<%* // https://forum.obsidian.md/t/template-for-insert-callout/65074/19
//get selection noteContent = await tp.file.selection();
// Check if the selected text has one or two strings let numberOfStrings = noteContent.split('\n').length; let titre; let corps;
if (numberOfStrings === 1) { // Ingest titre only titre = noteContent.match(/./g)[0]; corps = ""; } else if (numberOfStrings > 1) { // Ingest titre and corps titre = noteContent.match(/.(?=\n.)/g)[0]; corps = noteContent.match(/(?<=.\n)(.|\n)*/g).join('\n'); }
// list callouts const callouts = { quote: '🔘 💬 Quote / Cite', // tip: '🌐 🔥 Tip / Hint / Important', "личное-мнение": '🌐 🔥 Личное мнение', failure: '🔴 ❌ Failure / Fail / Missing', success: '🟢 ✔ Success / Check / Done', question: '🟡 ❓ Question / Help / FAQ', warning: '🟠 ⚠ Warning / Caution / Attention', note: '🔵 ✏ Note', abstract: '🌐 📋 Abstract / Summary / TLDR', example: '🟣 📑 Example' };
const type = await tp.system.suggester(Object.values(callouts), Object.keys(callouts), true, 'Select callout type.');
const title = titre;
//get array of lines lines = corps.split('\n');
//make a new string with > prepended to each line let newContent = ""; lines.forEach(l => { newContent += '> ' + l + "\n"; })
//remove the last newline character newContent = newContent.replace(/\n$/, "");
//define callout header header = "> [!"+type+"]" + " " + title +"\n";
// Return the complete callout block if (numberOfStrings === 1) { return header; } else { return header + newContent; } %>