For this lab, we will use the Azure Custom Vision service to train a Machine Learning (ML) model for image classification. We will use that model to create a .NET Core application to take images from a folder on your lab PC. It will then use Windows ML to classify the image, then send the result to Azure IoT Hub. We will deploy that application to a Azure IoT Edge container and deploy back to your Lab PC using Azure IoT Edge. Finally, we will visualize the results using Time Series Insights.
When starting the lab, you should have these things open on your development machine:
These instructions.
Custom Vision Portal open in a browser tab, logged in.
Time Series Insights explorer in another browser tab, also logged in.
- On your development Lab PC in
are different objects with 5+ photos of each. The photos are organized in a folder named for each type of object - this will make them easier to upload.
Log into the Custom Vision Portal.
Create a New Project.
Configure your project as follows:
Field Value Name Enter a unique name Description Leave blank Resource Select the existing item in the list Project Types Classification Classification Types Multiclass (Single tag per image) Domains General (compact) Export Capabilities Basic platforms Note: If you can't see the Export Capabilities, make sure that the Domain is set to General (compact).
Click Create project.
Click the Add image button and bulk upload your images based on the object type.
- Upload five+, but not all of the first object picture and add the object tag. Then upload five+ of the second object and add the object2 tag, etc. Hold down the ctrl key to select multiple photos of the same object and it will label them with all the same tag.
- Each time you upload the images for a given object, specify the tag at that time.
Note: You will use the pictures you did not upload to the Custom Vision model to test the model later.
Click on the Training button (green one in the top right).
Select the Quick Training option.
Click Train.
Select Quick Test to test the model.
Using the camera app on your PC, take one more picture of one of the objects
Upload the picture you took, verify that it was predicted correctly.
Switch to the Performance tab in the portal.
Click on Export.
Select ONNX for the type.
Select ONNX1.2 for the version, if you are given the option to do so.
After Custom Vision has prepared the Export, click Download.
Find the zipped folder, right-click and Extract all.
Hint: Browse to your Downloads folder.
- Rename model.onnx to CustomVision.onnx.
- Copy the CustomVision.onnx model file from your downloads directory into the lab directory C:\Labs\Content\src\IoTLabs.CustomVision, overwrite the existing onnx file.
- Navigate to C:\images (create this folder if it doesn't exist) and add some new images that you would like the model to evaluate. Note: The images must be .jpg and must not be in a sub folder (C:/images/sub/image.jpg).
- Open a Command Prompt window and enter the following 4 lines of commands, one after the other. These commands build and package the application into a release folder then runs the application using our machine learning model and the images in the
folder as the test data:
cd C:\Labs\Content\src\IoTLabs.CustomVision
dotnet publish -c Release -o ./release -r win-x64 --self-contained true
./release/WindowsAiEdgeLabCV.exe -i --model=CustomVision.onnx
Example output:
4/24/2019 4:09:04 PM: Loading modelfile 'CustomVision.onnx' on the CPU...
4/24/2019 4:09:04 PM: ...OK 594 ticks
4/24/2019 4:09:05 PM: Running the model...
4/24/2019 4:09:05 PM: ...OK 47 ticks
4/24/2019 4:09:05 PM: Inferenced: {"results":[{"label":"Mug","confidence":1.0}],"metrics":{"evaltimeinms":47,"cycletimeinms":0},"imgSrc":"c:\images\mug.jpg"}
- Open a PowerShell window as an Administrator (right click on the PowerShell entry and select Run as Administrator) and run the following commands to use a cached version of the base container to reduce internet bandwidth use.
docker load -i C:\Labs\Docker\windows1809.tar
The following steps assume that you have created a Azure Container Registry in Lab 3.
Open PowerShell as Administrator (right click on the PowerShell entry and select Run as Administrator) and run the following commands:
Update the $registryName variable below by substituting the [azure-container-registry-name] with its value in the notes file on your desktop, then run the commands.
Note: each time you rebuild the container, you should increment the $version variable.
cd C:\Labs\Content\src\IoTLabs.CustomVision\release
#SAMPLE: msiotlabsiiauser01acr (this is the container registry created in lab 03)
$registryName = "[azure-container-registry-name]"
$version = "1.0"
$imageName = "customvision"
$containerTag = "$$($imageName):$version-x64-win1809"
docker build . -t $containerTag
- Type $containerTag and press Enter to get the full container string. Save a copy of this value with the notes file on your desktop as you will need it in step 5.3.
- Run the following powershell commands to login to the Azure CLI and set your Azure subscription scope to our lab subscription:
az login
az account set --subscription 'MSIoTLabs-IIA'
- Run the following commands to login to the Azure Container Registry and upload the container into Azure:
az acr login --name $registryName
docker push $containerTag
In this step we will be gathering the keys/values required for the next step. You can find most of this information in the access keys section of your container registry in Azure:
Login to the Azure Portal
Click on Resource groups and select your resource group (E.g. msiotlabs-iia-user01).
Select your Container registry (E.g. msiotlabsiiauser01acr)
Click Access Keys
Keep this page ready for the next step
Now that we have a container image with our inferencing logic stored in our container registry, it's time to create an Azure IoT Edge deployment to our device.
Go to C:\Labs\Content\src\IoTLabs.IoTEdge
Edit the file.
In the JSON find the following variables and replace them with the correct values:
Variables Value Example ACR_NAME Registry name E.g. msiotlabsiiauser01acr ACR_USER Username E.g. msiotlabsiiauser01acr ACR_PASSWORD Password E.g. gEkhrpi7ODwuZnpyoCY1WTPyOGX/+JEB ACR_ADDRESS Login server E.g. ACR_IMAGE Value of $containerTag E.g.
Hint: Refer to the page from the previous step, for details such as usernames and passwords.
Hint: You can type $containerTag in PowerShell or found its value in the notes file on your desktop to get the full container string required to replace ACR_IMAGE.
Hint: The ACR_IMAGE variable is in the customvision module definition.
Using the IoT Edge device that we created in Lab03, we will overwrite the modules with a new 'custom vision' module.
- Replace [Edge Device Id] and [IoT Hub Name] with their respective values from the notes file on your desktop, then run the following command in PowerShell:
#SAMPLE: az iot edge set-modules --device-id IOTEDGE01 --hub-name msiotlabs-iia-user01-iothub --content "C:\Labs\Content\src\IoTLabs.IoTEdge\"
az iot edge set-modules --device-id [Edge Device Id] --hub-name [IoT Hub Name] --content "C:\Labs\Content\src\IoTLabs.IoTEdge\"
Hint: Device ID can be retrieved from the Azure Portal by navigating to your Resource group, then into the IoT Hub, and selecting the IoT Edge option under the Automatic Device Manager header on the left.
- To get information about the modules deployed to your IoT Hub, swap out [Edge Device Id] and [IoT Hub Name] then run the following command:
#SAMPLE: az iot hub module-identity list --device-id IOTEDGE01 --hub-name msiotlabs-iia-user01-iothub
az iot hub module-identity list --device-id [Edge Device Id] --hub-name [IoT Hub Name]
Navigate to your IoT Edge Device in your IoT Hub.
Go to the device details page.
Under the IoT Edge Module Settings tab.
Verify that the Desired Value for the Image URI matches the one that you entered in your deployment template.
Hint: The Desired Value column matches what is specified in the deploment template, the Reported Value column matches what the devices believes it is running.
Wait a few minutes for the deployment to go through. On the target device you can inspect the running modules. Run the command below in PowerShell:
iotedge list
Success looks like this:
customvision running Up 32 seconds
edgeAgent running Up 2 minutes
edgeHub running Up 1 second
Once the modules have started, the following command shows logs:
iotedge logs customvision
Run the following command, using PowerShell in Administrator mode:
iotedge check
iotedge logs <module-name>
If a module is not running you can try restarting it through the iotedge
runtime, using PowerShell in Administrator mode:
iotedge restart <module-name>
If the module logs are empty or unhelpful, can you pull all of the IoT Edge logs, using PowerShell in Administrator mode:
. {Invoke-WebRequest -useb} | Invoke-Expression; Get-IoTEdgeLog
This will restart all of the modules on the IoT Edge device, using PowerShell in Administrator mode:
Restart-Service iotedge
Make sure to check that the iotedge
runtime has started successfully:
Get-Service iotedge