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index 000000000..58300478c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.assets/541043868751fc5ea1344f681b00906bdf734fdf.svg
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+ Borrow APR, variableBorrow APR, stableUtilization Rate0%25%50%75%100%0%50%100%Optimal 90%Optimal 90%
\ No newline at end of file
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/.assets/64a0110786c519e361963abb7399874664375a85.svg
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+ Borrow APR, variableBorrow APR, stableUtilization Rate0%25%50%75%100%0%50%100%Optimal 90%Optimal 90%
\ No newline at end of file
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/.assets/b5cb0fd07fde8594230045982589445fc02ace52.svg
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+ Borrow APR, variableBorrow APR, stableUtilization Rate0%25%50%75%100%0%200%Optimal 45%Optimal 45%
\ No newline at end of file
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index 003aef0cf..f9d94d6e9 100644
--- a/.env.example
+++ b/.env.example
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ RPC_HARMONY=https://api.harmony.one
# Etherscan api keys for verification & download utils
diff --git a/diffs/AaveV3Gnosis_AaveV3GnosisActivation_20231026_before_AaveV3Gnosis_AaveV3GnosisActivation_20231026_after.md b/diffs/AaveV3Gnosis_AaveV3GnosisActivation_20231026_before_AaveV3Gnosis_AaveV3GnosisActivation_20231026_after.md
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/diffs/AaveV3Gnosis_AaveV3GnosisActivation_20231026_before_AaveV3Gnosis_AaveV3GnosisActivation_20231026_after.md
@@ -0,0 +1,769 @@
+## Reserve changes
+### Reserve added
+#### WETH ([0x6A023CCd1ff6F2045C3309768eAd9E68F978f6e1](https://blockscout.com/xdai/mainnet/address/0x6A023CCd1ff6F2045C3309768eAd9E68F978f6e1))
+| description | value |
+| --- | --- |
+| decimals | 18 |
+| isActive | true |
+| isFrozen | false |
+| supplyCap | 4,000 WETH |
+| borrowCap | 3,500 WETH |
+| debtCeiling | 0 $ |
+| isSiloed | false |
+| isFlashloanable | true |
+| eModeCategory | 1 |
+| oracle | [0xa767f745331D267c7751297D982b050c93985627](https://blockscout.com/xdai/mainnet/address/0xa767f745331D267c7751297D982b050c93985627) |
+| oracleDecimals | 8 |
+| oracleDescription | ETH / USD |
+| oracleLatestAnswer | 1799.74305 |
+| usageAsCollateralEnabled | true |
+| ltv | 75 % |
+| liquidationThreshold | 78 % |
+| liquidationBonus | 6 % |
+| liquidationProtocolFee | 10 % |
+| reserveFactor | 15 % |
+| aToken | [0xa818F1B57c201E092C4A2017A91815034326Efd1](https://blockscout.com/xdai/mainnet/address/0xa818F1B57c201E092C4A2017A91815034326Efd1) |
+| aTokenImpl | [0x589750BA8aF186cE5B55391B0b7148cAD43a1619](https://blockscout.com/xdai/mainnet/address/0x589750BA8aF186cE5B55391B0b7148cAD43a1619) |
+| variableDebtToken | [0x0c0fce05F2314540EcB095bF4D069e5E0ED90fF8](https://blockscout.com/xdai/mainnet/address/0x0c0fce05F2314540EcB095bF4D069e5E0ED90fF8) |
+| variableDebtTokenImpl | [0xBeC519531F0E78BcDdB295242fA4EC5251B38574](https://blockscout.com/xdai/mainnet/address/0xBeC519531F0E78BcDdB295242fA4EC5251B38574) |
+| stableDebtToken | [0x436D82d905b014926a2375C576500B6fea0D2496](https://blockscout.com/xdai/mainnet/address/0x436D82d905b014926a2375C576500B6fea0D2496) |
+| stableDebtTokenImpl | [0x06C35Cfd3FC61eC2aC437f0d08840d5776b945af](https://blockscout.com/xdai/mainnet/address/0x06C35Cfd3FC61eC2aC437f0d08840d5776b945af) |
+| borrowingEnabled | true |
+| stableBorrowRateEnabled | false |
+| isBorrowableInIsolation | false |
+| interestRateStrategy | [0xD84d86083010FB683f1e8fA3809ee8DC90A4C4DB](https://blockscout.com/xdai/mainnet/address/0xD84d86083010FB683f1e8fA3809ee8DC90A4C4DB) |
+| aTokenName | Aave Gnosis WETH |
+| aTokenSymbol | aGnoWETH |
+| isPaused | false |
+| stableDebtTokenName | Aave Gnosis Stable Debt WETH |
+| stableDebtTokenSymbol | stableDebtGnoWETH |
+| variableDebtTokenName | Aave Gnosis Variable Debt WETH |
+| variableDebtTokenSymbol | variableDebtGnoWETH |
+| optimalUsageRatio | 80 % |
+| maxExcessUsageRatio | 20 % |
+| baseVariableBorrowRate | 0 % |
+| variableRateSlope1 | 3.3 % |
+| variableRateSlope2 | 80 % |
+| baseStableBorrowRate | 5.3 % |
+| stableRateSlope1 | 4 % |
+| stableRateSlope2 | 80 % |
+| optimalStableToTotalDebtRatio | 20 % |
+| maxExcessStableToTotalDebtRatio | 80 % |
+| interestRate | ![ir](/.assets/380953098cfaf9c52baabfd063712d8e6bcef690.svg) |
+| eMode.label | ETH correlated |
+| eMode.ltv | 90 % |
+| eMode.liquidationThreshold | 93 % |
+| eMode.liquidationBonus | 1 % |
+| eMode.priceSource | 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 |
+#### wstETH ([0x6C76971f98945AE98dD7d4DFcA8711ebea946eA6](https://blockscout.com/xdai/mainnet/address/0x6C76971f98945AE98dD7d4DFcA8711ebea946eA6))
+| description | value |
+| --- | --- |
+| decimals | 18 |
+| isActive | true |
+| isFrozen | false |
+| supplyCap | 4,000 wstETH |
+| borrowCap | 400 wstETH |
+| debtCeiling | 0 $ |
+| isSiloed | false |
+| isFlashloanable | true |
+| eModeCategory | 1 |
+| oracle | [0xcb0670258e5961CCA85D8F71D29C1167Ef20De99](https://blockscout.com/xdai/mainnet/address/0xcb0670258e5961CCA85D8F71D29C1167Ef20De99) |
+| oracleDecimals | 8 |
+| oracleDescription | wstETH/ETH/USD |
+| oracleLatestAnswer | 2060.26942495 |
+| usageAsCollateralEnabled | true |
+| ltv | 75 % |
+| liquidationThreshold | 78 % |
+| liquidationBonus | 6 % |
+| liquidationProtocolFee | 10 % |
+| reserveFactor | 15 % |
+| aToken | [0x23e4E76D01B2002BE436CE8d6044b0aA2f68B68a](https://blockscout.com/xdai/mainnet/address/0x23e4E76D01B2002BE436CE8d6044b0aA2f68B68a) |
+| aTokenImpl | [0x589750BA8aF186cE5B55391B0b7148cAD43a1619](https://blockscout.com/xdai/mainnet/address/0x589750BA8aF186cE5B55391B0b7148cAD43a1619) |
+| variableDebtToken | [0x9D881f67F20B49243c98f53d2B9E91E39d02Ae09](https://blockscout.com/xdai/mainnet/address/0x9D881f67F20B49243c98f53d2B9E91E39d02Ae09) |
+| variableDebtTokenImpl | [0xBeC519531F0E78BcDdB295242fA4EC5251B38574](https://blockscout.com/xdai/mainnet/address/0xBeC519531F0E78BcDdB295242fA4EC5251B38574) |
