How to create a simple aurelia api mock service
Add the aurelia-configuration component to the aurelia project
Configure aurelia-configuration plugin to support stages individual configurations
.plugin('aurelia-configuration', config => {
development: ['localhost', 'dev.local', ''],
staging: ['', ''],
production: ['']
Create central configuration file including a section for api routes
"name": "MyProject",
"api": {
"key": "somekey",
"endpoint": ""
"development": {
"myproject-api": {
"key": "developmentonlykey938109283091",
"endpoint": "localhost:9001/api/v1",
"api-headers": {
"Content-Type": "application/json"
"routes": {
"users": {
"postUserRegister" : "/users/register.json",
"getUserIndex": "/users/users.json",
"getUser": "/users/get-user.json",
"getUserAddress": "/addresses/get-address.json"
"production": {
"myproject-api": {
"key": "developmentonlykey938109283091",
"endpoint": "http://localhost:80/api/v1",
"api-headers": {
"Content-Type": "application/json"
"routes": {
"users" : {
"get-user-index": "/users/",
"get-user": "/users/{user-id}",
"get-user-address": "/users/{user-id}/address"
Create folder structure with json-response-object files:
* api
* v1
* users
* user.json
Add json-response-object-files:
"user": {
"firstname": "Max",
"lastname": "Mustermann
Setup Aurelia-Fetch-Requests in services or view-models using the routes configured in central config file:
export class UserService{
readonly configRoutesPath : string = 'myproject-api.routes.users';
private baseApiUrl : string;
private apiRoutes;
private HttpClient: HttpClient,
private config: AureliaConfiguration
this.baseApiUrl= this.config.get('myproject-api.endpoint');
this.apiRoutes = this.config.get('myproject-api.routes.users');
* Requests the user index from API
public getUsers() : User[]{
let users : User[] = [];
this.HttpClient.fetch(this.baseApiUrl + this.apiRoutes.users.getUserIndex, {
headers: this.config.get('myproject-api.api-headers'),
method: "GET"
.then(response => {
return response.json()})
.then(data => {
users = data.users;
return users;
console.log("Error on requesting User Index");
throw "Something went wrong on requesting the API for getting users, " + err;
return users;