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GoSub: Gateway to Optimized Searching and Unlimited Browsing

This repository holds the GoSub HTML5 parser/tokenizer. It is a standalone library that can be used by other projects but will ultimately be used by the GoSub browser. See the About section for more information.

                      | |    
  __ _  ___  ___ _   _| |__  
 / _` |/ _ \/ __| | | | '_ \ 
| (_| | (_) \__ \ |_| | |_) |
 \__, |\___/|___/\__,_|_.__/ 
  __/ |  The Gateway to                    
 |___/   Optimized Searching and 
         Unlimited Browsing                    


This repository is part of the GoSub browser project. Currently, there is only a single component/repository (this one), but the idea will be that there are many other components that, as a whole, make up a full-fledged browser. Each of the components can probably function as something standalone (ie, html5 parser, CSS parser, etc.).

In the future, this component (HTML5 parser) will receive a stream of bytes through an API and output a stream of events. The next component will consume the events, and so on, until we can display something in a window/user agent. This could be a text-mode browser, but the idea is to have a graphical browser.


This project is in its infancy. There is no browser you can use yet.

This is a work in progress. The current status is that the parser can parse a few HTML5 documents, but it is far from ready. The main goal is to be able to parse correctly all the tests in the html5lib-tests repository (

Our goal at the moment is to research as much as possible and to setup proof-of-concepts in order to gain more understanding in the field of browsers. We are not trying to create a full-fledged browser at the moment, but it will be our ultimate goal.

How to build

This project uses cargo and rustup. First you must install rustup at the link provided. After installing rustup, run:

$ rustup toolchain install 1.73
$ rustc --version
rustc 1.73.0 (cc66ad468 2023-10-03)

Once Rust is installed, run this command to build the project:

$ cargo build

Doing this will create the following binaries:

File Type Description
target/debug/gosub-parser bin The actual html5 parser/tokenizer
target/debug/parser-test bin A test suite for the parser that tests specific tests
target/debug/html5-parser-tests bin A test suite that tests all html5lib tests for the treebuilding
target/debug/test-user-agent bin A simple placeholder user agent for testing purposes

You can then run the binaries like so:

$ ./target/debug/gosub-parser
$ ./target/debug/parser-test

To build the release build, run:

$ cargo build --release
$ ./target/release/gosub-parser

To run the tests and benchmark suite, do:

$ make test
$ cargo bench
$ ls target/criterion/report 