+| stableDebtToken | [0x5CBc43c339F5202D2dcB59583D33cA8498b75031](https://blockscout.com/xdai/mainnet/address/0x5CBc43c339F5202D2dcB59583D33cA8498b75031) |
+| stableDebtTokenImpl | [0x06C35Cfd3FC61eC2aC437f0d08840d5776b945af](https://blockscout.com/xdai/mainnet/address/0x06C35Cfd3FC61eC2aC437f0d08840d5776b945af) |
+| borrowingEnabled | true |
+| stableBorrowRateEnabled | false |
+| isBorrowableInIsolation | false |
+| interestRateStrategy | [0x9E57695Dab0DCdb42BC220ff1E9eb2e22a31209b](https://blockscout.com/xdai/mainnet/address/0x9E57695Dab0DCdb42BC220ff1E9eb2e22a31209b) |
+| aTokenName | Aave Gnosis wstETH |
+| aTokenSymbol | aGnowstETH |
+| isPaused | false |
+| stableDebtTokenName | Aave Gnosis Stable Debt wstETH |
+| stableDebtTokenSymbol | stableDebtGnowstETH |
+| variableDebtTokenName | Aave Gnosis Variable Debt wstETH |
+| variableDebtTokenSymbol | variableDebtGnowstETH |
+| optimalUsageRatio | 45 % |
+| maxExcessUsageRatio | 55 % |
+| baseVariableBorrowRate | 0 % |
+| variableRateSlope1 | 7 % |
+| variableRateSlope2 | 300 % |
+| baseStableBorrowRate | 9 % |
+| stableRateSlope1 | 7 % |
+| stableRateSlope2 | 300 % |
+| optimalStableToTotalDebtRatio | 20 % |
+| maxExcessStableToTotalDebtRatio | 80 % |
+| interestRate | ![ir](/.assets/b5cb0fd07fde8594230045982589445fc02ace52.svg) |
+| eMode.label | ETH correlated |
+| eMode.ltv | 90 % |
+| eMode.liquidationThreshold | 93 % |
+| eMode.liquidationBonus | 1 % |
+| eMode.priceSource | 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 |
+#### GNO ([0x9C58BAcC331c9aa871AFD802DB6379a98e80CEdb](https://blockscout.com/xdai/mainnet/address/0x9C58BAcC331c9aa871AFD802DB6379a98e80CEdb))
+| description | value |
+| --- | --- |
+| decimals | 18 |
+| isActive | true |
+| isFrozen | false |
+| supplyCap | 30,000 GNO |
+| borrowCap | 0 GNO |
+| debtCeiling | 1,000,000 $ |
+| isSiloed | false |
+| isFlashloanable | true |
+| eModeCategory | 0 |
+| oracle | [0x22441d81416430A54336aB28765abd31a792Ad37](https://blockscout.com/xdai/mainnet/address/0x22441d81416430A54336aB28765abd31a792Ad37) |
+| oracleDecimals | 8 |
+| oracleDescription | GNO / USD |
+| oracleLatestAnswer | 106.660434 |
+| usageAsCollateralEnabled | true |
+| ltv | 31 % |
+| liquidationThreshold | 36 % |
+| liquidationBonus | 10 % |
+| liquidationProtocolFee | 10 % |
+| reserveFactor | 15 % |
+| aToken | [0xA1Fa064A85266E2Ca82DEe5C5CcEC84DF445760e](https://blockscout.com/xdai/mainnet/address/0xA1Fa064A85266E2Ca82DEe5C5CcEC84DF445760e) |
+| aTokenImpl | [0x589750BA8aF186cE5B55391B0b7148cAD43a1619](https://blockscout.com/xdai/mainnet/address/0x589750BA8aF186cE5B55391B0b7148cAD43a1619) |
+| variableDebtToken | [0xBc59E99198DbA71985A66E1713cC89FFEC53f7FC](https://blockscout.com/xdai/mainnet/address/0xBc59E99198DbA71985A66E1713cC89FFEC53f7FC) |
+| variableDebtTokenImpl | [0xBeC519531F0E78BcDdB295242fA4EC5251B38574](https://blockscout.com/xdai/mainnet/address/0xBeC519531F0E78BcDdB295242fA4EC5251B38574) |
+| stableDebtToken | [0x1A126F613D7705E59ADb39909b25E1223aDF05dd](https://blockscout.com/xdai/mainnet/address/0x1A126F613D7705E59ADb39909b25E1223aDF05dd) |
+| stableDebtTokenImpl | [0x06C35Cfd3FC61eC2aC437f0d08840d5776b945af](https://blockscout.com/xdai/mainnet/address/0x06C35Cfd3FC61eC2aC437f0d08840d5776b945af) |
+| borrowingEnabled | false |
+| stableBorrowRateEnabled | false |
+| isBorrowableInIsolation | false |
+| interestRateStrategy | [0x9E57695Dab0DCdb42BC220ff1E9eb2e22a31209b](https://blockscout.com/xdai/mainnet/address/0x9E57695Dab0DCdb42BC220ff1E9eb2e22a31209b) |
+| aTokenName | Aave Gnosis GNO |
+| aTokenSymbol | aGnoGNO |
+| isPaused | false |
+| stableDebtTokenName | Aave Gnosis Stable Debt GNO |
+| stableDebtTokenSymbol | stableDebtGnoGNO |
+| variableDebtTokenName | Aave Gnosis Variable Debt GNO |
+| variableDebtTokenSymbol | variableDebtGnoGNO |
+| optimalUsageRatio | 45 % |
+| maxExcessUsageRatio | 55 % |
+| baseVariableBorrowRate | 0 % |
+| variableRateSlope1 | 7 % |
+| variableRateSlope2 | 300 % |
+| baseStableBorrowRate | 9 % |
+| stableRateSlope1 | 7 % |
+| stableRateSlope2 | 300 % |
+| optimalStableToTotalDebtRatio | 20 % |
+| maxExcessStableToTotalDebtRatio | 80 % |
+| interestRate | ![ir](/.assets/b5cb0fd07fde8594230045982589445fc02ace52.svg) |
+#### USDC ([0xDDAfbb505ad214D7b80b1f830fcCc89B60fb7A83](https://blockscout.com/xdai/mainnet/address/0xDDAfbb505ad214D7b80b1f830fcCc89B60fb7A83))
+| description | value |
+| --- | --- |
+| decimals | 6 |
+| isActive | true |
+| isFrozen | false |
+| supplyCap | 1,000,000 USDC |
+| borrowCap | 1,000,000 USDC |
+| debtCeiling | 0 $ |
+| isSiloed | false |
+| isFlashloanable | true |
+| eModeCategory | 0 |
+| oracle | [0x26C31ac71010aF62E6B486D1132E266D6298857D](https://blockscout.com/xdai/mainnet/address/0x26C31ac71010aF62E6B486D1132E266D6298857D) |
+| oracleDecimals | 8 |
+| oracleDescription | USDC / USD |
+| oracleLatestAnswer | 1.00005376 |
+| usageAsCollateralEnabled | true |
+| ltv | 77 % |
+| liquidationThreshold | 80 % |
+| liquidationBonus | 5 % |
+| liquidationProtocolFee | 20 % |
+| reserveFactor | 10 % |
+| aToken | [0xc6B7AcA6DE8a6044E0e32d0c841a89244A10D284](https://blockscout.com/xdai/mainnet/address/0xc6B7AcA6DE8a6044E0e32d0c841a89244A10D284) |
+| aTokenImpl | [0x589750BA8aF186cE5B55391B0b7148cAD43a1619](https://blockscout.com/xdai/mainnet/address/0x589750BA8aF186cE5B55391B0b7148cAD43a1619) |
+| variableDebtToken | [0x5F6f7B0a87CA3CF3d0b431Ae03EF3305180BFf4d](https://blockscout.com/xdai/mainnet/address/0x5F6f7B0a87CA3CF3d0b431Ae03EF3305180BFf4d) |
+| variableDebtTokenImpl | [0xBeC519531F0E78BcDdB295242fA4EC5251B38574](https://blockscout.com/xdai/mainnet/address/0xBeC519531F0E78BcDdB295242fA4EC5251B38574) |
+| stableDebtToken | [0x8220133C3a631de3C7A5B679A2417BD61431FEcf](https://blockscout.com/xdai/mainnet/address/0x8220133C3a631de3C7A5B679A2417BD61431FEcf) |
+| stableDebtTokenImpl | [0x06C35Cfd3FC61eC2aC437f0d08840d5776b945af](https://blockscout.com/xdai/mainnet/address/0x06C35Cfd3FC61eC2aC437f0d08840d5776b945af) |
+| borrowingEnabled | true |
+| stableBorrowRateEnabled | false |
+| isBorrowableInIsolation | true |
