UBSync uses the local sqlite database to share config between QML application and daemon.
This table holds account information
The following columns are included:
- accountID - account identifier; type = INTEGER PRIMARY KEY
- accountName - custom user account name - any string; type = TEXT
- remoteAddress - remote server address; type = TEXT
- remoteUser - remote server username; (currently unused); type = TEXT
- syncHidden - sync hidden files setting; type = BOOLEAN
- useMobileData - sync when mobile data setting; type = BOOLEAN
- syncFreq - sync frequency; indexes of pre-defined values in hours ({0, 1, 2, 4, 6, 12, 24, 48, 168}); type = INTEGER
- serviceName - type of remote service; (currently unused) "" or "owncloud" or "nextcloud"; type = TEXT
This table holds target information. Target means a remote/local directory sync pair.
The following columns are included:
- targetID - target identifier; type = INTEGER PRIMARY KEY
- accountID - account identifier the target is connected to an account (!); type = INTEGER
- targetName - custom user target name - any string; type = TEXT
- localPath - local pyth; type = TEXT
- remotePath - remote path; type = TEXT
- active - is this target active (targets may be temporarily deactivated by setting active FALSE); type = BOOLEAN
- lastSync - last synchronization time; type = TEXT