When releasing the nteract desktop app, run through the following test plan to ensure that everything is A-OK before releasing.
Before starting the test plan, build the distributed nteract assets using the command below. This command will generate a set of binaries that will be stored in the applications/desktop/dist
$ yarn dist:all
ℹ Note:
It's not possible to build the Mac version of nteract from a Windows, so using
yarn dist:all
won't work. To test only on Windows, runyarn dist
ℹ Note:
If you run into a JavaScript heap out of memory error, you might need to temporarily increase the heap size by within the NODE_OPTIONS variable. For example, on Windows this can be achieved by running
set NODE_OPTIONS=--max_old_space_size=8172
in Command Prompt before running the yarn command.
If possible, run through this test plan on the different supported operating systems: Windows, macOS, and Linux.
- Open an existing notebook using the File > Open window.
- Run the first cell in the notebook.
- Ensure that the kernel launches and the cell executes.
- Modify the notebook by adding a new cell and running it.
- Save the notebook.
- Close the notebook and open it again. Confirm that your changes have been saved.
- Toggle the output and input visibility of a notebook and verify that it works.
- Toggle whether or not an output is expanded and verify that it works.
- Here's an example of a cell to use to try this:
- Here's an example of a cell to use to try this:
- Toggle the theme of the notebook and verify that it is changed.
- Toggle the Editor Type between CodeMirror and Monaco and verify that it changes.
- Close the nteract desktop app.
- Open the nteract desktop app and confirm that saved configurations are reloaded.
- Open a notebook with ipywidgets (such as this one) and confirm that they work.
- Note: Requires the ipywidgets package.
- Open a notebook with a data explorer visualization and confirm that it works.
- You can use an example notebook (File -> Open Example Notebook -> python -> "Try the Data Explorer") or one of your own.
- Note: Requires the
- Open a notebook with a GeoJSON map and confirm that it works.
- You can use an example notebook (File -> Open Example Notebook -> python -> "Explore Your World with GeoJSON", or "Go from Pandas to GeoJSON") or one of your own.