+| interestRateStrategy | [0x345f7fcd88207fe060AD03c2656A23A3Ab596479](https://blockscout.com/xdai/mainnet/address/0x345f7fcd88207fe060AD03c2656A23A3Ab596479) |
+| aTokenName | Aave Gnosis USDC |
+| aTokenSymbol | aGnoUSDC |
+| isPaused | false |
+| stableDebtTokenName | Aave Gnosis Stable Debt USDC |
+| stableDebtTokenSymbol | stableDebtGnoUSDC |
+| variableDebtTokenName | Aave Gnosis Variable Debt USDC |
+| variableDebtTokenSymbol | variableDebtGnoUSDC |
+| optimalUsageRatio | 90 % |
+| maxExcessUsageRatio | 10 % |
+| baseVariableBorrowRate | 0 % |
+| variableRateSlope1 | 5 % |
+| variableRateSlope2 | 75 % |
+| baseStableBorrowRate | 6 % |
+| stableRateSlope1 | 5 % |
+| stableRateSlope2 | 75 % |
+| optimalStableToTotalDebtRatio | 20 % |
+| maxExcessStableToTotalDebtRatio | 80 % |
+| interestRate | ![ir](/.assets/541043868751fc5ea1344f681b00906bdf734fdf.svg) |
+#### sDAI ([0xaf204776c7245bF4147c2612BF6e5972Ee483701](https://blockscout.com/xdai/mainnet/address/0xaf204776c7245bF4147c2612BF6e5972Ee483701))
+| description | value |
+| --- | --- |
+| decimals | 18 |
+| isActive | true |
+| isFrozen | false |
+| supplyCap | 1,500,000 sDAI |
+| borrowCap | 0 sDAI |
+| debtCeiling | 0 $ |
+| isSiloed | false |
+| isFlashloanable | true |
+| eModeCategory | 0 |
+| oracle | [0x1D0f881Ce1a646E2f27Dec3c57Fa056cB838BCC2](https://blockscout.com/xdai/mainnet/address/0x1D0f881Ce1a646E2f27Dec3c57Fa056cB838BCC2) |
+| oracleDecimals | 8 |
+| oracleDescription | sDAI/DAI/USD |
+| oracleLatestAnswer | 1.02071584 |
+| usageAsCollateralEnabled | true |
+| ltv | 77 % |
+| liquidationThreshold | 80 % |
+| liquidationBonus | 5 % |
+| liquidationProtocolFee | 20 % |
+| reserveFactor | 10 % |
+| aToken | [0x7a5c3860a77a8DC1b225BD46d0fb2ac1C6D191BC](https://blockscout.com/xdai/mainnet/address/0x7a5c3860a77a8DC1b225BD46d0fb2ac1C6D191BC) |
+| aTokenImpl | [0x589750BA8aF186cE5B55391B0b7148cAD43a1619](https://blockscout.com/xdai/mainnet/address/0x589750BA8aF186cE5B55391B0b7148cAD43a1619) |
+| variableDebtToken | [0x8Fe06E1D8Aff42Bf6812CacF7854A2249a00bED7](https://blockscout.com/xdai/mainnet/address/0x8Fe06E1D8Aff42Bf6812CacF7854A2249a00bED7) |
+| variableDebtTokenImpl | [0xBeC519531F0E78BcDdB295242fA4EC5251B38574](https://blockscout.com/xdai/mainnet/address/0xBeC519531F0E78BcDdB295242fA4EC5251B38574) |
+| stableDebtToken | [0xa2E0335175Da40b081717FfD394C0E1de738cb9B](https://blockscout.com/xdai/mainnet/address/0xa2E0335175Da40b081717FfD394C0E1de738cb9B) |
+| stableDebtTokenImpl | [0x06C35Cfd3FC61eC2aC437f0d08840d5776b945af](https://blockscout.com/xdai/mainnet/address/0x06C35Cfd3FC61eC2aC437f0d08840d5776b945af) |
+| borrowingEnabled | false |
+| stableBorrowRateEnabled | false |
+| isBorrowableInIsolation | false |
+| interestRateStrategy | [0x6c3b7e7B8b9609D57C70C3F630228F979EAbb450](https://blockscout.com/xdai/mainnet/address/0x6c3b7e7B8b9609D57C70C3F630228F979EAbb450) |
+| aTokenName | Aave Gnosis sDAI |
+| aTokenSymbol | aGnosDAI |
+| isPaused | false |
+| stableDebtTokenName | Aave Gnosis Stable Debt sDAI |
+| stableDebtTokenSymbol | stableDebtGnosDAI |
+| variableDebtTokenName | Aave Gnosis Variable Debt sDAI |
+| variableDebtTokenSymbol | variableDebtGnosDAI |
+| optimalUsageRatio | 90 % |
+| maxExcessUsageRatio | 10 % |
+| baseVariableBorrowRate | 0 % |
+| variableRateSlope1 | 4 % |
+| variableRateSlope2 | 75 % |
+| baseStableBorrowRate | 5 % |
+| stableRateSlope1 | 4 % |
+| stableRateSlope2 | 75 % |
+| optimalStableToTotalDebtRatio | 20 % |
+| maxExcessStableToTotalDebtRatio | 80 % |
+| interestRate | ![ir](/.assets/64a0110786c519e361963abb7399874664375a85.svg) |
+#### EURe ([0xcB444e90D8198415266c6a2724b7900fb12FC56E](https://blockscout.com/xdai/mainnet/address/0xcB444e90D8198415266c6a2724b7900fb12FC56E))
+| description | value |
+| --- | --- |
+| decimals | 18 |
+| isActive | true |
+| isFrozen | false |
+| supplyCap | 500,000 EURe |
+| borrowCap | 500,000 EURe |
+| debtCeiling | 0 $ |
+| isSiloed | false |
+| isFlashloanable | true |
+| eModeCategory | 0 |
+| oracle | [0xab70BCB260073d036d1660201e9d5405F5829b7a](https://blockscout.com/xdai/mainnet/address/0xab70BCB260073d036d1660201e9d5405F5829b7a) |
+| oracleDecimals | 8 |
+| oracleDescription | EUR / USD |
+| oracleLatestAnswer | 1.0603 |
+| usageAsCollateralEnabled | false |
+| ltv | 0 % |
+| liquidationThreshold | 0 % |
+| liquidationBonus | 0 % |
+| liquidationProtocolFee | 0 % |
+| reserveFactor | 15 % |
+| aToken | [0xEdBC7449a9b594CA4E053D9737EC5Dc4CbCcBfb2](https://blockscout.com/xdai/mainnet/address/0xEdBC7449a9b594CA4E053D9737EC5Dc4CbCcBfb2) |
+| aTokenImpl | [0x589750BA8aF186cE5B55391B0b7148cAD43a1619](https://blockscout.com/xdai/mainnet/address/0x589750BA8aF186cE5B55391B0b7148cAD43a1619) |
+| variableDebtToken | [0xb96404e475f337A7E98e4a541C9b71309BB66c5A](https://blockscout.com/xdai/mainnet/address/0xb96404e475f337A7E98e4a541C9b71309BB66c5A) |
+| variableDebtTokenImpl | [0xBeC519531F0E78BcDdB295242fA4EC5251B38574](https://blockscout.com/xdai/mainnet/address/0xBeC519531F0E78BcDdB295242fA4EC5251B38574) |
+| stableDebtToken | [0x916E13857FeeD0d982Df148DBe8d8542519aB96e](https://blockscout.com/xdai/mainnet/address/0x916E13857FeeD0d982Df148DBe8d8542519aB96e) |
+| stableDebtTokenImpl | [0x06C35Cfd3FC61eC2aC437f0d08840d5776b945af](https://blockscout.com/xdai/mainnet/address/0x06C35Cfd3FC61eC2aC437f0d08840d5776b945af) |
+| borrowingEnabled | true |
+| stableBorrowRateEnabled | false |
+| isBorrowableInIsolation | false |
+| interestRateStrategy | [0x6c3b7e7B8b9609D57C70C3F630228F979EAbb450](https://blockscout.com/xdai/mainnet/address/0x6c3b7e7B8b9609D57C70C3F630228F979EAbb450) |
+| aTokenName | Aave Gnosis EURe |
+| aTokenSymbol | aGnoEURe |
+| isPaused | false |
+| stableDebtTokenName | Aave Gnosis Stable Debt EURe |
+| stableDebtTokenSymbol | stableDebtGnoEURe |
+| variableDebtTokenName | Aave Gnosis Variable Debt EURe |
+| variableDebtTokenSymbol | variableDebtGnoEURe |
+| optimalUsageRatio | 90 % |
+| maxExcessUsageRatio | 10 % |
+| baseVariableBorrowRate | 0 % |
+| variableRateSlope1 | 4 % |
+| variableRateSlope2 | 75 % |
+| baseStableBorrowRate | 5 % |
+| stableRateSlope1 | 4 % |
+| stableRateSlope2 | 75 % |
