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This guide provides instructions to create new AWS CloudHSM Classic devices and configure them to work with CredHub. If you choose to use a Luna SafeNet HSM that is not provided by AWS, you may skip over the device allocation portion to initialize and configured your HSMs.

It is recommended that you configure at least two HSMs if the data stored in CredHub is critical. Appropriately configured HSMs allow key replication which provides redundancy of the key material in the event of an HSM device failure. If you choose to run a single HSM, your CredHub data will not be accessible in the event of a device failure.

Create New AWS CloudHSMs

AWS Environment Prerequisites

  1. VPC
  2. There should be one private subnet for each planned HSM instance, and each subnet should be in its own Availability Zone. There need to be at least two HSMs for HA. The AWS documentation says that there should also be a subnet for a publicly available Control Instance, but that is not necessary in this case because CredHub plays the role of Control Instance
  3. IAM Role for the HSM with a policy equivalent to AWSCloudHSMRole policy
  4. The Security Group must allow traffic from the CredHub security group on ports 22 (SSH) and 1792 (HSM)

Create New Devices

  1. Install cloudhsm CLI

  2. Create SSH keypairs for all planned HSMs

    ssh-keygen -b 4096 -t rsa -N <password> -f path/to/ssh-key.pem
  3. Create cloudhsm.conf file


    More about the configuration file for cloudhsm CLI can be found here.

  4. Run the following command to create each HSM and place it in the appropriate subnet

    cloudhsm create-hsm \
      --conf_file path/to/cloudhsm.conf \
      --subnet-id <subnet-id> \
      --ssh-public-key-file path/to/ \
      --iam-role-arn <iam_hsm_role_arn>
  5. Assign the security group to each HSM. First, get the Elastic Network Interface ID EniID of the HSM

    cloudhsm describe-hsm -H <hsm_arn> -r <aws_region>

    Then modify the network interface to assign the security group:

    aws ec2 modify-network-interface-attribute \
      --network-interface-id <eni_id> \
      --groups <security_group_id>

Initialize and Configure New HSMs

Complete the following steps for each HSM.

SSH onto the HSM

  1. Get the HSM IP

    cloudhsm describe-hsm -H <hsm_arn> -r <aws_region>
  2. SSH onto the HSM

    ssh -i path/to/ssh-key.pem manager@<hsm_ip>

Initialize and Set Policies

  1. Initialize the HSM and create an Administrator password. All HSMs must be initialized into the same cloning domain in order to be configured for HA

    lunash:> hsm init -label <label>
  2. Log into the HSM by using the password from the previous step

    lunash:> hsm login
  3. Ensure that only FIPS algorithms are enabled

    lunash:> hsm changePolicy -policy 12 -value 0
  4. Ensure that Allow cloning and Allow network replication policy values are set to On on the HSM by running hsm showPolicies. If not, change them by running the following command:

    lunash:> hsm changePolicy -policy <policy_code> -value 1
  5. Validate that the SO can reset partition PIN is set appropriately for your organization. If this is set to Off, consecutive deployments that use an invalid partition password will permanently erase the partition once the failure count hit the configured threshold. If this is set to On, the partition will be locked once the threshold is hit. An HSM Admin is required to unlock the partition, but no data will be lost. The following command demonstrates turning this policy on:

    lunash:> hsm changePolicy -policy 15 -value 1

Retrieve HSM Certificate

  1. Fetch the certificate from the HSM. This is used to validate the identity of the HSM when connecting to it.

    scp -i path/to/ssh-key.pem \
      manager@<hsm_ip>:server.pem \

Create HSM Partition

  1. Create a partition to hold the encryption keys. The partition password must be the same for all partitions in the HA partition group. The cloning domain must be the same as in step 1

    lunash:> partition create -partition <partition_name> -domain <cloning_domain>
  2. Record the partition serial number (labeled Partition SN)

    lunash:> partition show -partition <partition_name>

Create and Register HSM Clients

Clients that communicate with the HSM must provide a client certificate to establish a client-authenticated session. You must setup each client's certificate on the HSM and assign access rights for each partition they access.

Establish a Network Trust Link between the Client and the HSMs

  1. Create a certificate for the client

    openssl req \
      -x509   \
      -newkey rsa:4096 \
      -days   <num_of_days> \
      -sha256 \
      -nodes  \
      -subj   "/CN=<client_hostname_or_ip>" \
      -keyout <client_hostname_or_ip>Key.pem \
      -out    <client_hostname_or_ip>.pem
  2. Copy the client certificate to each HSM

    scp -i path/to/ssh-key.pem \
      <client_hostname_or_ip>.pem \

Register HSM Client Host and Partitions

  1. Create a client. The client hostname is the hostname of the planned CredHub instance(s)

    lunash:> client register -client <client_name> -hostname <client_hostname>

    If only one CredHub instance is planned, it's possible to register a client with the planned CredHub IP

    lunash:> client register -client <client_name> -ip <client_ip>
  2. Assign the partition created in the previous section to the client

    lunash:> client assignPartition -client <client_name> -partition <partition_name>

Encryption Keys on the HSM

You must define the encryption key name in the deploy manifest to set which key will be used for encryption operations. If this key exists on the HSM, it will be used. If it does not exist, it will be automatically created by CredHub in the referenced partition.

When generating a new key, it is recommended that you review the list of keys on each HSM to validate that key replication is functioning appropriately.

  1. To review stored keys on a partition

    lunash:> partition showContents -partition <partition_name>

Ready for Deployment

After completing the above steps, you should have the following information for the CredHub deployment manifest:

  1. Encryption Key Name
  2. HSM Certificate
  3. Partition name and password
  4. Client certificate and private key
  5. Partition serial numbers

These should be entered in the manifest as shown below -

        - provider_name: primary
          encryption_key_name: [encryption-key-name]
          active: true
        - name: primary
          type: hsm
          partition: [partition-name]
          partition_password: [partition-password]
          client_certificate: [client-certificate]
          client_key: [client-private-key]
          - host:
            port: 1792
            certificate: [hsm-certificate]
            partition_serial_number: [partition-serial-number]
          - host:
            port: 1792
            certificate: [hsm-certificate]
            partition_serial_number: [partition-serial-number]

Renew or Rotate a Client Certificate

The generated client certificate has a fixed expiration date after which it will no longer be accepted by the HSM. You may rotate or renew this certificate at any time by following the steps detailed below.

  1. Generate a new certificate for the client

    openssl req \
      -x509   \
      -newkey rsa:4096 \
      -days   <num_of_days> \
      -sha256 \
      -nodes  \
      -subj   "/CN=<client_hostname_or_ip>" \
      -keyout <client_hostname_or_ip>Key.pem \
      -out    <client_hostname_or_ip>.pem
  2. Copy the client certificate to each HSM

    scp -i path/to/ssh-key.pem \
      <client_hostname_or_ip>.pem \
  3. (Optional) Review the client's partition assignments

    lunash:> client show -client <client_name>
  4. Remove the existing client. Note: All partition assignments will be deleted

    lunash:> client delete -client <client_name>
  5. Re-register the client

    lunash:> client register -client <client_name> -ip <client_ip>
  6. Re-assign partition assignments

    lunash:> client assignPartition -client <client_name> -partition <partition_name>
  7. (Optional) Validate new certificate fingerprint

    lunash:> client fingerprint -client <client_name>

This fingerprint may be compared to your locally stored certificate with the command openssl x509 -in clientcert.pem -outform DER | md5sum.