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Impression counter api running in app-runner

This is a sample code repository showcasing how to use AWS App Runner for running an API server written in Golang that counts page impression, and store the counter in Amazon Elasticache for Redis private resource. This sample use the VPC support feature that provide access to private resources inside the VPC.

To connect to your VPC, AWS App Runner private resources use a VPC Connector, that connects App Runner services into a VPC as describe in this documentation.

AWS App Runner image-base service allow to run any docker container image in any development language, and Code-base service on supported languages App Runner will build the service source code on the service runtime docker images, removing the need to manage build infrastructure.


  1. Create an Elasticache redis cluster. A single cache.t4g.micro is enough for this sample. Make sure to have a security group that will allow access to the App Runner service.
  2. Build this sample code and push it to your region ECR repository
ACCOUNT_ID=$(aws sts get-caller-identity | jq -r '.Account')

REPO_URI=$(aws ecr create-repository --region ${REGION} --repository-name impression-counter-api | jq -r '.repository.repositoryUri')

docker build -t ${REPO_URI}:latest .

aws ecr get-login-password --region ${REGION} | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin ${ACCOUNT_ID}.dkr.ecr.${REGION}

docker push ${REPO_URI}:latest


This is a manual step by step that will install this sample code inside your VPC, Using this sample will have costs in your account.

There is also a terraform plan that do all the steps listed in the manual setup. The terraform plan uses a local-exec provisioner to build a docker image for this service, this terraform plan is not for production use.

  1. Create the AWS App Runner Service

  2. Choose the Repository type: Container registry, and the Provider Amazon ECR. Browse and select the repository name impression-counter-api and the latest tag. service-create

  3. In the Deployment settings, if you have a service-role, select it, and if you don't have a service role, choose Create a new service role, and click next

  4. Set the service name impression-counter-api, add an Environment variable for the redis host url, the key is REDIS_HOST and the value is your elasticache redis primary URL. service-settings

  5. Scroll down and open the Networking section and select Custom VPC and click add new.

  6. In the Add new VPC connector set the name of the connector impression-counter-api select the VPC and at least subnets, and assign the security group that was created in the prerequisite section to allow access from our new App Runner service to the private Elasticache Redis, and click Add connector

  7. Click Next, review all the settings and click Create & Deploy

  8. Once the service is ready, click the service default domain to see the service.




See CONTRIBUTING for more information.


This library is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the LICENSE file.