+| optimalStableToTotalDebtRatio | 20 % |
+| maxExcessStableToTotalDebtRatio | 80 % |
+| interestRate | ![ir](/.assets/64a0110786c519e361963abb7399874664375a85.svg) |
+#### WXDAI ([0xe91D153E0b41518A2Ce8Dd3D7944Fa863463a97d](https://blockscout.com/xdai/mainnet/address/0xe91D153E0b41518A2Ce8Dd3D7944Fa863463a97d))
+| description | value |
+| --- | --- |
+| decimals | 18 |
+| isActive | true |
+| isFrozen | false |
+| supplyCap | 1,500,000 WXDAI |
+| borrowCap | 1,500,000 WXDAI |
+| debtCeiling | 0 $ |
+| isSiloed | false |
+| isFlashloanable | true |
+| eModeCategory | 0 |
+| oracle | [0x678df3415fc31947dA4324eC63212874be5a82f8](https://blockscout.com/xdai/mainnet/address/0x678df3415fc31947dA4324eC63212874be5a82f8) |
+| oracleDecimals | 8 |
+| oracleDescription | DAI / USD |
+| oracleLatestAnswer | 1.000059 |
+| usageAsCollateralEnabled | true |
+| ltv | 77 % |
+| liquidationThreshold | 80 % |
+| liquidationBonus | 5 % |
+| liquidationProtocolFee | 20 % |
+| reserveFactor | 10 % |
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+| aTokenImpl | [0x589750BA8aF186cE5B55391B0b7148cAD43a1619](https://blockscout.com/xdai/mainnet/address/0x589750BA8aF186cE5B55391B0b7148cAD43a1619) |
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+| borrowingEnabled | true |
+| stableBorrowRateEnabled | false |
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+| interestRateStrategy | [0x345f7fcd88207fe060AD03c2656A23A3Ab596479](https://blockscout.com/xdai/mainnet/address/0x345f7fcd88207fe060AD03c2656A23A3Ab596479) |
+| aTokenName | Aave Gnosis WXDAI |
+| aTokenSymbol | aGnoWXDAI |
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+| stableDebtTokenSymbol | stableDebtGnoWXDAI |
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+| variableDebtTokenSymbol | variableDebtGnoWXDAI |
+| optimalUsageRatio | 90 % |
+| maxExcessUsageRatio | 10 % |
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+| variableRateSlope1 | 5 % |
+| variableRateSlope2 | 75 % |
+| baseStableBorrowRate | 6 % |
+| stableRateSlope1 | 5 % |
+| stableRateSlope2 | 75 % |
+| optimalStableToTotalDebtRatio | 20 % |
+| maxExcessStableToTotalDebtRatio | 80 % |
+| interestRate | ![ir](/.assets/541043868751fc5ea1344f681b00906bdf734fdf.svg) |
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\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/foundry.toml b/foundry.toml
index b9c42ba97..1a2e02996 100644
--- a/foundry.toml
+++ b/foundry.toml
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
src = 'src'
test = 'tests'
script = 'scripts'
+solc = '0.8.19'
out = 'out'
libs = ['lib']
remappings = [
diff --git a/generator/utils/importsResolver.ts b/generator/utils/importsResolver.ts
index 0d71d8fd6..b23e8c669 100644
--- a/generator/utils/importsResolver.ts
+++ b/generator/utils/importsResolver.ts
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ function findMatch(code: string, needle: string) {
- * @dev Returnes the input string prefixed with imports
+ * @dev Returns the input string prefixed with imports
* @param code
* @returns
diff --git a/lib/aave-helpers b/lib/aave-helpers
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+ },
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+ "strategies": {}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/20231026_AaveV3Gnosis_AaveV3GnosisActivation/AaveV3GnosisActivation.md b/src/20231026_AaveV3Gnosis_AaveV3GnosisActivation/AaveV3GnosisActivation.md
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index 000000000..03fc4998a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/20231026_AaveV3Gnosis_AaveV3GnosisActivation/AaveV3GnosisActivation.md
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+title: "Aave v3 Gnosis Activation"
+author: "BGD Labs @bgdlabs"
+discussions: "https://governance.aave.com/t/arfc-aave-v3-deployment-on-gnosischain/14695"
+## Simple Summary
+This proposal allows the Aave governance to activate the Aave V3 Gnosis pool (3.0.2) by completing all the initial setup and listing WETH, wstETH, GNO, USDC, wXDAI, EURe and sDAI as suggested by the service providers (ACI, Gauntlet and Chaos Labs) on the [governance forum](https://governance.aave.com/t/arfc-aave-v3-deployment-on-gnosischain/14695/7). All the Aave Gnosis V3 addresses can be found in the [aave-address-book](https://github.com/bgd-labs/aave-address-book/blob/main/src/AaveV3Gnosis.sol).
+## Motivation
+All the governance procedures for the expansion of Aave v3 to Gnosis have been finished, said:
+- Positive signaling and approval regarding the expansion on the [governance forum](https://governance.aave.com/t/temp-check-aave-v3-deployment-on-gnosischain/14514), [temp check snapshot](https://snapshot.org/#/aave.eth/proposal/0x659d9d54c19fb6b00e1b6061331d3d7d5d5ceab552c76e24dc1a6fe9a15d2c8d), and [final snapshot](https://snapshot.org/#/aave.eth/proposal/0xb62c93a8b3590dc46eed92b223da5fcbbf6b52f1f79a0c2fcd80bbc0afea59d8).
+- Positive technical evaluation done by BGD Labs of the Gnosis chain network, as described in the [forum](https://governance.aave.com/t/bgd-aave-gnosischain-infrastructure-technical-evaluation/14915) in detail.
+- Positive risk analysis and assets/parameters recommendation by the service providers ACI, Gauntlet and Chaos Labs as commented on the forum.
+- Additionally listing sDAI as approved separately on the [forum](https://governance.aave.com/t/arfc-sdai-onboarding-on-aave-v3-gnosis-pool/15111) and [snapshot](https://snapshot.org/#/aave.eth/proposal/0x31703294f1129b579e98f9384fc95ad39e13eafca127f036d0cc20e927d98f56).
+## Specification
+The proposal will do the following:
+- Set risk steward and freezing steward as the risk admin by executing `ACL_MANAGER.addRiskAdmin()`.
+- Set the guardian address as the pool admin by executing `ACL_MANAGER.addPoolAdmin()`.
+ This is following the standard procedure of keeping pool admin on the Aave Guardian during the bootstrap period, for security.
+- List the following assets on Aave V3 Gnosis: wETH, wstETH, GNO, USDC, wXDAI, sDAI, EURe.
+The table below illustrates the initial suggested risk parameters for each asset, as passed via the snapshot.
