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Notes and Tips

bunnie edited this page Feb 11, 2018 · 49 revisions

...because it's hard to remember all those command lines...


  • Array indices in Python are foo[offset:offset+length]. So if you want to select the bottom 10 bits of a signal, you do a[:10] instead of a[9:0] (an empty spot has implicit meaning in Python it seems). The next 10 bits is b[10:20], instead of b[19:10]. You can't "reverse" MSB/LSB in Python like you can in Verilog by changing the index order in the brackets.

  • Mismatches in bit vector lengths is kicked down the road to Verilog. So,

a = Signal(31)
b = Signal(16)
self.comb += a.eq(b)

Just generates the verilog "assign a = b".

It's best to confirm if the compiler does what you think it does in this case. There is a spec but there are extensions that can, for example, allow for signed numbers.

Confirmed that Vivado's convention is:

  • if lvalue is wider than rvalue, then LSB-align rvalue and zero-pad
  • if lvalue is narrower than rvalue, then lvalue gets the LSB's of rvalue

So wire [15:0] a; wire[7:0] b; assign a = b; is implicitly assign a[15:0] = {8'b0, b};


wire [7:0] a; wire[15:0] b; assign a = b; is implicitly assign a[7:0] = b[7:0];

  • Clock domains. The "migen way" is to late-bind clock domain definitions. If you don't mind it, it defaults to "sys". Otherwise, you use clock domain renamers to bind the clock domains of modules.

I haven't found good docs on the clock domain crossing functions. Based on some test code I ran and an attempt to read the very difficult Python code:

  • Every function (class??) in Python has an implicit clock domain of "sys", which is 100 MHz "by default"
  • If you want other clocks, you need a line like "self.clock_domains.cd_YOURDOMAIN = ClockDomain()" where YOURDOMAIN is the name of your clock domain. There's some magic thing you can do to create a reset synchronizer by including "AsyncResetSynchronizer(self.cd_YOURDOMAIN, RESET_SIGNAL)" where RESET_SIGNAL is your asynchronous (external) reset signal. Later on you can do "ResetSignal("YOURDOMAIN")" to summon the synchronized reset signal in any rvalue.
  • Late-bind clock domains using ClockDomainsRenamer(). Assuming you wrote a function FOO just using the ambiguous "self.sync +=" idiom, you can bind all the "self.sync" statements inside FOO to a new domain NEWCLOCKDOMAIN with "bar = ClockDomainsRenamer("NEWCLOCKDOMAIN")(FOO())" and then "self.submodules += bar".

The self.submodules += bar is critical; if you forget it migen silently fails to actually create FOO() and just gives you the initial value of whatever the signals were inside FOO().

"bar" is now your instance of FOO() and you have to pull signals out of bar by using the "." notation to reference the signal instances within the bar object.

  • Still trying to figure out why some things are self.submodule += and while some things are = bar or name = bar, seems to have to do with scoping rules and a lot of .. implicit stuff that's probably obvious to a Python programmer but totally opaque to me.

  • If you have signals in domain A and you want them in domain CLKWONK, then you use MultiReg(). specifically, "self.specials += MultiReg(a, b, "CLKWONK")". Note the assignment here is a->b, unlike the right-to-left nature of a.eq(b). MultiReg() in this case creates two back to back FF's to cross the clock domains.

  • There seems to be some other really useful primitives inside litex's with evocative names like "Gearbox", "PulseSynchronizer", "ElasticBuffer", and "BusSynchronizer". I wish someone would tell me what they did and how to use them. Like a datasheet, or some sort of documentation like that.

  • Here's an example of the kind of documentation you can expect (from litex/soc/interconnect/

    write_from_dev : bool
        Allow the design to update the CSRStorage value.
        *Warning*: The atomicity of reads by the CPU is not guaranteed.

    alignment_bits : int

    name : string
        Provide (or override the name) of the ``CSRStatus`` register.

