These functions have clearer names and differ slightly from the old functions. Specifically:

  • msgpackRawEncode will encode an object to msgpack, but will not check for empty values and throw errors if any are found. This additional check has become unnecessary due to the new encoding and decoding system in v3.
  • msgpackRawDecode will decode a msgpack object, but unlike decodeObj which always uses IntDecoding.MIXED to decode integers, msgpackRawDecode can use any provided IntDecoding option. If none are provided, it will default to IntDecoding.BIGINT. Generally speaking, IntDecoding.BIGINT is preferred because it can handle all possible integer values, and the type of an integer will not change depending on the value (like it can with IntDecoding.MIXED), meaning code which query integer values from the decoded object will be more predictable.

Though in the vast majority of cases, you will not need to use these functions directly. Instead, the encodeMsgpack and decodeMsgpack functions are preferred, which are discussed in the Object Encoding and Decoding section.


The IntDecoding.DEFAULT option has been renamed to IntDecoding.UNSAFE in v3. It behaves identically to the v2 IntDecoding.DEFAULT option, but the name has been changed to better reflect the fact that other options should be preferred.

Dryrun Utilities

Due to the fully-typed Algod responses in v3, some of the redundant dryrun types have been removed.

Specifically, the DryrunResult class and its dependent types have been removed in favor of the Algod response model, modelsv2.DryrunResponse.

The DryrunTransactionResult class, which made up the elements of the v2 DryrunResult.txns array, used to have methods appTrace and lsigTrace. These have been replaced by the new dryrunTxnResultAppTrace and dryrunTxnResultLogicSigTrace functions, which accept a DryrunTxnResult. These new functions should produce identical results to the old ones.

Object Encoding and Decoding

In v2 of the SDK, the Transaction, LogicSig, BaseModel and other classes had get_obj_for_encoding methods and from_obj_for_encoding static methods. These were used during the process of encoding or decoding objects from msgpack or JSON. These ad-hoc methods have been removed in v3, and in their place a new Encodable interface has been introduced, along with functions encodeMsgpack, decodeMsgpack, encodeJSON, and decodeJSON.

These changes were made to streamline, standardize, and greatly increase the capabilities of the encoding and decoding process. In v2, where get_obj_for_encoding and from_obj_for_encoding were used, these new functions may be used instead. An example is below.

// Encoding a transaction to msgpack, then decoding it back

// v2
const txn = algosdk.makePaymentTxnWithSuggestedParamsFromObject({...});
const encoded = algosdk.encodeObj(txn.get_obj_for_encoding());
const decoded = algosdk.Transaction.from_obj_for_encoding(
  algosdk.decodeObj(encoded) as algosdk.EncodedTransaction
assert.deepStrictEqual(txn, decoded);

// v3
const txn = algosdk.makePaymentTxnWithSuggestedParamsFromObject({...});
const encoded = algosdk.encodeMsgpack(txn); // Uint8Array of msgpack-encoded transaction
const decoded = algosdk.decodeMsgpack(encoded, algosdk.Transaction); // Decoded Transaction instance
assert.deepStrictEqual(txn, decoded);