+| | wETH | wstETH | GNO | USDC | wxDAI | EURe | sDAI |
+| ---------------------------------- | -------------- | -------------- | --------- | ------- | --------- | --------- | --------- |
+| Loan To Value | 75% | 75% | 31% | 77% | 77% | 0% | 77% |
+| Liquidation Threshold | 78% | 78% | 36% | 80% | 80% | 0% | 80% |
+| Liquidation Protocol Fee | 10% | 10% | 10% | 20% | 20% | 10% | 20% |
+| Liquidation Bonus | 6% | 6% | 10% | 5% | 5% | 0% | 5% |
+| Reserve Factor | 15% | 15% | 15% | 10% | 10% | 15% | 10% |
+| Enable Borrow | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | No |
+| Enable Collateral | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
+| Supply Cap | 4000 wETH | 4000 wstETH | 30000 GNO | 1M USDC | 1.5M xDAI | 0.5M EURe | 1.5M sDAI |
+| Borrow Cap | 3500 wETH | 400 wstETH | 0 GNO | 1M USDC | 1.5M xDAI | 0.5M EURe | 0 sDAI |
+| E-mode category | ETH Correlated | ETH Correlated | None | None | None | None | None |
+| Isolation Mode | No | No | Yes | No | No | No | No |
+| Flashloanable | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
+| Siloed Borrowing | No | No | No | No | No | No | No |
+| Debt Ceiling | 0 | 0 | $1M | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
+| Stable Borrow | No | No | No | No | No | No | No |
+| uOptimal | 80% | 45% | 45% | 90% | 90% | 90% | 90% |
+| Base Variable Borrow Rate | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% |
+| Variable Rate Slope1 | 3.3% | 7% | 7% | 5% | 5% | 4% | 4% |
+| Variable Rate Slope 2 | 80% | 300% | 300% | 75% | 75% | 75% | 75% |
+| Stable Rate Slope 1 | 4% | 7% | 7% | 5% | 5% | 4% | 4% |
+| Stable Rate Slope 2 | 80% | 300% | 300% | 75% | 75% | 75% | 75% |
+| Base Stable Rate Offset | 2% | 2% | 2% | 1% | 1% | 1% | 1% |
+| Stable Rate Excess Offset | 8% | 8% | 8% | 8% | 8% | 8% | 8% |
+| Optimal Stable To Total Debt Ratio | 20% | 20% | 20% | 20% | 20% | 20% | 20% |
+| Category Id | Category Label | Assets included | LT | LTV | Liquidation Bonus |
+| ----------- | -------------- | --------------- | --- | --- | ----------------- |
+| 1 | ETH Correlated | WETH, wstETH | 93% | 90% | 1% |
+sDAI adapter: [0x1D0f881Ce1a646E2f27Dec3c57Fa056cB838BCC2](https://gnosisscan.io/address/0x1D0f881Ce1a646E2f27Dec3c57Fa056cB838BCC2)
+wstETH adapter: [0xcb0670258e5961cca85d8f71d29c1167ef20de99](https://gnosisscan.io/address/0xcb0670258e5961cca85d8f71d29c1167ef20de99)
+Risk Steward: [0x33AE1f41546a2e05368Bf789b3d868813c0Ae658](https://gnosisscan.io/address/0x33AE1f41546a2e05368Bf789b3d868813c0Ae658)
+Freezing Steward: [0x3Ceaf9b6CAb92dFe6302D0CC3F1BA880C28d35e5](https://gnosisscan.io/address/0x3Ceaf9b6CAb92dFe6302D0CC3F1BA880C28d35e5)
+## Security
+The proposal execution is simulated within the tests and the resulting pool configuration is tested for correctness.
+The deployed pool and other permissions have been programmatically verified.
+In addition, we have also checked the code diffs of the deployed base contracts with the deployed contracts on Ethereum and other networks.
+As a matter of caution, the `POOL_ADMIN` role will be given for the first weeks to the Aave Guardian multisig.
+## References
+- Implementation: [AaveV3Gnosis](https://github.com/bgd-labs/aave-proposals-v3/blob/main/src/20231026_AaveV3Gnosis_AaveV3GnosisActivation/AaveV3Gnosis_AaveV3GnosisActivation_20231026.sol)
+- Tests: [AaveV3Gnosis](https://github.com/bgd-labs/aave-proposals-v3/blob/main/src/20231026_AaveV3Gnosis_AaveV3GnosisActivation/AaveV3Gnosis_AaveV3GnosisActivation_20231026.t.sol)
+- [Snapshot](https://snapshot.org/#/aave.eth/proposal/0xb62c93a8b3590dc46eed92b223da5fcbbf6b52f1f79a0c2fcd80bbc0afea59d8)
+- [Discussion](https://governance.aave.com/t/arfc-aave-v3-deployment-on-gnosischain/14695)
+## Copyright
+Copyright and related rights waived via [CC0](https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/).
diff --git a/src/20231026_AaveV3Gnosis_AaveV3GnosisActivation/AaveV3GnosisActivation_20231026.s.sol b/src/20231026_AaveV3Gnosis_AaveV3GnosisActivation/AaveV3GnosisActivation_20231026.s.sol
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ccdcac92c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/20231026_AaveV3Gnosis_AaveV3GnosisActivation/AaveV3GnosisActivation_20231026.s.sol
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
+import {GovV3Helpers, IPayloadsControllerCore, PayloadsControllerUtils} from 'aave-helpers/GovV3Helpers.sol';
+import {EthereumScript, GnosisScript} from 'aave-helpers/ScriptUtils.sol';
+import {AaveV3Gnosis_AaveV3GnosisActivation_20231026} from './AaveV3Gnosis_AaveV3GnosisActivation_20231026.sol';
+ * @dev Deploy Gnosis
+ * command: make deploy-ledger contract=src/20231026_AaveV3Gnosis_AaveV3GnosisActivation/AaveV3GnosisActivation_20231026.s.sol:DeployGnosis chain=gnosis
+ */
+contract DeployGnosis is GnosisScript {
+ function run() external broadcast {
+ // deploy payloads
+ AaveV3Gnosis_AaveV3GnosisActivation_20231026 payload0 = new AaveV3Gnosis_AaveV3GnosisActivation_20231026();
+ // compose action
+ IPayloadsControllerCore.ExecutionAction[]
+ memory actions = new IPayloadsControllerCore.ExecutionAction[](1);
+ actions[0] = GovV3Helpers.buildAction(address(payload0));
+ // register action at payloadsController
+ GovV3Helpers.createPayload(actions);
+ }
+ * @dev Create Proposal
+ * command: make deploy-ledger contract=src/20231026_AaveV3Gnosis_AaveV3GnosisActivation/AaveV3GnosisActivation_20231026.s.sol:CreateProposal chain=mainnet
+ */
+contract CreateProposal is EthereumScript {
+ function run() external {
+ // create payloads
+ PayloadsControllerUtils.Payload[] memory payloads = new PayloadsControllerUtils.Payload[](1);
+ // compose actions for validation
+ IPayloadsControllerCore.ExecutionAction[]
+ memory actionsGnosis = new IPayloadsControllerCore.ExecutionAction[](1);
+ actionsGnosis[0] = GovV3Helpers.buildAction(0x6Cf806CF51749bE514B7055b6fDBe346aee47B7b);
+ payloads[0] = GovV3Helpers.buildGnosisPayload(vm, actionsGnosis);
+ // create proposal
+ vm.startBroadcast();
+ GovV3Helpers.createProposal2_5(
+ payloads,
+ GovV3Helpers.ipfsHashFile(
+ vm,
+ 'src/20231026_AaveV3Gnosis_AaveV3GnosisActivation/AaveV3GnosisActivation.md'
+ )
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/src/20231026_AaveV3Gnosis_AaveV3GnosisActivation/AaveV3Gnosis_AaveV3GnosisActivation_20231026.sol b/src/20231026_AaveV3Gnosis_AaveV3GnosisActivation/AaveV3Gnosis_AaveV3GnosisActivation_20231026.sol
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..871fb1329
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/20231026_AaveV3Gnosis_AaveV3GnosisActivation/AaveV3Gnosis_AaveV3GnosisActivation_20231026.sol