It's actually kind of critical to know how they treat alignment bits, because I have a lot of bugs where the firmware is jamming in words when the registers expect bytes, and vice versa. The convention is not fixed and if you don't write your code carefully you can even get into CSRs that are implicitly aligned to for example cache-line or burst-width boundaries which is terribly non-obvious.


  • All signals are active high by convention, unless indicated by _b or _n suffix.


Command line tips

  • scripts/ # run this before trying anything in litex
  • export TARGET= # to change which target the environment builds
  • ssh [email protected] -L1234:localhost:1234 -v # forward port to localhost via ssh

Digging through the design hierarchy's name space

edit -- what you really want is pycharm. You'll need to make sure it's pointing to python3.5 and also you need to setup the litex paths (using python3 in the litex directory) but once it's running you can control-click through the object hierarchy.

Use ipython or bpython (via pip install bpython) for browsing netlist structure

 from import SoC
 from platforms.netv2 import Platform

now you can use dir/completion to nav hierachy via the "s" object. Signals resolve as "signal" and these can be dropped into litescope

Getting into the Vivado UI

There's some nice features and sanity checks available in the Vivado UI that LiteX doesn't have. Just because it's all command-line doesn't mean you have to lose this.

Inside your build's gateware directory (e.g. build/platform_target_cpu/gateware) there is a "top.tcl" file. This is a script that drives vivado. If you want to e.g. run additional analyses on the automated compilation, you can just comment out the "quit" statement at the end and then run the tcl file, and it'll stop with the UI open.

If you want to use a pre-built run, you can just load a checkpoint. Start vivado from the build's gateware directory (the command is literally "vivado", assuming you've already entered the litex environment using the "source scripts/ command") and then just type

 open_checkpoint top_route.dcp

(there's also a menu option to "open checkpoint" under the File menu)

This will load in the entire design just after place and route and where all the analysis steps get run. From here you can view the graphical flooplan, schematics, and run additional timing/clock interaction reports.

Global clocks and resets

To make a clock global (so you can pull it in submodules without passing it explicitly through the args), you declare a "clock domain"

 self.clock_domains.cd_george = ClockDomain()

 self.specials += Instance("BUFG", name="george", i_I=georgeunbuf, o_O=self.cd_george.clk)
 self.specials += AsyncResetSynchronizer(self.cd_george, unsynced_reset_signal) # unsynced_reset_signal is any signal from another clock domain that's to serve as a reset, eg a PLL lock etc

In the submodule, you can then use

 self.george_clk = self.ClockSignal("george")  #  use george_clk wherever the clock is needed
 self.res_george_sync = ResetSignal("george")  # use res_george_sync wherever the reset is needed

Using your own verilog modules

If you want to use an existing verilog module you've written in a LiteX project, you need to first import it by calling add_source for every file in your module's heirarchy, e.g.


By "full/path/to_module" I mean the full path from the directory where you type "make", e.g. the top level of the build, no the absolute path relative to the filesystem.

You want to put those calls in your "target" file, inside the init function of your top-level SoC (not in the file with the list of pin mappings).

Then, you use the "specials" construct to instantiate the module. This can be done at any level in the LiteX hierarchy once the source files are incorporated in your target file.

The python syntax:

 self.specials += Instance("module1",

Would correspond to this verilog template:

  module module1 (
      input wire signal1,
      output wire signal2

The "i_" and "o_" prefixes are automatically added to the beginning of signal names from the verilog template.


Litescope is the LiteX equivalent of Chipscope ILA.

Litescope can export its data through several ports: a dedicated UART port (separate from the firmware/CLI port), ethernet, this example, we assume we've created an additional UART port dedicated to the Litescope interface. This is the slowest method but also the simplest and good for bootstrap debugging.

