Before we start writing code. you will need to get setup with the tools we will be using to create the application. We will be using the aurelia comand line tool to create the project structure. The Aurelia CLI will allow to choose between to popular programming language options: ESNext and typescript. In this tutorial we will be using ESnext as our programming language.
The first thing that you will need to have installed is node.js it can be downloaded from here Which can be downloaded from the provided link. After following the installation instructions for node.
After installing node, we need to use the node package manager to install the aurelia cli globally that can be done using this command:
npm install -g aurelia-cli
Our todo application contains a list of Todo
instances. It can add and remove todos. The todos are added by allowing a user to provide a todo description. Once they type a description and add the todo, the description is cleared so they can create another todo.
To create the project run the following command: au new todos
accepting all of the default options.
The aurelia cli has a built in command to run your newly created project au run --watch
the watch flag will cause your browser to reload the app each time that a file is changed.
NOTE: Currently the --watch
flag is required or there will be an error because of a bug in webpack.
Now that the project is running, open up a web browser and navigate to http://localhost:8080/ you should see some thing like:
You will notice that the text displayed for the title in the browser tab reads: Aurelia Navigation Skeleton. let's change that now. open the webpack.config.js
file in the root folder of the application. Find the line that reads:
const title = 'Aurelia Navigation Skeleton';
and change it to
const title = 'Todos';
when you save this file the browser window refresh. and the title will display the new title.
In Aurelia a component is made up of two files an Html file containing the view and a js file containing the view model.
The App component view model will be located in the src
folder modifiy the the one generated by the
cli to look lik this:
export class App {
heading = 'Todos';
and update the view also located in the src
folder to look like this:
Since we are making a Todo App, We are going to begin by creating a Todo
class to model an individual Todo item. In the src
folder of your project, create the following file:
export class Todo {
done = false;
description = "";
this.description = description;
Update the App component view model to look like this:
import { Todo } from "./todo";
export class App {
heading = 'Todos';
todos = [];
todoDescription = "";
addTodo() {
this.todos.push(new Todo(this.todoDescription));
this.todoDescription = "";
Update the App component view, to look like this:
<form submit.trigger="addTodo()">
<input type="text" value.bind="todoDescription">
<button type="submit">add Todo</button>
<form submit.trigger="addTodo()">
<input type="text" value.bind="todoDescription">
<button type="submit">add Todo</button>
<li repeat.for="todo of todos">
<input type="checkbox" checked.bind="todo.done">
Update the app view model to look like this:
import { Todo } from "./todo";
export class App {
heading = 'Todos';
todos = [];
todoDescription = "";
addTodo() {
this.todos.push(new Todo(this.todoDescription));
this.todoDescription = "";
removeTodo(todo) {
let index = this.todos.indexOf(todo);
if (index !== -1) {
this.todos.splice(index, 1);
Update the app view to look like this:
<form submit.trigger="addTodo()">
<input type="text" value.bind="todoDescription">
<button type="submit">add Todo</button>
<li repeat.for="todo of todos">
<input type="checkbox" checked.bind="todo.done">
<button click.trigger="removeTodo(todo)">Remove</button>
update the app view to like this:
<form submit.trigger="addTodo()">
<input type="text" value.bind="todoDescription">
<button type="submit">add Todo</button>
<li repeat.for="todo of todos">
<input type="checkbox" checked.bind="todo.done">
<span css="text-decoration: ${todo.done ? 'line-through' : 'none'}">${todo.description}</span>
<button click.trigger="removeTodo(todo)">Remove</button>