@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
+import {AaveV3Gnosis} from 'aave-address-book/AaveV3Gnosis.sol';
+import {IPool} from 'aave-address-book/AaveV3.sol';
+import {AaveV3PayloadGnosis} from 'aave-helpers/v3-config-engine/AaveV3PayloadGnosis.sol';
+import {EngineFlags} from 'aave-helpers/v3-config-engine/EngineFlags.sol';
+import {IAaveV3ConfigEngine} from 'aave-helpers/v3-config-engine/IAaveV3ConfigEngine.sol';
+import {IV3RateStrategyFactory} from 'aave-helpers/v3-config-engine/IV3RateStrategyFactory.sol';
+import {IERC20} from 'solidity-utils/contracts/oz-common/interfaces/IERC20.sol';
+import {SafeERC20} from 'solidity-utils/contracts/oz-common/SafeERC20.sol';
+ * @title Aave v3 Gnosis Activation
+ * @author BGD Labs
+ * - Snapshot: https://snapshot.org/#/aave.eth/proposal/0xb62c93a8b3590dc46eed92b223da5fcbbf6b52f1f79a0c2fcd80bbc0afea59d8
+ * - Discussion: https://governance.aave.com/t/arfc-aave-v3-deployment-on-gnosischain/14695
+ */
+contract AaveV3Gnosis_AaveV3GnosisActivation_20231026 is AaveV3PayloadGnosis {
+ using SafeERC20 for IERC20;
+ address public constant WETH = 0x6A023CCd1ff6F2045C3309768eAd9E68F978f6e1;
+ address public constant wstETH = 0x6C76971f98945AE98dD7d4DFcA8711ebea946eA6;
+ address public constant GNO = 0x9C58BAcC331c9aa871AFD802DB6379a98e80CEdb;
+ address public constant USDC = 0xDDAfbb505ad214D7b80b1f830fcCc89B60fb7A83;
+ address public constant WXDAI = 0xe91D153E0b41518A2Ce8Dd3D7944Fa863463a97d;
+ address public constant EURe = 0xcB444e90D8198415266c6a2724b7900fb12FC56E;
+ address public constant sDAI = 0xaf204776c7245bF4147c2612BF6e5972Ee483701;
+ address public constant GUARDIAN = 0xF163b8698821cefbD33Cf449764d69Ea445cE23D;
+ address public constant FREEZING_STEWARD = 0x3Ceaf9b6CAb92dFe6302D0CC3F1BA880C28d35e5;
+ function _postExecute() internal override {
+ AaveV3Gnosis.ACL_MANAGER.addPoolAdmin(GUARDIAN);
+ AaveV3Gnosis.ACL_MANAGER.addRiskAdmin(AaveV3Gnosis.CAPS_PLUS_RISK_STEWARD);
+ _supply(AaveV3Gnosis.POOL, WETH, 0.01 * 1e18, address(AaveV3Gnosis.COLLECTOR));
+ _supply(AaveV3Gnosis.POOL, wstETH, 0.01 * 1e18, address(AaveV3Gnosis.COLLECTOR));
+ _supply(AaveV3Gnosis.POOL, GNO, 0.1 * 1e18, address(AaveV3Gnosis.COLLECTOR));
+ _supply(AaveV3Gnosis.POOL, USDC, 10 * 1e6, address(AaveV3Gnosis.COLLECTOR));
+ _supply(AaveV3Gnosis.POOL, WXDAI, 10 * 1e18, address(AaveV3Gnosis.COLLECTOR));
+ _supply(AaveV3Gnosis.POOL, EURe, 10 * 1e18, address(AaveV3Gnosis.COLLECTOR));
+ _supply(AaveV3Gnosis.POOL, sDAI, 10 * 1e18, address(AaveV3Gnosis.COLLECTOR));
+ }
+ function eModeCategoriesUpdates()
+ public
+ pure
+ override
+ returns (IAaveV3ConfigEngine.EModeCategoryUpdate[] memory)
+ {
+ IAaveV3ConfigEngine.EModeCategoryUpdate[]
+ memory eModeUpdates = new IAaveV3ConfigEngine.EModeCategoryUpdate[](1);
+ eModeUpdates[0] = IAaveV3ConfigEngine.EModeCategoryUpdate({
+ eModeCategory: 1,
+ ltv: 90_00,
+ liqThreshold: 93_00,
+ liqBonus: 1_00,
+ priceSource: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000,
+ label: 'ETH correlated'
+ });
+ return eModeUpdates;
+ }
+ function newListings() public pure override returns (IAaveV3ConfigEngine.Listing[] memory) {
+ IAaveV3ConfigEngine.Listing[] memory listings = new IAaveV3ConfigEngine.Listing[](7);
+ listings[0] = IAaveV3ConfigEngine.Listing({
+ asset: WETH,
+ assetSymbol: 'WETH',
+ priceFeed: 0xa767f745331D267c7751297D982b050c93985627,
+ eModeCategory: 1,
+ enabledToBorrow: EngineFlags.ENABLED,
+ stableRateModeEnabled: EngineFlags.DISABLED,
+ borrowableInIsolation: EngineFlags.DISABLED,
+ withSiloedBorrowing: EngineFlags.DISABLED,
+ flashloanable: EngineFlags.ENABLED,
+ ltv: 75_00,
+ liqThreshold: 78_00,
+ liqBonus: 6_00,
+ reserveFactor: 15_00,
+ supplyCap: 4_000,
+ borrowCap: 3_500,
+ debtCeiling: 0,
+ liqProtocolFee: 10_00,
+ rateStrategyParams: IV3RateStrategyFactory.RateStrategyParams({
+ optimalUsageRatio: _bpsToRay(80_00),
+ baseVariableBorrowRate: 0,
+ variableRateSlope1: _bpsToRay(3_30),
+ variableRateSlope2: _bpsToRay(80_00),
+ stableRateSlope1: _bpsToRay(4_00),
+ stableRateSlope2: _bpsToRay(80_00),
+ baseStableRateOffset: _bpsToRay(2_00),
+ stableRateExcessOffset: _bpsToRay(8_00),
+ optimalStableToTotalDebtRatio: _bpsToRay(20_00)
+ })
+ });
+ listings[1] = IAaveV3ConfigEngine.Listing({
+ asset: wstETH,
+ assetSymbol: 'wstETH',
+ priceFeed: 0xcb0670258e5961CCA85D8F71D29C1167Ef20De99,
+ eModeCategory: 1,
+ enabledToBorrow: EngineFlags.ENABLED,
+ stableRateModeEnabled: EngineFlags.DISABLED,
+ borrowableInIsolation: EngineFlags.DISABLED,
+ withSiloedBorrowing: EngineFlags.DISABLED,
+ flashloanable: EngineFlags.ENABLED,
+ ltv: 75_00,
+ liqThreshold: 78_00,
+ liqBonus: 6_00,
+ reserveFactor: 15_00,
+ supplyCap: 4_000,
+ borrowCap: 400,
+ debtCeiling: 0,
+ liqProtocolFee: 10_00,
+ rateStrategyParams: IV3RateStrategyFactory.RateStrategyParams({
+ optimalUsageRatio: _bpsToRay(45_00),
+ baseVariableBorrowRate: 0,
+ variableRateSlope1: _bpsToRay(7_00),
+ variableRateSlope2: _bpsToRay(300_00),
+ stableRateSlope1: _bpsToRay(7_00),
+ stableRateSlope2: _bpsToRay(300_00),
+ baseStableRateOffset: _bpsToRay(2_00),
+ stableRateExcessOffset: _bpsToRay(8_00),
+ optimalStableToTotalDebtRatio: _bpsToRay(20_00)
+ })
+ });
+ listings[2] = IAaveV3ConfigEngine.Listing({
+ asset: GNO,
+ assetSymbol: 'GNO',
+ priceFeed: 0x22441d81416430A54336aB28765abd31a792Ad37,
+ eModeCategory: 0,
+ enabledToBorrow: EngineFlags.DISABLED,
+ stableRateModeEnabled: EngineFlags.DISABLED,
+ borrowableInIsolation: EngineFlags.DISABLED,
+ withSiloedBorrowing: EngineFlags.DISABLED,
+ flashloanable: EngineFlags.ENABLED,
+ ltv: 31_00,
+ liqThreshold: 36_00,
+ liqBonus: 10_00,
+ reserveFactor: 15_00,
+ supplyCap: 30_000,
+ borrowCap: 0,
+ debtCeiling: 1_000_000,
+ liqProtocolFee: 10_00,
+ rateStrategyParams: IV3RateStrategyFactory.RateStrategyParams({
+ optimalUsageRatio: _bpsToRay(45_00),
+ baseVariableBorrowRate: 0,
+ variableRateSlope1: _bpsToRay(7_00),
+ variableRateSlope2: _bpsToRay(300_00),
+ stableRateSlope1: _bpsToRay(7_00),
+ stableRateSlope2: _bpsToRay(300_00),
+ baseStableRateOffset: _bpsToRay(2_00),
+ stableRateExcessOffset: _bpsToRay(8_00),
+ optimalStableToTotalDebtRatio: _bpsToRay(20_00)
+ })
+ });
+ listings[3] = IAaveV3ConfigEngine.Listing({
+ asset: USDC,
+ assetSymbol: 'USDC',
+ priceFeed: 0x26C31ac71010aF62E6B486D1132E266D6298857D,
+ eModeCategory: 0,
+ enabledToBorrow: EngineFlags.ENABLED,
+ stableRateModeEnabled: EngineFlags.DISABLED,
+ borrowableInIsolation: EngineFlags.ENABLED,
+ withSiloedBorrowing: EngineFlags.DISABLED,
