var longestPalindrome = function ( s ) {
let ltrCount = Object . values ( s . split ( "" ) . reduce ( ( struct , val ) => {
struct [ val ] = ( struct [ val ] || 0 ) + 1 ;
return struct ;
} , { } ) ) ;
let pairs = ltrCount . map ( n => Math . floor ( n / 2 ) ) . reduce ( ( acc , val ) => val + acc ) ;
if ( pairs == s . length / 2 ) {
return s . length ;
} else {
return pairs * 2 + 1 ;
} ;
given any number of letters return the longest palindrome you can make by rearranging letters
every letter appears with another of that letter, except for at most 1 letter(if it is center of odd-lengthed palindrome)
for every even numbered palindrome you can make it one longer by adding another letter in the middle
if there are any left over then the answer is 2(numOfPairs)+1
if there are none left over then the answer is the length of the input
using set to only show unique values
the difference is the number of pairs
if difference is exactly half return original length
if difference is not exactly half, then double difference and add 1
doesn’t account for letters that are repeated multiple times
using charcode to put in order
create a map of char counts
remove unnecessary variables