You will want to insert these lines inside your top-level .py SoC description file. At the top:

  from litex.soc.cores import uart                       # these two lines may already be present
  from litex.soc.cores.uart import UARTWishboneBridge

  from litescope import LiteScopeAnalyzer 

Then inside your top-level SoC instantiation function:

class MySoC(BaseSoc):
    csr_peripherals = {
        "probably_several_other_peripherals_already", ## you'll have several of these
        "analyzer",   ## << this line
    csr_map_update(BaseSoC.csr_map, csr_peripherals)  ## you probably have this already

    def __init__(self, platform *args, **kwargs):     ## you definitely have this
       BaseSoC.__init__(self, platform, *args, **kwargs)

       # these two lines add in the debug interface                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
       self.submodules.bridge = UARTWishboneBridge(platform.request("debug_serial"), self.clk_freq, baudrate=115200)

     ### all of your SoC code here

     ## now connect your analyzer to the signals you want to look at
     analyzer_signals = [
     self.submodules.analyzer = LiteScopeAnalyzer(analyzer_signals, 1024)  # 1024 is the depth of the analyzer

## add this function to create the analyzer configuration file during compliation
    def do_exit(self, vns, filename="test/analyzer.csv"):
        self.analyzer.export_csv(vns, filename)

After you run "make gateware", there will be a "test" sub-directory in your build/ directory. The test directory will contain an analyzer.csv and a csr.csv file. These configure the host-side drivers for the litescope.

Now in order to engage litescope, you have to start the litex_server:

  litex_server uart /dev/ttyUSB0 115200 &

This of course assumes you have your UART cable at /dev/ttyUSB0 and connected properly to the board. If it works well, you'll get some output to the effect of:

LiteX remote server [CommUART] port: /dev/ttyUSB0 / baudrate: 115200 / tcp port: 1234

You can telnet to this port to confirm it's up and running.

Once the server is running you can run the following script to drive the interface:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import time

from import RemoteClient
from import LiteScopeAnalyzerDriver

wb = RemoteClient()

# # #

analyzer = LiteScopeAnalyzerDriver(wb.regs, "analyzer", debug=True)

analyzer.configure_trigger(cond={"hdmi_in0_frame_de" : 1})  # only include this if you want a trigger condition
# analyzer.configure_trigger(cond={"foo": 0xa5, "bar":0x5a}) # you can add my conditions by building a "dictionary"

analyzer.configure_subsampler(1), length=128)  # controls the "pre-trigger" offset plus length to download for this run, up to the length of the total analyzer config in hardware

# # #

You'll get a "dump.vcd" file which you can view using gtkwave (which you should be able to apt-get install if you don't have it).

Setting Litescope Clocks

Check for arguments to Litescope.

So when instantiating the analyzer, do this:

     self.submodules.analyzer = LiteScopeAnalyzer(analyzer_signals, 1024, cd=my_domain, cd_ratio=1) 

If my_domain is <= sys_clk, cd_ratio = 1; if my_domain is >=sys_clk, cd_ratio=2. The fastest that you can go is 2x sys_clk.

At least in my design, sys_clk is set to 100MHz, so that would give a max of 200MHz.

Using Florent's Build Env

Florent's version of LiteX combines the platform+target files into a single file, along with most of the code you need for a specific FPGA. This makes a lot of sense.

To bootstrap into the environment, you'll need to cross-compile gcc for lm32 first. Don't clone the gcc source repo. That's a waste of time. Follow this gcc build guide up until the point where they say to run configure. Then, run

  mkdir build && cd build
  ../configure --target=lm32-elf
  sudo make install

Then you can run florent's "" script, first by doing init, then install

The specific SoC you're working on is in the -soc directory, e.g. netv2-soc for netv2mvp.

To use bpython3 to try and wade through problems in code, entering is a bit different. Start bpython3 and use these commands:


And that will get you to a point where you can browse around in the hierarchy for figuring out what connects to what.

If you get some complaint about the litex environments not being found, go up a dir and run "bpython3 update" -- this will do some weird magic that maps the libraries into the current version of bpython3 that you're using. This broke a couple times for me because as I updated my python environment something in the library mappings break.

Oh also -- note that if you installed any python stuff from within the litex build environment, it "eats" it and keeps it local. So you have to re-install e.g. pip, bpython3 and so forth.

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