+ flashloanable: EngineFlags.ENABLED,
+ ltv: 77_00,
+ liqThreshold: 80_00,
+ liqBonus: 5_00,
+ reserveFactor: 10_00,
+ supplyCap: 1_000_000,
+ borrowCap: 1_000_000,
+ debtCeiling: 0,
+ liqProtocolFee: 20_00,
+ rateStrategyParams: IV3RateStrategyFactory.RateStrategyParams({
+ optimalUsageRatio: _bpsToRay(90_00),
+ baseVariableBorrowRate: 0,
+ variableRateSlope1: _bpsToRay(5_00),
+ variableRateSlope2: _bpsToRay(75_00),
+ stableRateSlope1: _bpsToRay(5_00),
+ stableRateSlope2: _bpsToRay(75_00),
+ baseStableRateOffset: _bpsToRay(1_00),
+ stableRateExcessOffset: _bpsToRay(8_00),
+ optimalStableToTotalDebtRatio: _bpsToRay(20_00)
+ })
+ });
+ listings[4] = IAaveV3ConfigEngine.Listing({
+ asset: WXDAI,
+ assetSymbol: 'WXDAI',
+ priceFeed: 0x678df3415fc31947dA4324eC63212874be5a82f8,
+ eModeCategory: 0,
+ enabledToBorrow: EngineFlags.ENABLED,
+ stableRateModeEnabled: EngineFlags.DISABLED,
+ borrowableInIsolation: EngineFlags.ENABLED,
+ withSiloedBorrowing: EngineFlags.DISABLED,
+ flashloanable: EngineFlags.ENABLED,
+ ltv: 77_00,
+ liqThreshold: 80_00,
+ liqBonus: 5_00,
+ reserveFactor: 10_00,
+ supplyCap: 1_500_000,
+ borrowCap: 1_500_000,
+ debtCeiling: 0,
+ liqProtocolFee: 20_00,
+ rateStrategyParams: IV3RateStrategyFactory.RateStrategyParams({
+ optimalUsageRatio: _bpsToRay(90_00),
+ baseVariableBorrowRate: 0,
+ variableRateSlope1: _bpsToRay(5_00),
+ variableRateSlope2: _bpsToRay(75_00),
+ stableRateSlope1: _bpsToRay(5_00),
+ stableRateSlope2: _bpsToRay(75_00),
+ baseStableRateOffset: _bpsToRay(1_00),
+ stableRateExcessOffset: _bpsToRay(8_00),
+ optimalStableToTotalDebtRatio: _bpsToRay(20_00)
+ })
+ });
+ listings[5] = IAaveV3ConfigEngine.Listing({
+ asset: EURe,
+ assetSymbol: 'EURe',
+ priceFeed: 0xab70BCB260073d036d1660201e9d5405F5829b7a,
+ eModeCategory: 0,
+ enabledToBorrow: EngineFlags.ENABLED,
+ stableRateModeEnabled: EngineFlags.DISABLED,
+ borrowableInIsolation: EngineFlags.DISABLED,
+ withSiloedBorrowing: EngineFlags.DISABLED,
+ flashloanable: EngineFlags.ENABLED,
+ ltv: 0,
+ liqThreshold: 0,
+ liqBonus: 0,
+ reserveFactor: 15_00,
+ supplyCap: 500_000,
+ borrowCap: 500_000,
+ debtCeiling: 0,
+ liqProtocolFee: 10_00,
+ rateStrategyParams: IV3RateStrategyFactory.RateStrategyParams({
+ optimalUsageRatio: _bpsToRay(90_00),
+ baseVariableBorrowRate: 0,
+ variableRateSlope1: _bpsToRay(4_00),
+ variableRateSlope2: _bpsToRay(75_00),
+ stableRateSlope1: _bpsToRay(4_00),
+ stableRateSlope2: _bpsToRay(75_00),
+ baseStableRateOffset: _bpsToRay(1_00),
+ stableRateExcessOffset: _bpsToRay(8_00),
+ optimalStableToTotalDebtRatio: _bpsToRay(20_00)
+ })
+ });
+ listings[6] = IAaveV3ConfigEngine.Listing({
+ asset: sDAI,
+ assetSymbol: 'sDAI',
+ priceFeed: 0x1D0f881Ce1a646E2f27Dec3c57Fa056cB838BCC2,
+ eModeCategory: 0,
+ enabledToBorrow: EngineFlags.DISABLED,
+ stableRateModeEnabled: EngineFlags.DISABLED,
+ borrowableInIsolation: EngineFlags.DISABLED,
+ withSiloedBorrowing: EngineFlags.DISABLED,
+ flashloanable: EngineFlags.ENABLED,
+ ltv: 77_00,
+ liqThreshold: 80_00,
+ liqBonus: 5_00,
+ reserveFactor: 10_00,
+ supplyCap: 1_500_000,
+ borrowCap: 0,
+ debtCeiling: 0,
+ liqProtocolFee: 20_00,
+ rateStrategyParams: IV3RateStrategyFactory.RateStrategyParams({
+ optimalUsageRatio: _bpsToRay(90_00),
+ baseVariableBorrowRate: 0,
+ variableRateSlope1: _bpsToRay(4_00),
+ variableRateSlope2: _bpsToRay(75_00),
+ stableRateSlope1: _bpsToRay(4_00),
+ stableRateSlope2: _bpsToRay(75_00),
+ baseStableRateOffset: _bpsToRay(1_00),
+ stableRateExcessOffset: _bpsToRay(8_00),
+ optimalStableToTotalDebtRatio: _bpsToRay(20_00)
+ })
+ });
+ return listings;
+ }
+ function _supply(IPool pool, address asset, uint256 amount, address onBehalfOf) internal {
+ IERC20(asset).forceApprove(address(pool), amount);
+ pool.supply(asset, amount, onBehalfOf, 0);
+ }
diff --git a/src/20231026_AaveV3Gnosis_AaveV3GnosisActivation/AaveV3Gnosis_AaveV3GnosisActivation_20231026.t.sol b/src/20231026_AaveV3Gnosis_AaveV3GnosisActivation/AaveV3Gnosis_AaveV3GnosisActivation_20231026.t.sol
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d8318cc00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/20231026_AaveV3Gnosis_AaveV3GnosisActivation/AaveV3Gnosis_AaveV3GnosisActivation_20231026.t.sol
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
+import {GovV3Helpers} from 'aave-helpers/GovV3Helpers.sol';
+import {AaveV3Gnosis} from 'aave-address-book/AaveV3Gnosis.sol';
+import {IERC20} from 'solidity-utils/contracts/oz-common/interfaces/IERC20.sol';
+import {GovernanceV3Gnosis} from 'aave-address-book/GovernanceV3Gnosis.sol';
+import {ProtocolV3TestBase, ReserveConfig} from 'aave-helpers/ProtocolV3TestBase.sol';
+import {AaveV3Gnosis_AaveV3GnosisActivation_20231026} from './AaveV3Gnosis_AaveV3GnosisActivation_20231026.sol';
+ * @dev Test for AaveV3Gnosis_AaveV3GnosisActivation_20231026
+ * command: make test-contract filter=AaveV3Gnosis_AaveV3GnosisActivation_20231026
+ */
+contract AaveV3Gnosis_AaveV3GnosisActivation_20231026_Test is ProtocolV3TestBase {
+ AaveV3Gnosis_AaveV3GnosisActivation_20231026 internal proposal;
+ address constant DEPLOYER = 0x956DE559DFc27678FD69d4f49f485196b50BDD0F;
+ function setUp() public {
+ vm.createSelectFork(vm.rpcUrl('gnosis'), 30721143);
+ proposal = new AaveV3Gnosis_AaveV3GnosisActivation_20231026();
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dev executes the generic test suite including e2e and config snapshots
+ */
+ function test_defaultProposalExecution() public {
+ defaultTest(
+ 'AaveV3Gnosis_AaveV3GnosisActivation_20231026',
+ AaveV3Gnosis.POOL,
+ address(proposal)
+ );
+ }
+ function test_AdminPermissions() public {
+ GovV3Helpers.executePayload(vm, address(proposal));
+ assertTrue(AaveV3Gnosis.ACL_MANAGER.isRiskAdmin(AaveV3Gnosis.CAPS_PLUS_RISK_STEWARD));
+ assertTrue(AaveV3Gnosis.ACL_MANAGER.isRiskAdmin(proposal.FREEZING_STEWARD()));
+ assertTrue(AaveV3Gnosis.ACL_MANAGER.isPoolAdmin(proposal.GUARDIAN()));
+ }
+ function test_collectorHasWETHFunds() public {
+ GovV3Helpers.executePayload(vm, address(proposal));
+ (address aTokenAddress, , ) = AaveV3Gnosis
+ .getReserveTokensAddresses(proposal.WETH());
+ assertGe(IERC20(aTokenAddress).balanceOf(address(AaveV3Gnosis.COLLECTOR)), 0.01 * 1e18);
+ }
+ function test_collectorHaswstETHFunds() public {
+ GovV3Helpers.executePayload(vm, address(proposal));
+ (address aTokenAddress, , ) = AaveV3Gnosis
+ .getReserveTokensAddresses(proposal.wstETH());
+ assertGe(IERC20(aTokenAddress).balanceOf(address(AaveV3Gnosis.COLLECTOR)), 0.01 * 1e18);
+ }
+ function test_collectorHasGNOFunds() public {
+ GovV3Helpers.executePayload(vm, address(proposal));
+ (address aTokenAddress, , ) = AaveV3Gnosis
+ .getReserveTokensAddresses(proposal.GNO());
+ assertGe(IERC20(aTokenAddress).balanceOf(address(AaveV3Gnosis.COLLECTOR)), 0.1 * 1e18);
+ }
+ function test_collectorHasUSDCFunds() public {
+ GovV3Helpers.executePayload(vm, address(proposal));
+ (address aTokenAddress, , ) = AaveV3Gnosis
+ .getReserveTokensAddresses(proposal.USDC());
+ assertGe(IERC20(aTokenAddress).balanceOf(address(AaveV3Gnosis.COLLECTOR)), 10 * 1e6);
+ }
+ function test_collectorHasWXDAIFunds() public {
+ GovV3Helpers.executePayload(vm, address(proposal));
+ (address aTokenAddress, , ) = AaveV3Gnosis
+ .getReserveTokensAddresses(proposal.WXDAI());
+ assertGe(IERC20(aTokenAddress).balanceOf(address(AaveV3Gnosis.COLLECTOR)), 10 * 1e18);
+ }
+ function test_collectorHasEUReFunds() public {
+ GovV3Helpers.executePayload(vm, address(proposal));
+ (address aTokenAddress, , ) = AaveV3Gnosis
+ .getReserveTokensAddresses(proposal.EURe());
+ assertGe(IERC20(aTokenAddress).balanceOf(address(AaveV3Gnosis.COLLECTOR)), 10 * 1e18);
+ }
+ function test_collectorHasSDAIFunds() public {
+ GovV3Helpers.executePayload(vm, address(proposal));
+ (address aTokenAddress, , ) = AaveV3Gnosis
+ .getReserveTokensAddresses(proposal.sDAI());
+ assertGe(IERC20(aTokenAddress).balanceOf(address(AaveV3Gnosis.COLLECTOR)), 10 * 1e18);
+ }
diff --git a/src/20231026_AaveV3Gnosis_AaveV3GnosisActivation/config.json b/src/20231026_AaveV3Gnosis_AaveV3GnosisActivation/config.json
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/20231026_AaveV3Gnosis_AaveV3GnosisActivation/config.json
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+ "rootOptions": {
+ "pools": [
+ "AaveV3Gnosis"
+ ],
+ "title": "Aave v3 Gnosis Activation",
+ "shortName": "AaveV3GnosisActivation",
+ "date": "20231026",
+ "author": "BGD Labs",
+ "discussion": "https://governance.aave.com/t/arfc-aave-v3-deployment-on-gnosischain/14695",
+ "snapshot": "https://snapshot.org/#/aave.eth/proposal/0xb62c93a8b3590dc46eed92b223da5fcbbf6b52f1f79a0c2fcd80bbc0afea59d8"
+ },
+ "poolOptions": {
+ "AaveV3Gnosis": {
+ "configs": {
+ {
+ "eModeCategory": "1",
+ "ltv": "90_00",
+ "liqThreshold": "93_00",
+ "liqBonus": "1_00",
+ "priceSource": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
+ "label": "ETH correlated"
+ }
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+ "liqBonus": "6_00",
+ "debtCeiling": "0",
+ "liqProtocolFee": "10_00",
+ "enabledToBorrow": "EngineFlags.ENABLED",
+ "flashloanable": "EngineFlags.ENABLED",
+ "stableRateModeEnabled": "EngineFlags.DISABLED",
+ "borrowableInIsolation": "EngineFlags.DISABLED",
+ "withSiloedBorrowing": "EngineFlags.DISABLED",
+ "reserveFactor": "15_00",
+ "supplyCap": "4_000_000",
+ "borrowCap": "3_500_000",
+ "rateStrategyParams": {
+ "optimalUtilizationRate": "_bpsToRay(80_00)",
+ "baseVariableBorrowRate": "_bpsToRay(0_00)",
+ "variableRateSlope1": "_bpsToRay(3.3)",
+ "variableRateSlope2": "_bpsToRay(80_00)",
+ "stableRateSlope1": "_bpsToRay(4_00)",
+ "stableRateSlope2": "_bpsToRay(80_00)",
+ "baseStableRateOffset": "_bpsToRay(2_00)",
+ "stableRateExcessOffset": "_bpsToRay(8_00)",
+ "optimalStableToTotalDebtRatio": "_bpsToRay(20_00)"
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+ },
+ {
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+ "debtCeiling": "0",
+ "liqProtocolFee": "10_00",
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+ "flashloanable": "EngineFlags.ENABLED",
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+ "withSiloedBorrowing": "EngineFlags.DISABLED",
+ "reserveFactor": "15_00",
+ "supplyCap": "4_000_000",
+ "borrowCap": "400_000",
+ "rateStrategyParams": {
+ "optimalUtilizationRate": "_bpsToRay(45_00)",
+ "baseVariableBorrowRate": "_bpsToRay(0_00)",
+ "variableRateSlope1": "_bpsToRay(7_00)",
+ "variableRateSlope2": "_bpsToRay(300_00)",
+ "stableRateSlope1": "_bpsToRay(7_00)",
+ "stableRateSlope2": "_bpsToRay(300_00)",
+ "baseStableRateOffset": "_bpsToRay(2_00)",
+ "stableRateExcessOffset": "_bpsToRay(8_00)",
+ "optimalStableToTotalDebtRatio": "_bpsToRay(20_00)"
+ },
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+ },
+ {
+ "assetSymbol": "GNO",
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+ "liqProtocolFee": "10_00",
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+ "flashloanable": "EngineFlags.DISABLED",
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+ "withSiloedBorrowing": "EngineFlags.DISABLED",
+ "reserveFactor": "15_00",
+ "supplyCap": "30_000_000",
+ "borrowCap": "0",
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+ "optimalUtilizationRate": "_bpsToRay(45_00)",
+ "baseVariableBorrowRate": "_bpsToRay(0_00)",
+ "variableRateSlope1": "_bpsToRay(7_00)",
+ "variableRateSlope2": "_bpsToRay(300_00)",
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+ "stableRateSlope2": "_bpsToRay(300_00)",
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+ "stableRateExcessOffset": "_bpsToRay(8_00)",
+ "optimalStableToTotalDebtRatio": "_bpsToRay(20_00)"
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+ "stableRateModeEnabled": "EngineFlags.DISABLED",
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+ "withSiloedBorrowing": "EngineFlags.DISABLED",
+ "reserveFactor": "10_00",
+ "supplyCap": "1_000_000_000",
+ "borrowCap": "1_000_000_000",
+ "rateStrategyParams": {
+ "optimalUtilizationRate": "_bpsToRay(90_00)",
+ "baseVariableBorrowRate": "_bpsToRay(0_00)",
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+ "variableRateSlope2": "_bpsToRay(75_00)",
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+ "optimalStableToTotalDebtRatio": "_bpsToRay(20_00)"
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+ },
+ {
+ "assetSymbol": "XDAI",
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+ "ltv": "77_00",
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+ "withSiloedBorrowing": "EngineFlags.DISABLED",
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+ "supplyCap": "1_500_000_000",
+ "borrowCap": "1_500_000_000",
+ "rateStrategyParams": {
+ "optimalUtilizationRate": "_bpsToRay(90_00)",
+ "baseVariableBorrowRate": "_bpsToRay(0_00)",
+ "variableRateSlope1": "_bpsToRay(4_00)",
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+ "stableRateSlope2": "_bpsToRay(75_00)",
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+ "optimalUtilizationRate": "_bpsToRay(90_00)",
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+ "variableRateSlope1": "_bpsToRay(4_00)",
+ "variableRateSlope2": "_bpsToRay(75_00)",
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