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So you want to let your app act in behalf of weightxreps users to offer them new functionality?

You are in the right place! Here you find out how!

The Weight for Reps endpoint for OAuth2 access runs in Node.js/express using oauth2-server with @node-oauth/express-oauth-server's wrapper to allow developers to connect to our api in behalf of another user.

Creating your service

When you develop an app to act on behalf of a weightxreps user you must configure "a service" in your settings. Let's call your app a service. You must be a weightxreps user ( create an account, it is free! ), and in your settings page you will find at the bottom a section called Developer Api, that's were you will define your developer config.


In your settings, you go to edit your config that will be used to define, modify and delete services among other things ( that might be added in the future ) This is in yaml format. The basic structure looks like this:

  - id: ""
    dbid: "123"
    name: "Awesome Dev Foo App"
    url: ""
      - "http://localhost:5173/wxr-login"

Config structure

key desc
services an array of services. Max length: 5
services[i].id id of your service. Should match /^[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+$/
services[i].dbid? Will appear and be set automatically, will link the service with the database. You don't need to touch this value at all..
services[i].name string to show to the user, the name of your app.
services[i].url string to link the user to your app. Will be shown to the user.
services[i].redirectUris array of valid URLs were you expect to recieve authorization tokens.

Conecting your app

If using Javascipt...

In case you are using javascript to develop your app, use the npm weightxreps-oauth module.

npm version

Other language ?

You can talk to the oauth server on your own:

  • OAuth2 endpoint -->

Obtain user credentials using the Authorization Code Flow with PKCE (Proof Key for Code Exchange). Note that the code_verifier should not be longer than 64 chars (I store it in a VARCHAR(64) columnn...). And the code_challenge_method="S256" (SHA-256 hashed) or "plain" in which case code_challenge==code_verifier

To get the access token you will follow this flow:

    +----------+                               +------------------+
    | your app |                               | |
    +----------+                               +------------------+
         |                                              |
         |   1. Authorization Request                   |
         | -------------------------------------------->|
         |    (GET /auth?grant_type=authorization_code  |
         |     &response_type=code                      |
         |     &client_id=...&redirect_uri=...          |
         |     &scope=...&state=...&code_challenge=...) |
         |                                              |
         |                                              |
         |                                              |
         |   2. User Authenticates & Grants Consent     |
         |                                              |
         | <--------------------------------------------|
         |    ( either redirect or...                   |
         |       the popup window will call             |
         |          window.opener.postMessage(...)      |
         |                                              |
         |   3. Token Request                           |
         | -------------------------------------------->|
         |    (POST /auth/token                         |
         |     grant_type=authorization_code            |
         |     &code=...&redirect_uri=...               |
         |     &code_verifier=...)                      |
         |                                              |
         |                                              |
         |                                              |
         |   4. Access Token Response                   |
         | <--------------------------------------------|
         |    (200 OK                                   |
         |     { access_token: ...,                     |
         |       refresh_token: ...,                    |
         |       ... }                                  |
         |                                              |
         |                                              |
         |   5. Access Protected Resources              |
         | -------------------------------------------->|
         |    (POST /api/graphql resource with          |
         |     Authorization: Bearer access_token)      |
         |                                              |
         |                                              |
         | <--------------------------------------------|
         |    (200 OK                                   |
         |     { ... resource data ... }                |
         |                                              |

Authorization code from Popup

If you open the authorization request url in a popup window...

... in that case the popup will send the authorization code back to you using window.opener.postMessage with = A or B

  • A { error:"Some error message" }
  • B { code:"the authorizaton code"}

SCOPES | Available Permissions

When you ask for permission to a user, you will as the user what things you want to access or do, that info is sent in the scope parameter that is a string or comma separated values. The values are keys that represent things that can be done. The link bellow links to a javascript object with a sope per key with the description as it's value.

Available scopes -> /server/auth/scopes.js