Below is a brief summary of the QICK software capabilities.
- Basic example given in Demo 00_Send_receive_pulse
- Control of 1st and 2nd Nyquist zone pulses, direct synthesis of pulses up to 6 GHz
- Decimated mode and acquire (I/Q) mode (with round-robin style data acquisition)
- Arbitrary pulse envelopes
- DAC modes of operation: CW mode, product mode, envelope-only mode
- ADC modes of operation: demodulation in the ADC
- Relative timing and phase control between pulses
- Basic example given in Demo 02_Sweeping_variables
- The update function allows you to easily update parameters such as pulse gain in a fast loop (within a QICK program, rather than a Python slow loop over multiple QICK programs)
- Basic example given in Demo 03_Conditional_logic
- The ability to play conditional pulses based on tProc register values
- Basic example given in Demo 04_Reading_Math_Writing
- The ability to write data to and read data from tProc memory addresses (which tProc registers can access)
- Addition, subtraction, multiplication, bit shifting
- Measuring a single qubit Demo 06_qubit_demos
- N-dimensional sweeps Demo 07_Sweep_ND_variables
- Learn how labs have used the QICK! Check out our papers page