This lab introduces Azure Stream Analytics with Azure IoT Edge on Windows 10 IoT Enterprise.
- Open a PowerShell window as an Administrator (right click on the PowerShell entry and select Run as Administrator) and run the following command to use a cached version of the base container to reduce internet bandwidth use.
docker load -i C:\Labs\Docker\temperaturesimulator.tar
Open the Start Menu and type PowerShell, then click Run as Administrator
Login to Azure CLI using the following command:
Note: You may be asked to login to your browser; use your lab credentials
az extension add --name azure-cli-iot-ext
az login
- Set your account to the correct subscription:
az account set --subscription 'MSIoTLabs-IIA'
- Run the following command replacing [Edge Device id] and [IoT Hub Name] with their respective fields from the notes file on your desktop (also found in the IoT Hub set up in Lab 3):
az iot edge set-modules --device-id [Edge device id] --hub-name [IoT Hub Name] --content "C:\Labs\Content\src\IoTLabs.IoTEdge\"
#NOTE - entries are case sensitive and must be exactly the same as in the Azure port. Also make sure to remove the square brackets above, for example:
#az iot edge set-modules --device-id labuser01 --hub-name msiotlabs-iia-user01-iothub --content "C:\Labs\Content\src\IoTLabs.IoTEdge\"
The module deployment is instant, however, changes to the device can take around 5-7 minutes to take effect. This means it can take a while for the new container to be loaded. The following commands can be used to check the status of the SimulatedTemperatureSensor container:
- Run the following PowerShell command to view the current modules. You should see 3 modules in total once the modules have been deployed to the device.
iotedge list
- Next run validation of the Azure IoT Edge runtime installation to ensure there are no errors. Note that there will still be warnings that can be safely ignored. Continue within PowerShell and use the command:
iotedge check
- Try running the following to see the logs from our simulated temperature sensor:
iotedge logs SimulatedTemperatureSensor
Your device should be receiving simulated temperature data every 5 seconds with the machine temperature steadily rising.
- Enter the following command to monitor Device-to-Cloud (D2C) messages being published to the IoT Hub replacing [Edge Device Id] and [IoT Hub Name] with their respective fields from the notes file on your desktop:
az iot hub monitor-events --device-id [Edge Device Id] --hub-name [IoT Hub Name]
#NOTE - make sure to remove the square brackets above, for example:
#az iot hub monitor-events --device-id device1 --hub-name msiotlabs-iia-user06-iothub
- The first time that you run this command, you are required to update a dependency by pressing Y then enter
This command will monitor the data being published into IoT Hub from the SimulatedTemperatureSensor container. It may take a while for data to start showing.
Note: Use Ctrl-C to stop monitoring as we will be doing more PowerShell commands soon.
- Open a PowerShell window as an Administrator (right click on the PowerShell entry and select Run as Administrator) and run the following command to use a cached version of the base container to reduce internet bandwidth use.
docker load -i C:\Labs\Docker\streamanalytics.tar
In the Azure Portal ( open the msiotlabs-iia-user## resource group
Under the Job topology heading in the stream analytics menu, select Inputs
Select Add stream input, then select Edge Hub
Set the Input Alias as temperature and leave the rest of the settings as default.
Click Save
Under the Job topology heading in the left-hand menu, select Outputs
Select Add, then select Edge Hub
Set the Output Alias as alert and leave the rest of the settings as default.
Click Save
Under the Job topology heading in the left-hand menu, select Query
Replace the existing Select statement with the one below:
'reset' AS command,
'lab04' AS source
temperature TIMESTAMP BY timeCreated
GROUP BY TumblingWindow(second, 30)
HAVING Avg(machine.temperature) > 26
Stream Analytics can be used to enable complex logic on streams of data. This query is enabling our device to send a 'reset' message when the average temperature exceeds 26 degrees over 30 seconds.
- Click Save query
In the Azure Portal ( open the msiotlabs-iia-user## resource group
Open the IoT Hub resource, navigate to IoT Edge and then select the device created in Lab 3
Under the Deployment Modules heading click + Add and choose Azure Stream Analytics Module
Set the Subscription as MSIoTLabs-IIA and Edge Job as msiotlabs-iia-user##-streamanalytics, then click Save
Note: You may have to click on the Edge job dropdown for the save button to show.
When the module has loaded, take note of the Name field as module name with the notes file on your desktop. You will be using this module name in the next step
Click Next:Routes
- Remove the existing routes and edit the routing table to look like the image below by copying the fields in the following table and substituting [module name] with the module name found in the notes file on your desktop. There are 3 places that [module name] needs to be changed:
Name | Value |
telemetryToCloud | FROM /messages/modules/SimulatedTemperatureSensor/* INTO $upstream |
alertsToCloud | FROM /messages/modules/[module name]/* INTO $upstream |
alertsToReset | FROM /messages/modules/[module name]/* INTO BrokeredEndpoint("/modules/SimulatedTemperatureSensor/inputs/control") |
telemetryToAsa | FROM /messages/modules/SimulatedTemperatureSensor/* INTO BrokeredEndpoint("/modules/[module name]/inputs/temperature") |
- Select Next:Review + create, then Create
The module deployment is instant, however, changes to the device can take around 5-7 minutes to take effect. Let's check that our device has loaded our Azure Stream Analytics module from the last step.
Open the Start Menu and type PowerShell, then click Run as Administrator
Inspect the currently running modules using the following command:
iotedge list
- Try running the following to see the logs from our simulated temperature sensor:
iotedge logs -f --tail 5 SimulatedTemperatureSensor
Note: Use Ctrl-C to stop monitoring as we will be doing more PowerShell commands soon.
You should see that the machine temperature increases until it reaches a temperature higher than the 26 degree threshold for at least 30 seconds.
- When the SimulatedTemperatureSensor container stops producing data you can reset it to start over:
iotedge restart SimulatedTemperatureSensor
Return to your IoT Hub settings in the Azure Portal.
Click on Message Routing
Choose the existing route named SendTelemetryToEventHub and click Enable Route
- Save changes
This step will enable telemetry to flow into Time Series Insights which you can view from the common Resource Group.
These labs demonstrate how to collect, process and consolidate data from many different streaming sources into a single data platform. Azure Time Series Insights (TSI) allows mass collection and visualisation of time series data.
Open the Azure Portal and navigate to the common Resource Group
Click on the msiotlabs-iia-tsi resource to view the TSI details
Click Go to environment to navigate to the TSI dashboard
On the left column, look for your lab username and lab number. For example, "LAB.USER30 LAB04", click this device and choose Show temperature
Using the Time Selection Panel
At the top of the screen, you will see a bar that represents the currently selected timeframe
Try changing the timeframe by dragging/moving the blue box across the timeline:
The peaks on the timeline show times that data was received by TSI
Using the Timeframe selector
In the top right corner of TSI click the calendar icon next to the word Timeframe
Try selecting Last 4 hours to see the data from today's lab
On the left column, select another lab users device and choose Show temperature
If that user had data coming through to TSI, you should see 2 charts. Keep trying users until you find one with data.
Each source you add can be seen at the bottom of the screen:
Use the options in the Zoom + Pan menu until you get to a zoom that makes sense
Try clicking on Stacked and change it to Shared or Overlap to see the graphs overlaid on the same axis
Try clicking on Interval and see how the TSI aggregates your data over the specified interval
Use the Marker button to compare the data for all selected sources at a specific time