Self governance models, how to work together as an eclectic group, and be effective, we can borrow ideas from:
- hacking health's one-lead-per-event model with extensive logistics support that's cross-cutting hh cafes, specialized team for hackathon, volunteer recruitment to fill in last-mile gaps
- - VIP number for all involved, team forks/splits when grows too big, each member has a manager/member/coach and who in turn has one and so on. The manager's job is to increase the VIP of the mentee. VIP number is the relevance of the person to the organization
- - roles based (usually 20 roles per person), ownership of bubble of responsibility
- benevolent dictator, network of trust
- toastmasters 6 months term, cycle through roles, voting,
- presidential 4 years term
- co-op, 5 initial members required
- impact driven for-profit business, CEO and executives
- McGill's charter driven student groups, many VPs, year cycle
- academia researcher driven, grants, army of PhDs/MScs, peer-reviewed performance
- Sensorica's open value network of quantifiable community contributions
- unregistered, personal social/political reputation driven
- LETS, quantified transactional, local economy of peer IOUs
- classic NGO with a board of advisor
- insurance
- bank, reversed balance sheet
- CCM-like - unregistered unstructured
- political activist group, associated
- join an existing legal structure, work as a special project
- para-governmental, like OCPM, independence mandate
- UN, corps diplomatique
- dark-net, free for all, network of trust, peer reviews driven
- trustless game-theoretic win-win-win information driven
- impact hub-like network of 2/3 voting power for decision making, distributed
- soccent's distributed one-person-lead-a-project model
- yes, support, no, veto or consensus driven decision making, supported by tech
- round-table,
- enspiral - 20% overhead costs for participating companies who have a claim on the pool of member's resources,
- loomio decision making:
- open source, commit driven, do-ocracy
- C or S corp, LLC
- VC firm-like with general partners and limited partners
- partnership, exposes everyone to everyone's risk
- media molecule, organic, works in game development:
- flat org like Valve:
- military hierarchy
- professionalized clinical/professionalized operations, like in a surgery room
- church-like, values/purpose-driven
- dynamic equity split or grunt fund,
- unconference
Which org structure would work for us?
We need not be perfect in our choice, but as you can see above, there's tons of diversity on how we can organize ourselves effectively. We can use the veil of ignorance method to help us reason through the choices in such a way that the next generation of volunteers would be able to take over the organization of the group and effectively run with it: